Livestock are looking good

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Was doing chores and decided to take some pics. Everything
is looking good right now. These first four steers I bought over
a year ago and are going in to be butchered next month. I'm
keeping one half and the rest are sold direct.


The larger one in this pen is going in in July and is all sold as
well. The other two haven't been scheduled yet, but I'm
thinking next February or March when money frees up after
the holidays.


I almost lost the black one with white face in this pen to acidosis, I had never seen or heard of that before and she got pretty bad before I figured it out. She is doing well now tho. I think these will go mid summer next year.


The pigs are looking good too, first ones go in next month too. Still have four of 21 left to sell yet, but have a month to go in one and the last three don't go in til the end of April.


I lost a couple pigs to worms because the first two wormers I bought didn't work. Not sure why, never used the first one but it mixed with water. The second one I used mixed in with the feed. I had had good luck with it in the past, so for a bit I didn't put the problem down to worms. Then in desperation I bought some injectable wormer and that took care of the problem. Then the dog decided he liked the taste of pork too and he got a couple. So I did buy some replacements. But lessons learned, so I guess it will all work out.

I will buy more pigs as these sell and I will keep my eye open for another steer or two that need topping off to sell this fall if I can find some. Been fun having them around, and with the mild winter has been easy to deal with.
I'm getting a couple of pigs in the spring with a buddy of mine now that we have found a slaughter house that will take them without a year in advance reservation. I'm a bit surprised your pen holds them as there is a lot of room for them to get their nose into the slatted side. My experience is once they can get their nose under something it doesn't last long.
Here is what I have noticed on wormers, on pigs and goats its best to use an injectable do to their fast metabolism. I use ivermectin but on brood stock I also use dectomax in rotation. If you hit the pigs early and again 30 days later you should be good till you turn them into bacon. Cattle and horses do fine on feed based wormers like safeguard. I treat my birds with waxine that mixed with water and I have tried it on pig with little success.( its safe for human fyi!)
I get $1.50/pound hanging weight for pork and $2.20/pound for beef. Buyer pays processing
I milked cows before I left home and can't remember ever having that. It's very interesting that you say that. Any idea what causes it? My brother told me about it, but he has no idea what might cause it.
Do you have all your locker dates prebooked. Last month I had to get my 2022 dates in and couldn't get beef done until JUly2022 because they are full. All the local shops are that way.
Not that bad here. One locker said they were only booking for one year out. But my regular locker has been good at 6 months. I do have some booked at another facility that is a bit further that I used years back and they booked hogs for April for me last week. There is another a bit further than that, about an hour away, that keeps asking me to come there. I haven't asked them how far out they are.
That’s .55$ more than I just sold 630 pound heifers live weight for . I’ve though and awful lot about selling beef but I don’t know

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