It cold happen anytime

37 chief

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A plane fell out of the sky here in San Diego. It crashed on a UPS truck, and driver delivering packages, killing the UPS driver, and the pilot also died. When they woke up this morning I am sure they had no idea this would be their last day. Kind of sad for the families. A couple houses were also destroyed, but the family in one house got out. The other house was empty of people. Stan
Ya always possible , go to slow in the air u fall down , go too fast on the ground and you start floating up. Just never can tell how youd day will end. Even William Shatner at 90 years old must have had second thoughts about going into space, his flight got delayed. I think it was due to wind. .
For the UPS driver, that was definitely a freak accident, for the pilot it was a known risk. One of my brothers has the theory that lift is like one of those carnival click wheels. The wheeel gets a spin, and click click click it stops on a number. If your number comes up, its just your turn. Much of life is planned but there is always random chance.
Stan how is that new law banning small engines like lawn mowers and chainsaws going to effect you.just wondering seems kinda crazy to me but i know its because of all the fire out there
Yep, it's not our decision to make...

James 4:13-15

13 Come now, you who say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit 14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 15 Instead you ought to say, If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.
(quoted from post at 03:55:02 10/12/21) Yep, it's not our decision to make...

James 4:13-15

13 Come now, you who say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit 14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 15 Instead you ought to say, If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.

Eternal life is available to us all.
Steve, love those verses. Folks ask us things like, 'yall coming back to our tractor show next year?' Or ' thanks for having a booth at the home and garden show, want to rent a booth for next year?'. I always think about these verses.......
So some of us think this is all predetermined and decided in advance by a greater power? Did I read that passage correctly? Good grief! But I will say that if you can imagine a tragic incident of some kind that you'd think could never happen, for sure it has happened and will happen again. I'm sure the families will wonder forever how it happened like it did along with the 'if only' thinking that they will go through. My thoughts are with the victims and their families and friends.
(quoted from post at 05:19:39 10/12/21) So some of us think this is all predetermined and decided in advance by a greater power? Did I read that passage correctly? Good grief! But I will say that if you can imagine a tragic incident of some kind that you'd think could never happen, for sure it has happened and will happen again. I'm sure the families will wonder forever how it happened like it did along with the 'if only' thinking that they will go through. My thoughts are with the victims and their families and friends.

Yes Crazy Horse, situations like this are tough for many of those involved, but not so bad for others like Steve, Kevin and myself.
I have had bad dreams about planes crashing into me on the ground since I was very young. Strange since I'm not afraid to fly and actually enjoy it. Even thought about getting a private pilots license once.
But for some reason Ive always had dreams about being hit by falling aircraft and can recall waking up screaming when I was a kid. Maybe I was killed that way in a previous life or something! :roll:
Sad deal. Its funny you mentioned waking up in morning and not knowing. Exactly what I thought this am when I saw the news about the UPS driver. He probably thought just another day at the job. It sounded like he was well liked by his customers too.
I remember back in the mid 70s when then Kitty Hawk came back from a WesPac tour my wife and I moved to Imperial Beach because the ship was at the Coronado pier. One day when we were both home a large commercial aircraft crashed after take off. News showed just a bit of horrific sights. Some things like people hanging from trees and numerous body parts on the ground could not be shown of course. It was a full flight if Im not mistaken. Wingnut
Out town banned leaf blowers last year. I see gardeners still using them. If I mow next to a road I still use my gas blower to clean up the road. As for the state banning small gas engines it is an environmental issue not much to do with fires. The ones that will be hurt the most are gardeners who will need to keep batteries charged for all day use. Or they can get a generator to keep the batteries charged.
does that make sense? Stan
Oh well. I had a post deleted. I tried best to less graphic. Wife and I lived near San Diego back in mid 70s. Got back from USS Kitty Hawk Wes PAC tour. Major crash at airport when commercial aircraft crashed on take off. Bad scene is all I will say. Changed many lifes that day. We happened to be home that day. Wingnut
Tragic for the people on the ground!!! But we are all safer with that pilot out of the air. Listen to this ATC recording - the guy was very confused and got several dire warnings to climb immediately but seemed to be spaced out or something.[/url]
Tragic for the people on the ground!!! But we are all safer with that pilot out of the air. Listen to this ATC recording - the guy was very confused and got several dire warnings to climb immediately but seemed to be spaced out or something.[/url]

Maybe tried to climb too steep or without enough power and went into a stall and didn't recover. Couldn't understand a lot of his conversation.
And a small experimental plane crashed this morning (Oct 12) near Waukesha in SE Wisconsin killing the two people in the plane. Waukesha is where Oliver 'waukapart' engines were built.

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