Anyone been to the Oakley, MI show?

Dave H (MI)

Well-known Member
I was planning on going tomorrow. I called Aldermans to order a part and have them take it to the show for pickup. They are not going. Same with Steiner. Got me wondering about the Amish ice cream and flea market people? Even exhibitors. Wondering if the show is the same as usual or if it is unusually small due to poor attendance? Anyone been yet?

Looked pretty good to me, the amish ice cream is there, flea market looks about normal and the grounds are pretty full.
Ya, we were all there. Where the heck were you? Crookedrows, RBMI, johnlobb, d13series3, Double R, guys from Missouri, Nebraska...
Had a real nice place to sit down in the shade in the big Oliver tent. Flea market is as big as ever, Amish ice cream, constant tractor pulling, good crowd without being shoulder to shoulder. Owosso Tractor is there. I guess if two businesses sat it out, that's on them. To tell the truth, we didn't miss them.
That was 2 days in a row for Kim and me. We'll be back tomorrow and Sunday. There's another get together in the Oliver tent again tomorrow at noon if you want to come. We're not gonna beg though. LOL
It was hot as all get out, but like I said, pretty comfortable in the tent.
Everything was pretty close to normal here in NY in terms of the steam pageant. One thing I did notice is everybody is far more conservative in terms of transportation and labor for exhibitors. Perhaps these companies fear losing money by sending product and people to shows if things are anything less than booming.
Look like a normal Oakley show to me. Hot there today but plenty of places to get in the shade. They keep building more buildings and adding things to the show.
Driving on m57 right now heading cross country to kalkaska. Going to the Buckley show tomorrow.
Was my first time there. Was impressed by the grounds, lots to see. Lots of nice tractors. I dont think Ive ever seen so many Allis Bs. And it was good to finally meet the people Ive gotten to know on the board. It was hot, but the cups of slushy cider sure did hit the spot!
The show seem pretty much what it normally is to me. I didn't miss Alderman's or Steiner and still came home with a little less cash and a bag of goodies. We had a nice visit in the Oliver Tent and they even let me in without my bibs.
What time are you going Sunday Leonard? We're going back to get two tractors, but I want to be home in time to sort a load of cattle to take to St Louis Monday morning.
Sunday I will be back in the shop putting the 300U back into one piece. I have the promise of some helping hands. Can't rejoin the halves by myself...not easily anyway! Good to hear from you Len!
I will be there tomorrow. I will cruise the tent and look for familiar faces. Thing about Oakley is that it is my birthday outing every year. I have no control over arrival time. They usually have morning things they want me to do. It's a good day for me each year. Even more special this year because my youngest is home from school for the show. She could not be home on my actual birthday (another good day) so this is like double dipping for me! If I see you I will stop and say hello. Hope you will do the same. I know most everyone to look at them. Looking forward to being there after missing last year.
Hitting both shows, eh? Never did that. Be a good excuse to spend a night or two in TC and hit my favorite restaurant. Have to give that some thought for next year. Have a good time in Buckley...I find it a very different sort of show than the Oakley one.
I might have to grind feed in the morning before I go. I definitely have to stop at Hofferbert's in Bannister and pick up a few things on the way over. I hope to be there by noon at the latest. There's an HPOCA meeting at 2 and I want to be at that for sure.
Yeah,Kevin! We were all looking forward to seeing you! It was real nice meeting Mr. and Mrs. D13. And, I'm sorry, no pic of the whole gang. I totally forgot to take one. Maybe Randy can tomorrow?
We have a fair amount of products displayed in a demonstrator situation pulling people wagons and water wagons.In preparation for Junkshow weve noticed that the dealers and distributors dont have the inventory they typically expect to. A good friend is a salesman at a Massey dealer and says they have 21 tractors ordered with 15 of those spoken for and they are anywhere from 3 to 18 months out.

Randy, we went by the Oli tent twice and did not see any familiar faces.

We had to be home by 2pm so we left about 11.45.

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