I didn't want to hijack the 'personal item' thread. . ..


Well-known Member
But guys, If you have old photos and there is even a tiny chance that someone in your family will ever want them, label them to tell who is is in the picture, where it is made, etc.

I was contacted by the wife of a distant relative (Same great grandfather) who had a box of old photos and was wanting my mother to look at them and see if she recognized anyone in them.
You are certainly right about labeling pictures. My Dad passed away when he was only 51 and Mom was only 59. Most of the photo albums of my parents were labeled, so I lucky in that respect. However I have my Dads Korean War scape book, also labeled. I figured there might be some stories behind some of the photos. So since Dad is gone, I took them to my Dads closest Marine Corp buddy. He was in his 80s at the time. I thought he could tell me more about what was going on in the pictures, especially since he was in some of them. He reaction was not what I expected. Before he got half way through, he was crying. He did finish looking at all the pictures. But he didnt say why he was crying. By his actions and the few words he spoke, I strongly suspect it was because some of the Marines didnt make it home alive. The album is now locked in my vault. I will pass it to my son or nephew, which ever on wants the most. They are my Dads only grandkids that earned Army Combat Infantry Badges.

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