Sell it or keep it update


First of all, thank you for everyone's input, I appreciate it.

Few days ago she put it on writing that if I intend to keep the Ford 7710 it is mine free and clear but if I intend to sell it, she wants half.

I am keeping it.
That's good to hear.

Friend of mine is going through a D. He's probably got bigger problems on his hands.
His marriage was kind of rocky. Had been for awhile. Wife liked illegal substances more than the clean life. Had a history of that before they were married. Anyways, my friends dad died. Kind of un-expectedly. That was early last fall. He knew he'd be inheriting a farm, out of that ordeal. So he knew he had to file for divorce. Should of filed way sooner. Bad timing. But, what do you do when it's already to late. He claims he's gonna be alright. Says his lawyer is telling him that. Her name is not mentioned in the will. His lawyer says she can fight it if she wants. But, it won't do her any good.

I am not so sure. I'm way more skeptical about the outcome of it, than what he seems to be. I'd maybe have the faith he has, if he would of filed BEFORE his dad died. Anyways, I don't think he is anywheres close to having his s8!t show over. They got the property part of his divorce to get through yet. And that has only just started.

Half of what you got, is one thing. Half of what you were to inherit on top of it, is much worse. I would think.
Does that writing include a time line ? Like if you end up selling 5 years from now does she still get 1/2 ?

For sure keep it as it looked like a nice tractor.
I live in New York state, and just looked it up. They seem to have gotten it right:

"Inheritances designated for one spouse are usually considered separate property and therefore not subject to division in court during a divorce proceeding."

Generally, inheritances are considered non-marital, or separate, property from what I'm seeing. She's got a long row to hoe unless the dad named her either explicitly or generically in the will.
I presume this reply is in response to my
reply down below (with wording included
such as, -inhertance-, -will-).

I know this varies from state to state. And
it's my understanding, that in my state, it
is like you are mentioning for your state.

I don't know. I've never seen a situation
quite like this one before. Or how the laws
would apply to it. The virtual possibility
that the reason for the divorce was brought
about, was so the wife wouldn't inherit
anything, might could throw a monkey wrench
into it. Kind of like, how you can no
longer sign your farm over to your nephew
one week before admitting yourself into the
nursing home, to protect your farm from the

All I know is, I have seen some pretty
unfair things happen in court, when it
comes to divorces. And usually the one that
gets the better end of the stick, is not
the one that got treated unfairly. I'm just
glad it's not me wearing those shoes.

I'm glad she is going to let you keep that nice looking tractor. In 1980 my ex-wife to be got both of our auto & pickup truck plus removed items from our house that she wasn't supposed to take.
When it came time to go to courthouse for final judgement local Judge just shrugged his shoulders as if it didn't matter.

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