Stormy Weather


Well-known Member
It was a wild and stormy night followed by a few hours of nice sunshine. Then back to snowing again by sundown. At least it wasn't cold at 28F and in the shelter of my trees the yard was fine. You can see in this photo that the open country had some real blowing snow and drifting. I see some snow removal in my near future.

Neat picture. Here in southern Michigan we are at about 20% of normal snowfall for the season, no one's complaining.
(quoted from post at 19:08:57 01/20/21) Neat picture. Here in southern Michigan we are at about 20% of normal snowfall for the season, no one's complaining.
We were dry and below normal precip all last summer. Only timely rain showers saved our crops. So there is growing concern there is no soil moisture reserve for the next crop. Below normal snowfall here so far too.
(quoted from post at 19:36:02 01/21/21)
Dang, you said that ain't cold? 28F is getting pretty cold for Central Alabama!!!!
28F degrees is a spring time temp here. 28 is only cold if there is a - in front of it. And that is in our forecast in the next day or so. Once it gets below 0F I don't care to do much more than the essentials outside.

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