

Well-known Member
last week i posted a picture of a tractor show. not 1 single comment. guess we aint much in southwest mo. the show is coming up very soon too
If your talking about Zark's Steam Engine show , the print Ad was very small on my computer and to far to travel for me.
I know what you mean. I posted about something not long ago that the wife and I had a great time doing. The only comment I got was one that was a little negative. I guess if you don't invite people to wallow in your misery, it doesn't garner much interest.

I remember being at a get together one time and people just seemed to be trying to top each other with their personal complaints. I said ''Am I the only one whose life doesn't suck?''.
I try to keep a positive attitude about life in general, and try not to bring folks down about things they post. Sometimes when I read a post, even if I found it to be interesting, if I havent anything to ask or comment on, like many others, I just move on to the next.
I think that posted material is a appreciated even if there are no commments. Some days there just is not time to get through all the posted material at least for me. As to where something is we are all guilty of taking interest if that is close to our respective homes versus some distance away. No doubt your post is appreciated by quite a number here.
I experienced that very same thing two weeks ago. Semis hauling rare prairie tractors. NOT ONE REPLY!
It depends on who the person is posting. Without being nasty or critical, the fact is that some of us post similar things day after day after day and receive numberous replies and praise for every post. Others like yourself get 'nada' .... such is life I guess. With some of my replies, at least one of my fans seems to report me immediately to the site moderators. Well, I stopped being a smart a$$ lately and have survived somehow .... ha!
Like Bruce said. x2. I'm not a stick-my-nose-in kinda guy but I do view a lot of posts and enjoy everyone's effort to be part of the community. So just know that big brother is watching!!!! steve
Nooooo, Nooooo! don't stop posting those puzzles, kcm! I look forward to them every day and work every one of them. Much appreciate your efforts.
Don't take this the wrong way. And I hope you don't.

It just seems like to me, that posting info on an upcoming tractor show, tractor cruise, or plow day, or whatever, has gotten to be a dime a dozen on here. Common enough that people just see it and say 'Well, OK'. Stuff goes on all over the country, and most of it seems to get mentioned on here for promotion these days.

I personally don't go much to such stuff. And don't travel far to them if I do. When I see a posting about a show, I might click on it just to see if it's a posting containing pictures taken at a show that happened last weekend. If I see that it's actually just a promotional post about an upcoming show that hasn't even happened yet, I generally just 'x' out of it right then. I wonder how many do the same?? Sounds like it's getting to be practically all.

Many on here (including me), are only interested in looking at footage of something that hapoened and we weren't able to go to. We see a tractor show post, and we go 'yay, let's look at what we missed out on'. So we click on it, only to be disappointed that it's moreless just a flyer of an upcoming event 5 states away.

Sometimes we have a tendency on here to kind of forget how broad the veiwership on here is. Man, it's from all over. Maybe high numbers of veiwership in total. But likely few from your area. About the closest YTers to me that I know of, are only a couple that are atleast 100 miles away. But you got to realize that if you space people out 100 miles apart all across the U.S. and Canada, your still talking about a huge audience. And that's what you run into here on YT.

A local event is primarily going to be attended by local people. Not many will travel any further than over 1 state line. Unless it's something really big like Red Power Roundup.

Just my 2 cents.
(reply to post at 08:37:52 09/09/23)
I f I were you, I would add the website address for that show you posted about.
I don't know about others, but even zooming in on that poster picture, I can't read all of what is on it.
Might be more readable on a cellphone or other device?
(reply to post at 08:37:52 09/09/23)
Remember too, according to YT admin most readers use Classic View.
And many only look at the first page of threads.

Once a thread gets pushed off the first page, viewership goes way down along with it the likelihood of garnering replies.
(quoted from post at 07:37:52 09/09/23) last week i posted a picture of a tractor show. not 1 single comment. guess we aint much in southwest mo. the show is coming up very soon too
f you want a lot of responses just rabble rouse, be a name caller, degrade other posters, be obnoxious, etc. That is how you get many responses and call attention to yourself. Just observe and you will see it regularly among about 1/2 to a dozen "personalities". :cry:
I looked at your post not long after you posted about the show. It is the same weekend as another show that is 1 1/2 hours from me and yours is 5 hours. While I do not comment on most upcoming shows I still look to see where they are.
So what's the big deal?

I've posted many a post that didn't get a single response. There could be any number of reasons.

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