Before The Hard Mud

Dick L

Well-known Member
I did this video Christmas day and it took 8 hours to upload. I was wondering if anyone could figure out why it received such low views. I am still trying to learn from how people like the videos to do a better job. I click on made for kids to make sure everyone know it does not have nasty content which shuts off the comment section. Thanks for any help I can receive.
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I will admit I only watched a few seconds of the beginning but watching horses stand and eat is rather uneventful to me. I don't have speakers so that might be part of it.
Thanks! I can understand that! I watch a lot of videos and do the same or just click thru because I am not interested in the content.
If you had millions or even 10s of thousands of subscribers, I'd be right there with you wondering why.

However you have a small channel with only 43 subscribers at this time, so youtube isn't going to promote your video even if you had done a proper clickbait job on it. Someone would have to be searching for it specifically to find it.

No offense to you but the subject is also unremarkable. Sometimes you'll get some word of mouth traction on a video, but like cat guy says watching a miniature horse eat is not something someone is going to share with others.

Now if the horse were standing on its front legs, dancing to the tune of "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer..."
Thanks! That is very true and very helpful. A two months ago I had like 6 subscribers and this video is way lower in views than most. It has
90% external and the one I made with the Honda Mini truck has only 5% external which is from sites like this and has 90% from Youtube
lookers. As yet I have not learned to edit the videos content. I have an editing program and am trying to make sense out of icons that mean
nothing to me (yet)
I like your videos. But they arent reference material. I think your viewers will be your acquaintances. Happy New Year to you and your mini horses. Your devotion to their care is admirable.
Thanks! I do get a lot of views here and on Tales where I have been posting off and on since 1999 or sooner. I posted before you had to sign up. I know not everyone is interested in horses and love them like I do. They are what keeps me active. I have to cut and bale hay to feed them. I have to keep making improvements for their comfort regardless of what it takes.

I have hired and fired people since the late 1960's and never get my feeling hurt. People can say anything that would upset most. I respect others opinions true or not.
I wouldn't click to indicate it was made for kids. That will affect how YouTube prioritizes it and will likely end up with lower views.
Thanks! You are most likely correct. I only marked it for kids because I didn't want anyone to think I would video stuff with unacceptable content to anyone. I will edit several now to see if it makes a difference
(reply to post at 06:05
:21 01/03/22)
Just a little constructive criticism. First set your video to "not made for kids" otherwise nobody is able to comment on it. I learned that quite a while ago.
Also I see you shot it in "keyhole view" which means you need to tip your phone sideways. The wide angle panoramic view is much easier on the eyes most people find.
A good eye catching thumbnail for the cover helps draw in the clicks. Tags also help the search engines find your video.
Otherwise your content is fine along with your narration. Of course it will mostly attract those interested in horses but you can't please everybody.
Thanks! I don't know why I didn't pick up on turning the phone. I shy away from those video's myself. I will try that and see how it works. I
have very little control with my left hand it aiming the camera. I know I need to ad thumb nail photo. I have when I can find one that seems
to fit. Dixie said I could take some cheesecake pictures of her if it would help. :)^D I told her not in my lifetime.
Well, your minni horses are pets. I can tell by how you care for them, and talk to them. And you know how much pets mean to thier owners. But the truth is, if you dis-associate a pet from its owner, its just another cat, or another dog, or... another minni horse to somebody else. Other people (you tube viewers) aren't going to have the same personal connection to your animals that you have. Nothing against you or your animals, its just how the interest in pets work. Sometimes you got to view things from outside the box. You know that little old lady that lives down the street or someplace else, and has a little poodle that means the world and all to her? But it nips at everybody's ankles and it acts like its going to eat people up when they come to the door. Well, thats a bad example. But it kind of relates to the same thing in regards to pets meaning more to thier owners than others. Its still there, even if your pet, is not a snippy
little dog.
People watch what pops up on a you tube search. So, the tittle is key. Nobody is going to type (before the hard mudd) or (minni horses on christmas) into a search mission on you tube. So if it pops up at all, its going to be way down the line. The searcher probably not even going to scroll down far enough. And if they are watching random videos along the way, they likely going to be videoed out on the subject long before they even get to yours.
Minni horses are somewhat of a novelty. But I don't think they are in any way rare. And when you factor in shetlin ponies, and donkeys, and everything else, they are definately not rare. So, video footage on you tube is abundant, and also not rare. I'm sure that you tube is not over loaded with viewers wanting to see minni horses.
And you mentioned targeting a kids audience. In my personal opinion, I think there would be more interest in your videos with adults. If a kid can't pet your horses, thier interest level is going to go way down. Adults, not so much.
Keep at it. I'm sure whoever watched your video, enjoyed it. I, for one, did. Its not about numbers who watched or liked. Its about how enjoyable/educational it was to the ones that did!
Keep at it. And Happy New Year to ya Dick L.
Thanks for your input!
You are correct in your assessment as I view it. I started making videos to only show Dixie, family and friends that might be interested in what I was doing. The viewership started to increase, and I thought I would try to do more to see if it would increase more which it did. I think I am understanding more with the great comment's. Dixie not being able to be outside the house without help I have to figure out how do things differently than normal.
Sometimes videos draw clicks for reasons unknown to me. Two of my biggest counters are what I consider poor entertainment. Maybe it is the title or the tags but for some reason my video called "Weasel Killed My Roosters" draws consistent hits. The title maybe does it. Another is Swathing 1988. Its an old VHS tape conversion to digital of me swathing barley with my 2090 and "new to me" Massey pull type swather. It has almost 300,000 views in the almost ten years its been up. Why it is so popular I have no idea.

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