How old is that thing?

37 chief

Well-known Member

I started a mowing job yesterday with my flail mower, and JD Industrial. It was a old lemon orchard with some stumps not cut low enough, and branches laying around. I made a few rounds, and went home. I didn't want to tear up my flail mower at the start of my mowing season. I returned with my well used MF 231, and 6ft woods rotary mower. I use it a few times for fields like this. When I got my flail mower I stopped using my 231, and rotary mower. I didn't finish today the ground was too wet. I just wanted to see how the rotary mower did with the junk in the field. It did great, and beat the crp out of the tree wood. I was loading up, the owner walks up, the first thing he said is: How old is that thing. It's not all beat up, it just need a paint job. I should have said, that thing is costing him 150.00 an hour. If I lived in a 2 million + $ house, and had 3 fairly new cars sitting my driveway I could probably afford a new shinny tractor. Stan
My old tractors do the same job as a lot of new ones but I can fix them, I am not worried about the firts scratch, and I don't have payments
(quoted from post at 17:06:36 04/02/20) My old tractors do the same job as a lot of new ones but I can fix them, I am not worried about the firts scratch, and I don't have payments

A complex machine that works evolved from a simple machine that works.
I'm with you on that 3 things I don't to have to worry about with my older equipment. Big repair bills.Not worried about a few more scratches.No repo man coming to get it because of missed payments.

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