37 chief

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Here where I live about 5 miles from the ocean. The waves are the biggest they have been for years. Lots of surfers in the water. Growing up I never got into surfing, or playing ball. A couple reasons. I was always a little over weight, and lived 5 miles from the ocean. A couple months in the summer, Dad kept us busy. By the time I was driving, I was already was into motorcycles, and cars. In school there were too groups of kids, that hung around together.The surfers, and jocks, or kids with motorcycles, and cars. Referred too as greasers. Every one got along. What were some of your interests growing up? Stan
We went to Hawaii on vacation once when our boys were young teens, we tried some surfing at Waikiki, I actually rode a board in a couple of times, and someplace at home I have pictures to prove it. I gave up trying to watch the waves, I watched other people, when the old guy with the dark tan started paddling towards shore it meant there was a good wave coming! I had done a quite a bit of slalom water skiing and some wind surfing so the surf board wasn't that much different. I still do some wind surfing in MN. I have been to San Diego a couple of times and watched them surf.
Folks had a cabin on Jefferson Lake in Minnesota for a long time. Spent many weekends there. Mostly fishing but in my high school years we'd sneak girls and beer out to the island.
4-H through Junior leaders level, Cars, Tractors, Hunting, Fishing. Wood pecker story: Our corn crib was 120' from our house. it had a corrigated steel roof. A red headed wood pecker decided it needed to use that roof as a sounding board every morning at 4:30. Not good. One morning, pre dawn, I took the savage autoloader and sat down in our gravity box. (40' from the crib) That bird flew up and sat on a protruding board 2' away from the tin. I drew a bead an squeezed off a shot. Blam. My dad had found a box of Soviet 12ga. #4 shot shells. They were 50% brass and the rest purple/blue paper.
My shoulder was against the wagon's tapered side. I thought the gun exploded. It hadn't, it was just a magnum load, with zero recoil allowed. My shoulder had tiny little broken blood vesicles in the pattern of the but plate, then it was black and blue for 2 weeks. the shot column vaporized all but 10 feathers and took the end off it board like it was bitten by a shark. Jim
During high school years, I had one interest, tractors, and never got far from that. I liked girls, but did not do well with them for a long time.
My summer interests seemed to revolve around making hay. School, I was one of the top ranked social outcasts. Pretty sure none of it was my idea.
Almost from the time I could walk I was working on the farm for Pa in the mornings and one of the neighbors in the afternoon. Then in the summer after supper watch to see when the neighbors were starting to gather at our nearest neighbors horse pasture to play softball. Lotta work but I wouldn't trade my upbringing for anything.
The best thing you can teach your kids is--teach them how to work. The second best thing--teach them how to play. Pa was a great teacher of both.
Last time I was up there 3-4 years ago Swede's Bay was all silted in. It or Jefferson never were great for fishing but lots of room to ski. I'd take the small boat and go thru the bridge into German and there was good fishing there. Got really rough if the wind came up though. After the folks got rid of the cabin I would take my family to camp at Beaver Dam. Kamatchus owned it, you know the family?

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