May have to go get it.


Well-known Member
Took my 656 to a repair shop to get the TA rebuilt. Was going to take it to a shop closer to home, but a friend said take it to this shop he don't charge as much and is a good mechanic. This has been about 7 weeks ag now. Called him a week ago and he said will have it done shortly. Drove over there last Sunday and it is still setting where I parked it with a flat tire. He might be good, but he sure is not fast.
Good work isn't fast or cheap, but there's also a difference if they're just dragging their feet too. I could understand if it was in the shop and taken apart waiting on parts. But it sounds like they haven't even looked at it. Did they give you any time frame for when it would be ready you took it there?
Sounds like you should talk to the first shop and see when they can get to it. If you like their response, take it to them.
Years ago the TA went out on my 560. Called the farm dealer and had them come get it and haul it to town. Told them I needed it back ASAP. Said it would take about a week. 159 days later I went and got it.
ahhhh. A story as old as time. A mechanic who isn't getting things done as fast as he thinks he can. The problem is if he lied to you. Cant have that. You have to have a level of trust with him to do a good job and not cut corners. I would probably go pick it up.
reminds me of my dad's issue this summer.
Took his tractor to a Newholand ex mechanic, who everyone says is good and knows his stuff.
6 months later he had to get mad at him so he would work on his tractor not eve one else's
He maybe made a mistake and said in spring, I'm not in a hurray. well it was fall and he was using a little Kabota tractor dragging round bales into the corral as it could never lift them. had to hit them with speed to brake them free of the ground where they were froze down. The guy had to take it apart three times because he was being to cheap to replace the seals every time. I guess they don't handle being pulled apart and reused as each time he put it together it would leak again. he didn't charge for the last 2 jobs as he figured it was his fault it had taken so long as he kept doing all the other jobs as those farmers still did field work and make hay and my dad is retired and just feeds bulls and heifers in the winter. a small job turned out to be alot bigger than it was to be cause he wanted to cheap out.
On the other side of the coin The clutch got weak in my 1086 during fall harvest. I called the local CIH dealer and told them the deal and I would like to have it back fairly soon. They said bring it down to us so I did and the next day I was driving it back home. The old experienced mechanic with a bad back told me he would have had it done that same day but the machine shop was slow at resurfacing the flywheel.
(quoted from post at 10:03:43 01/18/21) Years ago the TA went out on my 560. Called the farm dealer and had them come get it and haul it to town. Told them I needed it back ASAP. Said it would take about a week. 159 days later I went and got it.

Took a week to do the job and 152 days to get started.
Had to have a loader cylinder worked on around a month ago ahead of a snow storm. I fought with it a few hours before I took it to the JD dealer shop. I arrived at the dealership around 3:45 PM and they had it ready to go around 4:45 PM without prior scheduling or appointment. I was and am happy with the service provided. They could have told me that my cylinder would have to go to the bottom of the schedule for the shop.
Lot of different things can be going on. I assume he is self employed, no service manager jumping him from job to job like one I had for a little while.

It may be that he is very busy because he does good work at a reasonable price.

Could be he just keeps putting other jobs that come in ahead of yours.

Could be having lots of problems with jobs he was working on.

Could be he is way behind because he doesn't know how to schedule work.

Might even have been sick.

I would stop in and look over his operation.
I had someone call a few weeks ago and ask. “Do you still work on other peoples tractors?” My answer, “No”. Then they ask, “When do you think you can get it in?” My answer “ I can’t I am buried in my projects.” Then they as again “What about in a few weeks?” My answer “I do not have time right now. I have my projects scheduled for all of this year.” Then “Well let us know if you have an opening.” Right now I can not get my own projects done let alone start trying to work on someone else.
Well, if your tractor is sitting there in an empty yard, that's probably a good indication that the mechanic is dragging his feet. On the other hand if there are a bunch of other tractors waiting to be worked on, and a shop full of tractors in various states of disassembly, then it's pretty safe to say he's got at least as much work as he can handle.

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