That's ok, more where that came from

37 chief

Well-known Member
I was leaving my place, I see this young guy parked off the road, looking like he wants to talk to me. I pull over. He says he's is out of gas. I have a can with almost a gallon. He empty's the can, says thanks, and gets in his truck and leaves. I was waiting to hear, how much do I owe you. It's not so much the price of the gas. Now my can is empty. It was full until last week I had to stop and put some gas in my pickup. I like to keep extra gas in my pickups. For some reason I can't seam to keep an eye on my gas gage. The fuel low warning is way off in the low corner of the dash. Seams it made a noise in the past. Do the 05 F 150's have a fuel warning. My seat belt warning sure works. stan
They way people are today he's lucky you stopped and you're very lucky he said thanks. Most younger people seem to want something for nothing and don't know how to be courteous.
I always ask what do I owe whether I have 5 cents in my pocket or not and just hope they’ll say nothing the times I don’t have a Nickel. I don’t travel with money that often I guess I should but I don’t helps cut down on wasteful spending
I always run my vehicles with a full tank. My dad always used to say it costs the same to run on the top half as it does to run on the bottom half.

That's awfully good of you to offer help to the guy at all. When I was young, I used to hitch-hike all over the place. I once hitch-hiked from Maine to Ohio. When I got a little older and had my own car, I'd always pick up hitch-hikers. Not any more. As crazy as our society has gotten, stopping to help someone is just about asking to be mugged, robbed, or killed.

You're a good man to help him.

Tom in TN
Wow SV, funny how a person or at least me anyway developes a persona of an individual. If I had to guess I would have pegged you as the type that is not a big believer in using credit cards. I would have guessed you to be the type that always had 2 or 3 hundred dollars stashed in your billfold at any given moment. Old guy I worked with in Kansas had a bunch of fixed up antique tractors. It seemed like he was always waiting for someone to challenge him as to who was carrying the most cash. At any given time he usually had between $1000 to $1500 dollars stuffed away in his billfold. Surprisingly enough he was still fairly frugal.
I do have cash but I leave it at the house where it’s nice and safe no cards for me I do cash or postal money orders for bills sometimes a cashiers check . A guy can Spend a lot of money with one a them plastic things and not even realize if . I carry as little money as possible most times though . Big Reason I never carry much Is I’m to forgetful I’ve lost my wallet several times and just got lucky and someone has found it and called and I got it back
Me too once the the fuel gauge goes under half full I'm looking for a place to fill up,only time I'll run low on fuel is when I'm headed home with the truck and a load on the trailer and know I have enough fuel to make it home so I don't have to stop.Same way with hay rake teeth doesn't cost any more to keep 100% of the teeth on the rake all the time.
The low fuel warning probably does have a chime, but it's not continuous.

I try to never let the tank get below 1/4. Keeping it above 1/4 keeps the electric pump submerged, which it needs to help dissipate heat. Makes the pump last longer.

I'm glad you were able to help the man, at least he was for real, not a scammer or worse!

Around here, a favorite trick is to carry a gas can around, holding it up to passing cars. The speal is "I'm out of gas, my kids are in the car, it's over there, can't see it from here. I need $10 to get going..."

There is no car, just a scammer wanting money.
Years ago a trucker made a delivery to a neighbor, hung up his low boy on the road pulling out. I went and got my bulldozer and pushed him out. He never even stopped once free.
We grew up on a major hiway in SD. We helped people who run out of gas, blown hoses, flat tires, etc. all the time. Mom and Dad would help anybody and never expected to be paid for the help. My 2 favorite events were; Mom answered the door during inclement weather, there was a man who was out of gas. So Mom dressed up found a gas can and filled it with gas, then drove the guy and the gas to his stalled car. The man did pay Mom for the gas but he demanded the exact change back. The second event was when Dad stopped to help a lady change a tire. The spare was at the bottom of a full trunk. So Dad emptied the trunk and changed the tire. As Dad was jacking the car down, the lady says don't bounce it too much, you will wake up my boyfriend sleeping in the back seat. Dad kicked the jack out, dropping the car and woke up the boyfriend. We went back to work.
I used to have a Jeep J3000 with a GM 350 V8 that got 7 mpg no matter if it was loaded or empty. The fuel gauge worked just fine from full down to half and then it just stayed at the half full reading. I finally got so I would set the trip odometer to zero when I filled the tank and never drove more than 100 miles before filling again.
We have things like that happen around. Alot of times they dont have a problem and they're just casing your place. I have heard all kinds of excuses.

Reminds me of a time a few years ago a young kid in a Toyota 4WD pickup pulled too far off the road and got very stuck.
I went and got the ol' WD out, hoked on and pulled him back on to solid ground. After I unhooked the chain, he drove off never even saying goodbye.
Closest that I have ever come to running out of gas was pulling a 29ft travel trailer between San Antonio and McAllen. As I pulled into a gas station the fuel empty red lite was on and my IP was chimming like crazy.
We normally fill our vehicles if we are down to 1/2 tank. Never know when I may need to make an emergency trip.
Oooo! Just saw the news weather warning for South Padre Island from hurricane Hanna. A good reason to have a full fuel tank.
(quoted from post at 01:18:41 07/25/20) Me too once the the fuel gauge goes under half full I'm looking for a place to fill up,only time I'll run low on fuel is when I'm headed home with the truck and a load on the trailer and know I have enough fuel to make it home so I don't have to stop.Same way with hay rake teeth doesn't cost any more to keep 100% of the teeth on the rake all the time.
I carry 75 gallons of diesel in the back of my truck....never worry about being low on fuel....if someone needs a few gallons I will gladly give it to them LOL!
Once a neighbor ran out of fuel with his tractor right on the road by my house. After I put some in he asked "How much?" I said "That's OK some day I might need some help and I am sure you'd do the same for me" He said "I doubt it" started his tractor and took off.
Interesting responses here. Unfortunately there are people out there like this. They are scammers. They are also called a&$ho%#es. They did not grow up with good country values like most who are on YT. Good work ethics, help the neighbors, say thank you, return the favor, etc. I’ve loaned out a can of gas numerous times, guy brought it back full! One time I let go of a bad looking can because I I thot at the time this is not ever going to be returned. Few days later a new full can appeared!!
People are just that way.
In today’s world, everybody needs to carry some emergency cash!! To give as a tip for roadside help or that empty helpless feeling when you are at the checkout and realize you have no money! Fold up a couple of 20s or a 50 in your wallet...and hope to never use it!,,, do you hAve a case on your cell phone? Fold up a 20 and put it in there! Some tow trucks will only take cash! Jump starts? Go prepared. Do you have spare tools in your vehicles?
Pertaining to the carrying cash in the topics below:
I have a friend who never carries cash. Then he want to borrow from me, even for a soda vending machine! He sometimes goes to the ATM just to get cash to by lunch! Oh, I’m take him to the ATM!

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