Strange weather on the west coast of CA

37 chief

Well-known Member
Today I am walking around in a Tee shirt in 80 degrees, soon after the sun goes down I am making a fire in our wood stove. How you folks doing? Stan
Oh just dandy , nice balmy 28.6 degrees a light breeze blowing At 26 MPH , no snow to add to the 28 inches on the ground . A lot better then 47 years ago on this date as we were still digging out from what hit on feb. 7th and today were are 40 degrees warmer . But nice of you to ask.
Good one Larry, VERY good ..... ha! And nobody mentioned that yet about your reply but I will, very clever and in good spirit I'm sure. I guess we're so used to negative things here being directed towards that beautiful State that we're flummoxed and left speechless ...
This should explain it

You need more insulation in your house! Arizona is the same way, but when we rented a condo we rarely needed heat or AC. Now we bought a park model mobile home, and we use more heat and occasionally AC, we are only here Dec through March. The natives in AZ 1000 years ago built homes with walls 2 feet thick out of rocks and mud, the temperature inside stayed pretty constant.
Over night was 34-39 degrees with some rain splatters.

Today is up to 40mph winds, temp has fallen to 12 at noon, on its way to minus 10 or some such tonight.

Just another typical winter day in minnesota.

I'm in north Texas. Yesterday morning early I had a doctor's appointment and wore my coat to go and ran the heater on the way. On the way home I was down to a tee shirt and had the windows down on the car. Temperature must have rose 30 degrees in the hour or so I was there.
East coast is the line of swimming pools, and Frank Sinatras horde of Jack Daniels, in Palm Springs
I was out in a T shirt today too, cleaning up my trees from the ice storm we had earlier. Things have dried out such that the ground doesn't get stuck in your tires. Have some rain scheduled for next week....bring it on, we need it.
My sister owns/lives in a Hay house in Benson, Az. walls are 2' thick. Stucco over the hay, tile floors, CHA and all the amenities.

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