bottle feed calves

I have fed hundreds and hundreds over the years. Some I fed 3 times a day, some once a day. Most important is what ever you do keep it the same each day. Always have fresh water available so the calve learn early the difference between water and milk. This helps when weaning, and when hot against dehydration. I always have some nice grassy 2nd cutting they can get to. Also some calve pellets free choice. Keep them dry and out of the wind and they will grow like weeds. Al
I always did twice a day. I would not advise once a day, especially not with new borns. Maybe trim down to once a day before weaning, but definately not in the beginning.
The many times as you can handle is better.
A large (Holstein) calf needs 2 full bottles a day.
If you want to break it up to 4 half bottles a day that is better.
The measuring cup in the bag is for 1 full bottle twice a day.
I would never give a calf 2 full bottles once a day.
Their stomachs are not big enough to handle that.
And any over fill of the last stomach will cause scours the number one killer of baby calves.

Make sure you use body temperature water for the mix.
And feed at the exact same time every day.
We can get into the reasons why and discuss the esophageal groove and how it works if you want to but you just need to know it is best to let the calf see you coming with the bottle and feed them at the same time every day.

Provide the calf with fresh clean water and a little calf starter feed.
A 50 lb bag of milk replacer should last you 4 weeks.
This is enough time to get them weaned and on feed but a novice like yourself may want to stretch it out to 75 lbs and 6 weeks. The only reason most try to do it in 4 weeks is milk replacer is so expensive.
You have gotten a lot of good advice here, and there isnt too much more I can add, only some best use ideas. First would be that calf bottles come in more than one size, so better to speak in terms of volume. A Holstein or other large breed calf could be fed as much as 4 litres or 4 quarts per day by the end of the first10-12 days, but in the first couple days if the calf only gets a quart and a half or litre and a half in it, no big deal, just go back a little later and let it try to get the rest of that feeding after it catches its breath. Some calves are good drinkers right from the start, others it takes a while to catch on. There is also 4 litre and 2 litre bottles, so take a look at the size of the bottle you buy. A calf can be fed milk for 3-4 months if you have the milk, and are not buying milk replacer. And a large calf over 2 months old can drink down 4 litres or 4 quarts twice per day . Calves do well on whole milk, and grain, like John said always have fresh water and grain available. I dont know where you live, but where I live in extreme cold weather calves need more calories to live. So giving a two week old calf a bit extra milk can be a good thing if the temperature is around 0 F. To understand how your calves are doing always always always pay close attention to their manure. It is very easy to scour young calves. And people think maybe I am giving them too much and they are getting diarrhea , so they cut back on the volume they feed. This can lead to dehydration in the calf. You can pinch the shrink on the calves back between your thumb and forefinger, it should snap back like it was fairly quickly. If it stays kind of standing like when you pinched it, the calf is dehydrated. Best to give the calf some liquid electrolyte mixture, in warm water one hour before it gets its milk. Calve can be fun to raise, but sometimes a heart ache too. Watch and learn.
My wife raises calves and baby goats on bottle from time to time,rarely loses one.She starts out letting them go no longer than 3 hours between feedings but also doesn't over feed just like a cow or doe will do.
I fed them twice a day and learned (the hard way) that mother nature put mammas teats where she did for a reason. After my education, I held my hand on the calfs head forcing it to have to suck the bottle in about the same position as mammas more dead calves from inhaling the milk!

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