Importance of agriculture

David G

Well-known Member
There have been questions on this.

I consider the stability of agriculture critical to our national defense and growth.

Too bad it is becoming owned by big business, but everything is.
Agriculture is very important but if you want to survive it needs to be run like a business and be somewhat profitable. It doesn?t matter how much you love it or how good you are at plowing or looking after cattle. If the numbers don?t work your done. What?s taking over agriculture here is business people buying up land and hiring managers and employees who will do the best job most efficiently. It?s how cheap food is produced. Say there?s 10 000 acres, That land a century ago probably fed 100 families that fed themselves and maybe a bit left over to sell to buy bare necessities. Now that same land could be owned by 1 family producing 2-3 times or more the product that it did a century ago. It?s all about economics now and it has to be with little or no margins. If your profiting a slight amount you need a huge amount or product to survive.
During WW II agriculture was considered as important as industry to the war effort. We fed the US and the UK to large extent. Should be the same in peace time.
That?s the mentality SV,everyone has an important job in this world otherwise we wouldn?t get paid for it but without food we will die and farmers produce large quantities of food that end up in stores but many don?t make nor care about the connection.
The real control by corporations is with the seeds,Monsanto now a part of Bayer a foreign company owns or controls a very high percentage of the seed business and has bought up
a lot of the old seed companies.Of course there is a big counter culture movement fighting big corporations and their control of the food business fueled by the organic and local
grown food movement.You fellows that have bought into the RR/GMO crops and technology have helped the large corporations gain the control they have today.So if you think its bad large corporations are where they are in farming go look in the mirror for the root cause.
But we were smart enough not to feed our enemies,that lesson is gone today as we supply China with cheap food who is our economic and growing military enemy.People supplying food to Germany or Japan would have been charged with Treason in WWII, but now soybean growers that can't sell to China are given gov't handouts.
People today are more and more educated on what is really happening with their food and that is why food grown using chemicals is losing market share and the basics for that food like RR corn and soybean prices are down a long with dairy products.Many people don't want to eat meat that comes from animals that are miserable all or much of their lives stuck in tight
cages or very crowded feed lots and given growth hormones.The problem for conventional farmers these days is consumers have become more aware and educated on what goes on
in so called Modern Agriculture and Agri-business.Consumers are voting with their Dollar$ for major changes in agriculture by buying local grown and organic food.They are not
unaware of what happens on farms where food comes from that is in the grocery store,they are aware and they don't like it.
Ya I would have to agree with you there to some degree,there?s some who have a dismal view of modern agriculture and there?s others who just don?t care and want cheap eats. There?s also a growing movement towards the keto diet which is heavily animal fat and protein based.
(quoted from post at 03:20:13 05/20/19) That?s the mentality SV,everyone has an important job in this world otherwise we wouldn?t get paid for it but without food we will die and farmers produce large quantities of food that end up in stores but many don?t make nor care about the connection.

That is true but the whole picture is more complex. It does no good at all to grow tons of food if it cannot be distributed to the population. When you talk about the importance of food you need to count in the steel makers, tire makers, welders making shipping containers, train crews, truck drivers, ship buillders and sailors and on and on and on.

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