O T - Big Life Change -Draft Horses

For some 30 plus years I've been doing Trail Rides & Wagon Trains. I love driving the big horses and driving a wagon or mowing hay with horses. Now I've done my last Trail Ride. It was the big Salt Grass Trail Ride ending with the Houston Rodeo Parade. I'm gonna miss that. Now I'm faced with dealing with my five draft horses, five wagons, tons of harness, etc. Its gonna be an adjustment for me but at 77 I can barely harness almost 18 hand high horses and my wife has about stage six (of seven) Alzheimer's and needs me full time (not to mention the horses and dozen miniature Herefords, hay to be made depending on rain, and oats to harvest). Dang it has been fun tho. Thanks for listening. kelly
Sorry to hear. Just take it one day at a time. That is what happened to me two years ago when I got cancer. All my plans went out the window.

Sounds like it's been a good ride!

SO sad when things have to come to an end.

My sympathies to you and your wife.
I'm sure you'll adjust but will take some time. Good luck with the wife and take care of YOUR SELF. Many forget they need to tend to themselves also.
Remember all the wonderful memories. Just take it one day at a time. You have friends here stay with us.
I'm very sad for you! Your losing the two LOVES you've had in your life. will pray that all goes well for you and your wife. gobble
Sounds like you've had a good ride(pun intended).I will repeat what others have said. Take care yourself too. Both physically and mentally. You are faced with a challenge in life that we hope we never have.
Maybe you can keep one of the old girls around just to stir your memories every day. Also make yourself aware of all the help that is available out there. Don't be afraid to ask.
Kelly, I fully understand you feelings about change, a big change. But there comes a time. I have been thru much of that, not the least caring for a wife with a terrible disability. My first wife and I had horses almost all our married life. Our last one was put down the week she started chemo for breast cancer in 2005. I still miss them but know I couldn't do what I use to do with them. I'll be in touch and maybe we can get together now that the weather seems to be improving. John
I always have had an interests in drafts. But never had anything other than a saddle horse to go along with my cattle. Truth is, I guess I never really felt like I could afford the keep of a team of drafts. Being scared of how much they'd eat, I think always kept me from owning any.

I'm sure seeing it all come to an end is hard! If you happen to sell them, (which it sounds like your plan), make a point to get names and numbers of new owners, if they are not people you know. If they know your situation, I'm sure they will likely let you come over for visits. Ride with them in thier trail rides and parades. I know it won't be near the same, but it's a good way to spend a rare afternoon, when you can no longer do all of it yourself.
Caregiving is very demanding on the caregiver. Be sure to take care of yourself and don't be afraid to use the services you are entitled to, such as visiting nurse ect, ect. I downsized last year, sold my sawmill, old tractors, old trucks, old equipment. Plan on spending time with family and seeing some of this great country. Best of luck to you.
Any Amish in your area ? Bet there would be a lot of interest in your items up here in Ohio. May be worth hauling it all up here to the Kidron Ohio auction .
Sometimes we see change coming to our life, often we are doing things for the last time ever, but don't know it.I prefer change that I can see coming . Best wishes to you with what lay ahead.
Thanks friends! You've written some warm, wonderful responses. In fact there came a tear to my eye just reading your comments. FYI, I'm keeping my 24 year old draft Belgian mare til she (or I) die. And, also her teammate, about a 16 year old Clyde/Thorobred??? cross. They were never matched color-wise or shape (she is thick, he is thinner) BUT they worked beautifull well together. I've put up my black/white (salt & pepper) Percheron gelding team for sale. I also hope to keep my other black Percheron gelding.
Kelly after having a large row crop operation for 55 years this last year I sold off a large portion of the land then leased out the rest. Like you am now 78 and just time to back away from some things. Not having to worry about crop input prices this spring has really been an adjustment. I am sure your love for horses will never end but the work associated with them will be a relief. Take care of the wife and your mental health. God speed to your life we all are thinking about you .
Sorry to hear you are facing such tough decisions.

But better to be prepared than surprised.

Praying for you and your wife,hope it all works out for you.

God has a plan for us, He always gets the job done!
Sounds like you had thirty wonderful years working with your horses, but now you are needed full time by your family. Change is always difficult and often unnecessarily sad. I hope you can find much pride and joy from those thirty wonderful years and not dwell too much on a few extra years with them that you may have lost. Prayers sent for you and your wife.
at age 73 I find myself in similar position I have sold my cows most of my land now I have tractors and no need for them. I told Tall Kid and Sue B time to move on.Tall Kid said dad you won't like not having your tractors Sue B agreed with him. What will I do with them no more hay to bale or manure to haul?
So sorry about your wife and the decisions you have to make. For most people there is no gold in the golden years.
So sorry to hear of your problems. Lost my wife to Alzheimers in 2020. You will need some time to yourself or you'll wind up with health problems. I had a firm called Home Instead have a care giver come out so I could get away once in awhile. They did light housekeeping and would make meals for her. Think there was a three hour minimum and reasonable rates. Eventually, it gets to much for most men so do research on memory care places so you're prepared for when that time comes.

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