
Well-known Member
Heard on the radio that orders for that back to the future pickup truck they have over 150,000 orders already.



Well here is a review already. This just might be very interesting or a real blow out. The thing is most everything he touches turns to Fantastic.!!
Truck review.
The "fact' that orders have been made, in itself, is spurious. But, there a lot of too wealthy 'silly' people out there. I think it is destined to fail, But, I was wrong before (June 17, 1981).
I suspect those orders are from businesses wanting them for fleet or service vehicles.

They would be a very unique, eye catching novelty.

Also they are betting on it being a savings on maintenance (maybe, if the bugs are worked out), and fuel savings. I suspect it can be detuned to a maximum speed and acceleration for safety, vehicle longevity, and maximum charge range.

The real for sale model will look quite different. It's not DOT approved as it is.
First thing I thought of is some guy went out of the hog business and his 15 year old kid cut the sides out of the hog feeders and built that thing in the corn crib.
Hello jeffcat.

Did you miss it on the news? They drove on the stage and wanted to show the unbreakable windows. One stone thrown in the driver side broke that window. Another stone broke the left rear window?

The company that makes this Workhorse electric van supposedly has 500 orders in hand from Ups for fleet use as one of the posters below said, that is where electric truck use will likely start at. Word is this company has either leased or purchased the vacant Lordstown GM assembly plant and will build vans there. This company also has a electric pick up truck that could be assembled at Lordstown. There are 5300 orders supposedly on the books for their elec pickup which was supposed to be in producton but is not in production yet for unknown reasons. Don't think Tesla styling will sell in flyover country.
Yes it was in the video . Bet you that prototype got standard windows. Somebody screwed up is most likely the answer. This will shake out. Bet you in a year we will see a boat load of sales or aheck of a fizzle. Place your best folks.
His other vehicles look nice.

This does not appeal to me on any level. It does not look good to me, and it does not look functional as a farm truck to me.

He/ his company has taken on a very big deal o startup a car company at this point in time. he might be a genius, he might be nuts, he might be both. That does make it fun to watch, anyhow.

I know two people who own Teslas and love them. That newest one really looks sharp. This is the future. GM blew it with that volt thing. At least seven foreign companies are building hybrids and others straight electric. Wait till you guys see the newest battery technology coming down the road. Solid state battery technology is coming. Like I said this year is going to have some amazing developments coming to lite.
An electric pickup is not a bad idea at all, especially for running back and forth to the field or checking cows.

This, however, looks terribly non-functional. It looks to have poor visibility and no head room at all for the rear seat. Steeply sloped glass makes for an instant greenhouse in the hot Texas sun. Cargo room is weak. I could fit more stuff in a 3rd gen Camaro.
Check this out! Batteries aren?t so green, they don?t make carbon engines look so bad! 👀
Yes hurry n buy them.all you do is plug in n charge,lectric is there isnt it? Think how much pollution is used to charge that battery,and the componets in the battery plus disposal
Musk is a genius at getting free publicity.What other truck would get as many comments and talked about as much here? Even the window thing was probably planned to get the truck on news and other shows/internet. Most likely be far different when it actually hits the road.
A lot of people in urban areas with lots of money these days that would spring for a ride like that.
Are they offering different body styles for the truck? If you google the truck there are several different models shown. Some look pretty good.
That thing is so ugly, I don't want one around here.
Agree with others that pollution is created where the electricity is produced. Maybe more than an internal combustion engine.
Richard in NW SC
If I follow the rule of;

If you can't say something nice then don't say anything.

Then I really think it is.see above.
That thing is the most butt ugly vehicle ever designed, or released, bar none. I don't ever want to hear anything from anybody about me once owning an Aztek. This thing makes an Aztek look like a homecoming queen.

Elon is a visionary, I have to give him that. But he is a master of getting people to invest in his companies with little to no return on that investment. He flies on charisma and charm, but if investors get tired of waiting, it will be bad. This is why GM can't build electric vehicles at a price point people will buy, GM investors demand a return. Musk has just been rolling back into his companies. GM does not have that luxury, electric cars will be the end of GM.
Bingo, Jay, but for some reason, most (all?) of the MSM chooses to ignore such.

Interesting, Jeffcat.

For decades, I have thought that so-called super capacitors showed great promise for quick-charging energy storage devices.

Is this what you are referring to?

I'm sure if you had some pictures of a 2019 fully-loaded diesel-powered monster-sized pickup truck (like the ones people currently buy to pickup groceries) to your grandfather 100 years ago, he would have said it looks ugly. We (including me most of all) are reluctant to move forward and change and want everything left as is. Remember that the world was flat once right and then it became spherical .... LOL !!!
Now that's BUTT UGLY in my humble opinion so let the environmental wackos buy them is fine by me.

John T
The reason the glass broke, according to Tesla, is that when Musk hit the door with a sledgehammer, he caused a hairline crack at the base of the glass where it mounts to the window mechanism (x2?). That compromised the integrity of the glass and allowed the glass to break.

I dunno, it just looks like it breaks because they threw a baseball sized ball-bearing at it.

Its still an ugly, not-too-practical design that looks straight out of a low-budget 1980's sci-fi movie.
(quoted from post at 09:37:04 11/25/19) Interesting, Jeffcat.

For decades, I have thought that so-called super capacitors showed great promise for quick-charging energy storage devices.

Is this what you are referring to?


That kind of energy storage only works on Star Trek and On Star Wars .
(quoted from post at 12:29:25 11/25/19) Gotta love it, JMOR!

an't tell from picture, but may never need painting.
COR-TEN steel and sometimes written without the hyphen as corten steel, is a group of steel alloys which were developed to eliminate the need for painting, and form a stable rust -like appearance after several years' exposure to weather.
You're operating on a different wavelength than I am Al ..... you'll have to rephrase the question. I've never been a victim of internet stalking before, but I'm getting used to it.
This is an interesting discussion. Just a bit of history. I well remember the first marketing studies of the ?Jelly Bean? Ford Taurus in 1984 or 5, all of which predicted it would flop. Several Execs at a competitor were sure it would bomb?..but it sold very well, 250,000 to 400,000/yr. for almost 20 years.
Same with the 1994 ?big Nose? Dodge pickup design. ?too radical, Ugly, won?t sell. A lot of market researchers and sales execs had to eat their words. Now selling over 500,000 per year.
My point? There is no way to predict the future of the Tesla pickup. I certainly won?t be buying one?but I can not speak for others. It is almost impossible to predict the future for such a unique product. If there are enough people that buy it to keep an assembly operation running (at least 100,000 per year), it may be a profitable Niche vehicle.
How many of us bought Apple stock before they introduced the first I-phone?
That's not it, Jeffcat, but rather a primitive conventional battery.

Super capacitors having vanishingly thin dielectrics can produce very high capacitance in very small sizes.

Like all capacitors, energy is stored with an electric charge and no chemical reaction is needed.

Imagine powering an electric vehicle from charge stored in capacitors that can be charged in fractions of a second at VERY high current?

Obviously, there are challenges but such seems conceptually feasible.

What in Sam Hill are you talking about? Anyone can plainly see that the earth is flat! Sun comes up in the morning, crosses the earth, sets at night. Goes down under and comes up again. So there! (;>))
Will be fine to drive in dry climates with that flat windshield. In rain will not be able to see. Can't wipe the rain off and keep it visible as you drive. See ti in cars in production now. Water blows back up the glass from the hood blinding the driver till the wioer goes back down.
Don't have that problem with a straight up glass. Yup not as wind resistant efficient but who cares if you can see in the rain.
(quoted from post at 11:29:36 11/25/19) This is an interesting discussion. Just a bit of history. I well remember the first marketing studies of the ?Jelly Bean? Ford Taurus in 1984 or 5, all of which predicted it would flop. Several Execs at a competitor were sure it would bomb?..but it
My point? There is no way to predict the future of the Tesla pickup. I certainly won?t be buying one?but I can not speak for sold very well, 250,000 to 400,000/yr. for almost 20 years.
Same with the 1994 ?big Nose? Dodge pickup design. ?too radical, Ugly, won?t sell. A lot of market researchers and sales execs had to eat their words. Now selling over 500,000 per year. others. It is almost impossible to predict the future for such a unique product. If there are enough people that buy it to keep an assembly operation running (at least 100,000 per year), it may be a profitable Niche vehicle.
How many of us bought Apple stock before they introduced the first I-phone?

Actually Ford said something a while back about having an EV pickup in the 2020 lineup. So not that unique.

Total EV sales last year from all sources in the US was 350,000 vehicles. Total new vehicle sales was 17.5 million.

Not saying it won't be profitable.....I just don't think they are going to grab that much market share.

A lot of views on this pickup. Reading all the comments to this point I agree with most about the looks and practicality. As a retired auto technician I think that the engine management has come a long way from 30 years ago. Electric cars were born in the same era as combustion and steam engines. From what I understand from history it seems the gasoline won out because it was cheaper to produce.

If a super conductor turns out to be practical for a vehicle I am in. Only I would install the drive train in my daily driver and leave unnecessary cabin technology out.


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