Loading Oats


Well-known Member
The rest of yesterday's video now uploaded. I missed the best part (starting the Cockshutt 50 and the 81 GMC) as the Gopro battery ran out of energy before I did.

Loading Oats
Do you sell some oats or just feed them all to your cattle?

Corn and soybean prices are climbing here. Do you see your wheat and canola prices going up there?
(quoted from post at 22:56:31 01/05/21) Do you sell some oats or just feed them all to your cattle?

Corn and soybean prices are climbing here. Do you see your wheat and canola prices going up there?
I usually sell a semi load or two of oats a year. My little herd can't eat all I grow on 40 acres.
Canola prices have really jumped in the past month. Wheat is kind of hanging around where its been for months. Oats are a good bit higher than they were a year ago.
I’ve assigned an appropriate chain to stay with each of our working machines to reduce lost time going after a chain. I couldn’t tell you how much time I have saved with that system because the chains all gravitate to some seasonal resting place. Seriously, a question. Would oats from your bin go for human consumption? Who decides what goes where? Always a good video, beautiful country there.
(quoted from post at 06:17:17 01/06/21) Would oats from your bin go for human consumption? Who decides what goes where? Always a good video, beautiful country there.
The oats I sell to Cargill, Richardson, or Viterra, I have no idea what the end use is. Lately I've been selling oats to local guys who feed them to livestock. I see lately Viterra is offering a slight premium on oats that were not pre-harvest sprayed with glyphosate so I'm guessing that is oats for the human consumption market.
France, is a large oat raiser,and they export it even to the United States, seen a ship load of it in Houston Texas!

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