Update on the weed

Not quite sure if this is hemp dogbane or
not here is a couple of close up pics

If you research it.it says its toxic to horses and cattle and is hard to get rid of it's in my hay fields some of my first cut had some in it but at the time I didn't know what it was I may have to consider throwing it all away anyone else have any input on this stuff
Rick, it looks like a weed that I had growing in one part of a hayfield. It was kind of thick, but is mostly gone now. What I did was spraying 2 4d in the early spring and mowing about 3 times a year. I may have sprayed Crossbow once too. I still have some, but not as bad. Mark.
Had some of that in one corner of my brome hay field. Got pretty tall and rank. Mowed and baled it anyway. Put in through my hay grinder last winter and the cows ate it.
I responded to your first post. I said it looked like milkweed and I had some in my back field. I went and inspected it closer. It does appear to be hemp dogbane. I am going to spray it will Crossbow this evening and see what happens. I just have a few patches of it in the 10 acre field. It's not the best time to spray it probably but going to give it a shot.
If it was toxic all my cows and goats would be dead long ago,one place I cut hay has a lot of it cows and goats eat it up no apparent problem.Most so called weeds like that have more feed value than common hay grasses.
Yes, that's dogbane. It's a type of milkweed.

It has become a real issue in my area in the last 10 years or so.

When I first noticed it, I was not concerned thinking that as a broadleaf weed it could be easily controlled with 2-4-D, etc. As a result, I ignored it when I had only one rather small patch.

Last year I started researching it as it had spread to many areas and mowing only slowed the spread.

Damn thing is a perennial and it rhizomes. Worse, yet, most broadleaf weed chemicals won't touch it.

I plan to experiment with Crossbow this fall. Dogbane is on the label of controlled weeds but I've heard from others that it is only effective if everything is just about perfect and even then it will likely take multiple applications.

If the Crossbow does not work, I will try Milestone. County Agent tells me that Milestone is more likely to work.

Will post back with results next year.

Good luck.

Definitely hemp dogbane. Like canada thistle, persistence is required as no one-time application of herbicide will likely do the trick. Also, about all herbicides that affect this weed also will kill any legumes in the field or kill everything(Roundup/glyphosate). Had some in crop fields years ago but when roundup ready soy and corn came out, it pretty much disappeared along with the common milkweed. I never dealt with it in forage.
I have watched the whitetail deer on my property, in the fall, walk through standing dent corn, standing alfalfa, and eat in the weeds and mixed grasses and flowers that grow in the RR right ofway that is the north border of my land.
I agree with that. I had 3 bales an acre of wild oats I just cut and baled. I will do a feed test this year to see if I want to start seeding wild oats.
It must be nobody remembers the ad in the farm mags. years ago that showed a farmer pulling weeds out of his cornhead and yelling "Dog Gone Dogbane"--I think it was a ad for Banvel herbicide-- which is just souped up 2-4-d. For the best bang for your buck use 2-4-d Ester--not Amine and you will see results almost right away....Tee--Ps--watch it around your Wife's flowers.

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