Japanese beeltes

caterpillar guy

Well-known Member
Is there a way to prevent Japanese beetles from getting on my Raspberries before the garden is planted? I was under the understanding that they winter in the ground. So Can I just spray some Sevin, or dust the ground now to get rid of them. They make such a mess of the berries when they come on in summer.
I am no expert, but I am guessing a treatment of a small area around your plants would not do much good.

Liquid Sevin sprayed on my grape vine foliage seems to work good. You have to watch every day to tell when you need to reapply.
I was under the opinion that there was a ground application early that could be made to kill them in the soil before they came out.
Back 30 years ago, they made traps with an attractant that worked great.
Should be able to find them now.
Richard in NW SC
Milky spore is the stuff you inoculate the ground with. They will attack the larvae before they hatch. It's fairly expensive and takes several years to be fully effective though.

In regards to the traps, I have heard that they actually will attract more Beatles to your yard (it would be better to place in your neighbors yard in order to protect your own).

Last summer I had them really bad on my grape vines and apple trees and resorted to spraying Sevin about once a week. I'm planning to get some Guineas this year to hopefully take care of most of them...
I believe the recommended way to control them is a multi staged spraying. Larva stage in the spring, adult stage, then when they're in the ground in the fall. The problem I have with that is you'll also be killing about everything else in the ground. I have found that spraying Sevin on them decreases the damage they do when they're munching away. We have done that on sweet corn and fruit trees.
Milky Spores. (Paenibacillus popilliae) Place it where Japanese beetles incubate which is usually on an adjacent lawn, not on the tomato plants or berry bushes. One tablespoon every square foot. I did my lawn which is next to the garden once, about 40 years ago. No more Japanese beetles.
I've battled them on and off for years. Spraying Sevin, I found they will light on the top leaves, so you mainly have to spray the top leaves, that'll get most of them. Once a week or ten days, is plenty. I did put down milky spore powder, I guess it works, who knows? NO YELLOW TRAPS EVER AGAIN, I COULD SEE THE BEETLES FLYING IN FROM ALL OVER THE COJUNTY. I will give you some hope, the first year I had them they were horrible, but no longer. Lately, they are very minimal.
(quoted from post at 10:55:20 03/25/20) tried them seemed like all that did was call more in to the garden. Tried the spraying soapy water on the plants also.
he trick is to put the traps in your neighbors garden.
We have had good luck with Japanese Beetle traps placed around the crop when it is susceptible to damage. The traps have an attractant built in and will catch hundreds if not thousands of beetles in a few days. Japanese Beetles are a "fickle" insect and they seem to go to the traps before the crop. The traps are available at Lowes, Home Depot and most garden centers.
If using the traps place them away from your garden. I use the extended control granules for fire ants and believe it gets the beetles also. Spectracide is brand I get. It also gets our catalpa worms.
I have blueberry bushes with problems with Japanese beetles, tried Milky Spores, put on 2 yrs in a row on my whole lawn & I haven't seen where it's helped. Traps help, but are you bringing in more beetles then without it.
I was just thinking yesterday we haven?t had them here for how many years now. (PA)
Skunks and moles are their predators, but they tear up the yard.
Can you put insect netting over them? I did that with my young grape vines. Getting some guinea fowl should help.

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