the tractor vet

Well-known Member
How many Buckeye guys on here get the Farm World weekly paper???????? And how many are either getting it late or not at all . I would like to know and see a show of hands . The paper is printed today and for us on the east side of the Buckeye we USE to get it on Thursday . Remember i said USES TO . As of today i still along with several of my friends have still not received LAST WEEKS . Just about ready to find a crooked lawyer and sue the post office for lost wages and any thing else i can think of That paper has let me find some really good buys and sales that us over this way would never even know that was going on . I do not mind paying for good things but really hate shelling out for something and not getting it.
Some papers offer online subscriptions. That might give you access to their classified ads the day it is published rather than waiting several more days for it to be printed and mailed to you.
Country Folks here in NY is like that in terms of viewing ads online shortly after publication.
You can probably thank the post master general for the new and more efficient postal delivery services promised several months ago. Remember, this guy was supposed to be a shipping effeciency expert. Just thinking out loud.
I do not take the Farm World Weekly (actually never even heard of it, I will investigate now tho), but I subscribe to the Farm & Dairy as I am sure you do too Tractor Vet and it has been late more than a couple times during the past 6 months.
Yup sure is , Been to the place several times , one of the employee's is a niece to and old friend and auctioneer that i have been to many of his sales while he was alive and bought semi loads of equipment from . Maybe not the sharpest due to lack of paint but all go to the field ready .
Nope , and it even printed just like five blocks away . Just like i never do any shell we say shopping locally . Only one time that i went to a local sale and made any kind of buy that was worth my time and that is when they sold out the local I H dealership and that day was well waisted at a sale as i was able to buy95% of the shop for penny's on the dollar . Just one item saved me over 3500 bucks over a rebuilt unit and getting just that first buy was worth it the rest was all gravy and in total it took two one ton truck loads to get it all hauled out . It is like this you buy local and then try and resell EVERYBODY in five countys knows what you paid and want to give you 30% less even after you put a couple grand in it to get it back to go to the field . Never haul in in broad day light make it look like it appeared out of thin air overnight they will always stop to check it out .
We have been having this problem now for a while plus we went thru a month and a half with NO mail delivered due to one nut case neighbor and his GSD . (German Shepard Dog) . It attached the one mail carrier and the owned did not try and stop the attach but egged the dog on , that dog went after my wife and dog . We tried everything to rid us of this problem and have received no help from any agency . And unaddressed post card was left in his mail box one late night explaining to him what just might transpire should his dog ever come after anyone else walking there dog .
Nah ya know when you have called someone often enough you know the phone number and ya know who will answer the phone on a firs name basses , the problem is between Cinnci , Cleveland and getting it here . You can pull out of my drive and in 4 and 1/2 hours be setting at there offices . I use to make the run to Knightstown four or more times a year . and dive with in five miles of the place every other week for over 25 years.

I have been getting Farm World for several years now and only missed or no paper I am sure was a delivery problem. Check out date on this one I just got out of mail box. It used to always come on Wed.

I am in NEIL and used to get mine by Friday that week, now it doesn't come till maybe Mon, Tues, or Weds of the next week, so basically a week behind. It has been that way only for the last year. Ususally a bunch of the sales are already over before it shows up.

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