OT: Junk mail


Well-known Member
We get 5 to 10 pieces daily.So much it interfere with our everyday life.Hard to work and farm there is so much.Most of it is not even opened).It all just goes into the fireplace.How do you get rid of it????How do giys handle it?
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Right here.
When we're home we recycle it, but now our mail is forwarded to our winter home, and they don't forward junk mail, but I'm pretty sure they recycle it. Don't you folks that are burning it have recycling available? There are paper mills that run exclusively on recycle.
Have fun with it! If you get some with a postage-paid envelope with it, stuff it with someone else's junk mail and drop it in the mail box. It'll cost the envelope owner to receive the envelope back!
Junk mail is a good thing. It really helps my little town post office to stay open. My OIC use to tell me when the postal service was going to do mail count.

So to get more mail for the postal service to count I would request info from various places to generate more mail. I would even order free postal supplies so they would be delivered during mail count week!

I really don't see how junk mail could impact your daily life to the point you can't get stuff done. It takes 20 seconds to sort and toss the mail.
I left the wood burner in the old house when we moved 19 years ago, thinking about getting another just to get rid of the junk mail!!
My recycle can is in the garage, by the door. Only takes a few seconds to cull through it and drop it in the can.

I try not to give out my address unless it's really necessary. Never sign up for sweepstakes drawings, free offers, walk in businesses that ask for an address get told no.

Same with a phone number, don't give it out, or I'll give them my work number.
I throw our junk mail in a box. Some days when it is just cool but not biting cold, a junk mail fire in my shop furnace is all that I need to warm my shop. Junk mail doesn't bother me at all.
It's not unusual for us to go 2 weeks without even any junk mail -- save the free weekend paper (all 4 pages of it) with 2 sales ads.
I just said that to get some sort of 'farm' content in the post.It doesn't affect me at all.Just irritates me.all the wasted paper and rescources.I guess it make someone money.Just not from me.Makes great fire starter.
My wife puts the junk mail into the blue recycling box, and takes it out the the road for once a week pickup, along with whatever paper garbage that is generated in our home. Selling the paper trash to a paper recycling company, earns our municipal government enough to cover off pickup. And keeps paper from filling the land fill
Compared to what we got twenty years ago, we get almost no junk mail. Advertisers have found more cost-effective ways to communicate. Loss of bulk mail revenue is hurting the Postal Service.

Many years ago my wife asked the Postmaster about it. He handed her a very short form to fill out. She filled it out and gave it back to him. That stopped 90% of it. You might say that it is very easy.
Part of life these days Red ...... but man, you must get lots of it to interfere with your everyday life. Surely you are exaggerating a wee bit?
Same here. Stuff it in empty cereal box and burn it in the furnace. Dont open much of it.
"it interfere with our everyday life"

Aren't you being a little overly dramatic? Do you open them and read them thoroughly? Do you respond to them? Why?

I sort through the mail on the walk back from the mailbox. Takes about sixty seconds to walk back to the house from the mailbox. By the time I'm back to the house the junk mail is in one hand and the bills are in the other. Junk goes in the recycle bin.

If something is interfering with everyday life, it's the bills.

Responding to them is the worst thing you can do. If you respond, it's no wonder you get so much. When they get something back from you, "WE GOT A LIVE ONE!" and they sell your name and address to all buyers.

Since my folks both passed, the volume of junk mail at the farm has dwindled. I think mom was responding to some, particularly this disabled veterans charity (allegedly) that keeps sending packages of cheap pens and gloves.
like most it is free heat in my house. cost somebody money and maybe me as it is a waste that probably is financed through my taxes.

Ps; did you ever get your wood stove figured out????.
I put a couple inches of old oil in a pail then put the mail on one end. Let it soak & the next day when I load the shop stove with wood, I put the oil soaked papers on top. When the stove gets going the oil burning gets everything hot quickly. I do it with newspapers & magazines too.
I open a lot of it dependes on sender. I have found quartes and even dollar billes in the junk mail that if I hadent opened I would have been throwing money away with the garbage. Don't take much to make sure there is no money stuck in it.
(quoted from post at 20:42:13 12/20/21) It doesnt bother me. That junk mail keeps our post office open.

This correct. If you want to see USPS go all the way out of business simply do away with "junk" mail. It is paying the bills for the rest of us.
I have no objection to keeping the PO open, but I *do* object to the enormous waste inherent in unnecessary paper and printing, in additional burden to an already strained delivery system, and in the piling up of trash (and its b@$t@rd child, litter).

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