Ready for cooler weather


Well-known Member
91 right now feels like temp 105 in south Louisiana.Im ready for some cooler temperatures! When does it start cooling off up there?guess I just cant take it like I used to working in the heat since I was a kid I will turn 61 in December
At 3 PM here at the Lake of the Ozarks area of Missouri it was 101 as per my car. I just came in from raking hay and I am soaking wet from sweat
In late June it was 100-101 which is above normal here we usually get that hot in August.if it wasnt for the high humidity it would not be as bad
I am working in upstate NY to escape the heat. It has been some of the best weather the last few weeks. Only a couple days over 80,nights in the 50s and even upper 40s with low humidity.
Here in northwest Iowa mid-august is when we start losing the summer feel and start seeing a glimpse of fall both humidity and heat wise. We can ocasionally see temps in the mid 90 s till sept but usually by then those above 90 days are becoming scarce.
I'm in south Texas, last several days have been 107-108. Several more to go. August is when it gets really hot around here. Lord willing August will not be typical.

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