big tee

Well-known Member
I 've been tying for a month to get this snapper and yesterday wasn't its lucky day-I carry a single shot 22 rifle in the box of my Gator and was sitting on the dam next to where I was pumping water watching the minnows swimming in the waterfall when I looked down and there he was right next to where the gator was parked--Reached slowly for the 22 but he saw the movement and backed down into the deeper water--loaded the rifle and was sitting there watching for him to surface in the deeper water for it usually stays down from 10-15 min. And all of a sudden he surfaced in the same spot--I could have hit him with the barrel of the gun--head shot point blank! The wife has Her family reunion at the pond this Sat. and I'm glad I got him--I hit him 2 weeks ago and thought I got him for he was thrashing around in the water and went down but came back up on the other side--Tuff---Tee

Fisherman neighbor says they will kill a lot of fish..
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(quoted from post at 15:00:05 06/21/21) I 've been tying for a month to get this snapper and yesterday wasn't its lucky day-I carry a single shot 22 rifle in the box of my Gator and was sitting on the dam next to where I was pumping water watching the minnows swimming in the waterfall when I looked down and there he was right next to where the gator was parked--Reached slowly for the 22 but he saw the movement and backed down into the deeper water--loaded the rifle and was sitting there watching for him to surface in the deeper water for it usually stays down from 10-15 min. And all of a sudden he surfaced in the same spot--I could have hit him with the barrel of the gun--head shot point blank! The wife has Her family reunion at the pond this Sat. and I'm glad I got him--I hit him 2 weeks ago and thought I got him for he was thrashing around in the water and went down but came back up on the other side--Tuff---Tee
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Fisherman neighbor says they will kill a lot of fish..
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big boy!
You going to eat him? There pretty good fried in beer batter. You pumping water to keep your pond full? We go some much rain Friday night both our pond were overflowing on the emergency spillway. The river is 6 feet over floodstage ,alot of crops will be lost.
If this had happened a year ago, you could have won some kind of a medal of honor ..... sorry, couldn't help it.
Have a 12 in. tile that dumps in the creek that starts along the dam side of the pond--It is running but slow.
I put a crossing across the creek with a 18 in. culvert under it and can put a piece of plywood in front of the culvert to let the water build up-it takes a day to fill the creek and can pump it dry in 10 hrs. NO I am not going to eat him--we have pork and beef in the freezer!

I like peach pie better!
That one is the third big one in 4 years--They must follow the creek up to the pond.
My neighbor cleans alot of turtles and put something on the shells to seal it and makes clocks out of them. He gets good money from them.
I'd be interested in knowing what he uses to seal them. I've done a few using spray polyurethane for the very good reason that I already had a partial can of it setting on the shelf, and they've lasted a few years now without any deterioration, but if there's something better I'd like to try it the ext time I come by a turtle shell.
You could make a lot of snappetizers from him. Cut meat from bone chunk up in bite sizes and fry. Would be better if you catch him and put him in clean water a few days before the .22 is used.
they do not eat fish and in most states they have a season for them shame you are wasting it they are some of the best eating 7 kinds of meat in one
i was always told those things were hard to kill. when i was young boy we swan in granddaddy pond almost every evening during hot weather, there were several of those that moved in and my uncle decided one Saturday it was time to eliminate some of them, so he set up in the orchard on the hill above the pond with a 22 mag. automatic and proceed the shoot them as they surfaced. one about the size of yours surfaced and when he shot him he rolled over and while he was doing that my uncle kept shooting, a week later we started to go swimming and in the edge of the water was the turtle he shot while he was rolling still alive, with best i can remember 6 holes in him, we drug him out and laid up side down between to rocks and left , next day he back in the edge of the water, this time we placed his head on a rock and delivered the final blow with another. the buzzards finished him off the next day.
No way would I even touch one of those ugly things, much less eat one. How do you know that they don't eat fish? What else would they eat with jaws like that? I get them ever so often. Must be breeding season, for the last couple of days I turned around 2 of other breeds headed for my pond....funny, you turn them around and when they come out of their house they take off in that direction.....neat. I've had a couple of soft shells. One year I caught a hen in the process of laying eggs.

I was trot-line fishing in E. Tx, one time and caught one on the line...put up a big fuss and I just cut that hook-line off rather than mess with it.

In San Marcos, Tx. there is a Glass Bottom Boat concession and one of the main attractions is a huge turtle, don't remember the breed....huge like maybe 100+# and the boat operator points out the tongue since it lies motionless (he said due to it's weight) with it's mouth open and it's tongue has a pink worm looking thing that it just wiggles....along comes an unsuspecting fish and ala...dinner is served.
DRY--Corn is holding it's own but is using the sub-soil moisture we usually need in July and August-A lot of beans look like crap-especially the cover crop and no-till ones--Had a tractor pull buddy 30 mi. Northwest of me that had to replant 2000 acres of seed beans because of the frost we had the end of May.

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