Tillage... sunflowers?


Well-known Member
Rochester, NY
I'm sure I missed something in the news, but after the wheat was cut around here the fields started growing up to what I thought was some sort of stalky invasive weed.

In the last couple of weeks they've started to bloom and turns out the invasive weeds are small sunflowers, maybe a couple feet high and the blooms maybe 2-3" in diameter.

Never seen sunflowers used as a cover crop before. Is this something new along the same lines as tillage radishes?
We are using sunflowers in a cover mix. Typically planted late enough that they don?t go to seed. They have a tap root that helps with overall soil tilth.
Lot of prevent planting and lot of cover cropping.

I?ve never planted sunflowers for harvest but the guys that do experience some stubble damage unless they run stalk stompers . The sunflowers in
cover crop are small and thinly planted so probably won?t be an issue.

Next town over they've planted a few acres of sunflowers past two years. Big ones that cover the whole area. The immediate income is from people who stop along the road and pay $5 each to wander around in the sunflowers and are allowed one flower each. I don't know what they do with the crop, because after all the visits are done for the season, the flowers are gone. Doesn't look like they're plowed under.

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