Starlings has a pleasant surprise for me this morning

Philip d

Well-known Member
We had a good weekend snowmobiling a couple weekends ago but after a week of OJT, then hauling potatoes then back to college after break and chores/hockey and the usual going ons I didn?t have time to get the sled out till this morning. I?ve left it uncovered most of the winter in the barn, usually a couple droppings on it but nothing much but they sure had a field day with it the last 2 weeks! Some turtle wax car wash and a mop cleaned it up,guess I?ll be using the cover again then clean the cover some time.
They're a curse. Every once in a while I will pop a couple of them just to help chase them away. The next morning my truck will be covered with poop. Happens every time. For a bird that flies like it is retarded they are pretty smart.

I think it was the fall before last I was going to start my Super M and exercise it a little. Didn't sound right cranking over all it had was a feeble pop a couple of times. Filed the points, cleaned the plugs with not much of a change and then it started blowing smoking, stinking feathers out the muffler followed by what looked like a starling corpse. Birds can't get in there, he must of sneaked in while I had a door open.
Your right there, there?s an old 4 wheeler from the 80?s in there too and there?s not a drop on it lol
They?re awful,when we feed corn they come in by the hundreds picking through it and dropping everywhere.
Yes that?s right lol I?ll leave them a special little treat in around the engine when the snow melts too

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