Billy Shafer and others // VA


Well-known Member
Greetings fellow walking wounded. I recently came to find the VA will now accept a chiropractors opinion pertaining to your physical condition. So if your gimped up and can find a chiropractor to write a report stating your deficiencies, the VA will now accept it.
Yes, the local office denied me and it got appealed through the DAV up the chain until approved. Too bad, I had lapses in the process and no great amount of back pay. Still nice to see the VA signed off on taking a chiropractor report, especially for screwed up knees.
I am ready to give up on the VA. Just a pack of liars. My last letter from them.
Go 207 milesw for an interveiw.
Then go 421 miles round trip. For an exam.
I recall standing in the drill haul Great Lakes 1968. Being told if I ever needed help. The VA was here to help. Well that was a lie.
I hear of similar stories up here with Veterans Affairs or whatever government department looks after them, It's almost like they discourage a person from seeking help or support, you could probably write a book on your experiences.
I'm not a veteran. My dad is Korea and I have tons of friends and some employees who are vets. I have a very dear friend who has several service related health issues and is entirely dependent on the VA. I have another good friend who was a Vietnam corpsman (pronounced coreman for BHO) who just retired from the VA after 30 years. It absolutely breaks my heart that our service people gave all, or offerred to give all and now have less in medical care than the best that could be had.

May God bless all of you vets.
I have going to the VA over 20 years. If they can give you a pill and send you home, they consider that a fine job. If you have serous problems, you're out of luck. People tells me all the time how lucky I'm in the VA, if you think so, just wait until socialized medical gets here. I haven't had an appointment in over a year, just send them a message I need more pills.

I've had several problems, had a blood clot in my leg, would not see me, after seeing a real doctor, wouldn't even order me medication. Another time, I have chestnut trees in front of my house,, one (chestnut) fell and hit in the top of my head. They're real bridle,the spine broke off and they would not take it out. SOOOOO, I'll tell anybody that wants to know how I feel about the VA, I'd be already dead if I didn't have insurance.
U.S. Army 1969-1970. I have never needed the VA. I have very good health insurance from another source. But, I used to visit my father in law at the VA in Louisville, Ky. Old guys in wheel chairs in the foyer and up and down the hallways gave me the distinct feeling that not much was going on in the way of health care. Ellis
Three of the neighbors I had (now deceased due to being in their 90s+) had nothing but good to great experiences with the VA in St. Cloud MN. They made it clear that it was their go to resource. It might be the distance, it might be that the St. Cloud VA is just seriously better, but I wish they were all seen as effective as those 3 found it to be. Jim
Went in in 1966, Medical for life they stated, now they say if you didn't have boots on the soil in VN or a "Blue Water" sailor you don't qualify for benefits. Lucky I had good insurance.
They lied to you about the Blue Water part. Because I am one and have been trying for seven years to get help. I qualify for both. I was in and out of DaNang several times.

I am sorry so many have trouble with them but my friends in Wichita (Dole VA hospital is the local) are thrilled with the service they get. Two who have on-going problems get phone calls routinely from a VA nurse to check on them and if she does not think they sound terrific they get another call with a date/time for a doctor visit appointment. They send prescriptions on time and faithfully. Yes there is asmall charge, but much less that civilian retail. Maybe you need to see what is wrong with your Regional or local - it is possible for VA to deliver good faithful service.
I fought and lost an injury I got from falling down the conning tower ladder of the SSBN633 after standing a top side watch in 1977. If I knew back in say June of 1980 what I know now I would be very likely to be 50% or more service connect but I didn't know and I am only 20% but have knee problems and other problem due to being in the Navy
well i have been with the VA now scene 2000 and i have no real big complements there was one guy in orthopedic that was a real jerk but on a whole i been well satisfied now my primary care dr is in the local clinic in hopkinsville and everything else goes to Nashville and i had great care from both. i think lot times it depends on the facility you go to and also the management but now and then you run into a real jerk,, but you talk to any one who had health problem and you find as many not happy as happy with there health care if ty use the VA or a private care facility.. and lot time it has to do with the individual on how they are treated and that has to do with the person providing the service and the person the person seeking the service when i first started to look as the VA it took me 6 mouth of phone calls paper work just to get started and couple mouth to finely get into the system
I live near san Diego. I am fortunate to have two large VA hospitals with in 15 miles from me, and several clinics the same distance. All I have used the VA for was hearing aids. Some of my hearing loss may be from being around screaming radial engines most of my four years. The rest from my tractors. Stan
Because when I said the words Agent Orange. The lady hung up on me. I have had that happen before. Shows me how much they care.
(quoted from post at 12:34:51 01/02/21) I live near san Diego. I am fortunate to have two large VA hospitals with in 15 miles from me, and several clinics the same distance. All I have used the VA for was hearing aids. Some of my hearing loss may be from being around screaming radial engines most of my four years. The rest from my tractors. Stan
hile there are those dissatisfied with the VA, there are those who sing praise for the VA, too. Same with private medicine doctors.
I think things have changed with the VA now. since blue water sailors are now eligible for Agent Orange claims. You should try again. Stan
It is more than being dissatisfied. It is being lied too that many of
us hate. I am very grateful that some are getting the help they need.
But ALL of us should be.
V A has improved to the good side the past few years. I think they can now fire federal employees or prosicute criminals. Back up 20 years, when a doctor screwed up, they just transfer to another city. Agent orange has bit me in the as# more than once!!!
Billy check VA website for Public Law 116-23 which includes Blue Water Navy!!! Re apply.
USN 1959-1963 When I got out I was not eligible for VA by the time they made me retroactive I had company paid Insurance never bothered to try the VA. USPS 1995-2004, cost $207 to add my USN time to USPS time. Now medicare and federal employee retired insurance.
That’s changed quite a bit for the better in the past 20 years. Before we got involved with Somalia and Bosnia the majority of those dealing with Veteran Affairs were those who served in WW2 and Korea. The older vets were well taken care of and some hospitals like Sunnybrook in Toronto had dedicated veteran wings set up to tend to their needs. When Yugoslavia fell apart we deployed troops and started receiving back wounded troops and besides treating their physical wounds the system was failing because they had only been treating geriatrics for years. Many wounded soldiers were encouraged to keep serving because it was easier to treat them within the CF than release them and let them fall through the cracks of the VA system. The big factor was the Canadian public weren’t aware of what we were doing in Bosnia, it wasn’t a secret, it’s just the media didn’t give it much publicity. Once we got involved in the Afghan campaign things were different, the average person knew we were there so the government was under scrutiny immediately when it came to treating those wounded. They couldn’t ignore them or shuffle them out of sight, they had to deal with them properly.
(quoted from post at 10:24:44 01/02/21)
I am sorry so many have trouble with them but my friends in Wichita (Dole VA hospital is the local) are thrilled with the service they get. Two who have on-going problems get phone calls routinely from a VA nurse to check on them and if she does not think they sound terrific they get another call with a date/time for a doctor visit appointment. They send prescriptions on time and faithfully. Yes there is asmall charge, but much less that civilian retail. Maybe you need to see what is wrong with your Regional or local - it is possible for VA to deliver good faithful service.

Count me as another who is thrilled with my care at the Wichita VA. Just went in last Tuesday for a medial branch block shots for my back. I'm happy with them. Just have to go through the process. When I'm in Wichita, I can then run out to McConnell AFB and go to the commissary and base exchange as a service connected vet.
(quoted from post at 11:34:51 01/02/21) I live near san Diego. I am fortunate to have two large VA hospitals with in 15 miles from me, and several clinics the same distance. All I have used the VA for was hearing aids. Some of my hearing loss may be from being around screaming radial engines most of my four years. The rest from my tractors. Stan

I have this constant whine in my ears which is the same as and sounds like the turbine whine from helicopters and aircraft turbine engines. Been trying to figure out if there is a connection.

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