2023.09.29 Abandoned Barn


Well-known Member
NW Minnesota
Puzzle: https://jigex.com/1VFHQ

A millionaire friend of the family paid good money for several barns like that in VT and had them torn down and brought to CT just for the weathered lumber.
Situations like this cause one to wonder what would allow anyone to think this is OK. Good grief, a young child or even an adult could walk in at the wrong moment and their life could end. Such neglect is
inexcusable to say the least. Just my humble opinion.
For the concern for the life of somebody there, if they are not the landowners or somebody sent there to look at or for something. Then they are trespassing and have no business being there and I have no worry if they do get hurt in my opinion. Though they would probably sue for all they can get, and they should not get anything but a jail sentence for the trespassing.
Never ceases to amaze me how people find negativity in life. For all we know that may have been the
last picture the old man took before the demolition took place later on that day.

A picture he could share with his descendants and show them where they milked, put up hay and all the
other stuff people do in barns. Those are good stories.

Probably shouldnt have been let go that long, but it is a monument to the structural integrity they put
into old barns like that.

Thanks for the pic kcm.
I think you might be exaggerating the negative replies that you refer to DP. One YT'er mentioned the liability issue which unfortunately, is a fact of life these days. Really, I thought the comments were all pretty reasonable to be honest.
the barn is still standing, it is the lean-to on the side that has collapsed. at leased that is my assessment. only cost about 30k to fix it up. lol gobble
Point was it was a picture puzzle posted for entertainment purposes only but it seems like it can never be just that. Nuff said
I see what you're saying but if it were just for what you said, then there would be no replies at all to these kinds of posts. Just look at the photo, do the puzzle if you want, and then move on. I think the comments make the whole thread more interesting.

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