Voice prompt egg


Well-known Member
How many of you guys use voice prompt dig on your phones? The keys on this phone are so small it is hard to to use now. So I frequently used the voice prompt feature. However it misunderstands me post the wrong word. Sometimes I fix it and sometimes I just let it go, I figured you guys can figure out what I'm trying to say. BTW, this post has been spoken. LOL
You can now talk into your phone and it will convert to printed word for texting,YTing,or other.On the home computer,where I am now,I prefer to acctually type.I'm a 'chicken typer'(hunt and peck),but still prefer to type rather than talk.I'm finding one needs to be careful how you pronounce the words,properly enunciate. Talking slow helps too.
Friend of ours has an iPad and an android phone, he likes to ask questions on his devices.

He asked Siri something in a loud voice, the iPad started answering. The android must have felt unloved, and also started answering the question.

We all laughed.

They are listening to everything going on around you.


Do you have the option to adjust for regional accents? While I havent traveled a whole lot, I have noticed that folks in Wisconsin and Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois to me have no accent at all. But New York and New Jersey ,PA and West VA , and everything in Canada east of Ontario, there is a distinct difference in the pronouncing of many words. Maybe our phones can be adjusted for local areas . I was approached by a man on the street on day, and he couldnt speak much English. Just said to me , can you help me? Then he spoke into his phone in some foreign language. Then held the phone out to me to listen to. The phone translated what he had said, and repeated it back to me in English. He just needed simple directions. I spoke into his phone, and it translated them back to him. Amazing!!
Visiting the grandkids in Germany we at in a lot of restaurants and not all had translations on the menus so my daughter would use her phone translator. In one place the item translated to "a small car with four wheel drive".

Voice to text works quite well if you do not slur or mumble. I used it on Micro$oft Word to write some of the book I currently have on Amazon. On the phone I use the google version but of course in Word I use the M$ utility. Both work very well and are quite simple to operate (duh - push button and talk plainly).
When we are traveling it is handy to ask the phone what the distance is between certain towns. The gal that cuts my hair said she sent out a mass text to her friends to a deck party. She composed the text verbally speaking into the phone while she was driving and sent the message. She did not proof the text before sending it. The phone changed the word deck to s#x. She got a lot of interesting responses back.
My phone is as dumb as I am. When it comes to phones, I ask my wife. She has the phone. That way I'm never wrong. Stan
My wife makes fun of me talking to my phone but it sure is a lot easier than trying to type those tiny keys. Just need to be sure and proofread it though sometimes it says things I dont mean to say. 😊

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