Way off topic. Esophageal cancer journey updates

Kow Farmer

Well-known Member
Hello everyone. I just wanted to send an update on my esophageal cancer diagnosis. I will be undergoing surgery on Monday the 20th of November at Mayo in Rochester Minnesota. I had many tests done on me yesterday there with some incredible results. The surgeon showed me what the cancer tumor looked like back in June and then again from yesterdays scan. Yesterdays scan virtually looked like the cancer tumor disappeared. It was too small for any machine to detect. I was absolutely shocked by these results after going through 25 radiation and 5 chemotherapy treatments earlier this summer. The good Lord above gave me a miracle! I am very blessed, thankful and grateful for everyone on here for your continued support and thoughts and prayers! The Lord is good! Not sure how much I will be on here after Monday. Recovery time is hard to predict right now. We all heal differently. Take care everyone. Good Lords blessings to you all.
Kow Farmer Kurt
Thanks for the update, as said NEVER underestimate the power of prayer THEY WORK in Gods time according to His will..........

God Bless and protect you

John T
Thanks for posting the good news and best wishes for quick recovery. I had similar experience with a different cancer 23 years ago and still pass annual screens.
Thank you for the kind words also. I appreciate your support and following me on the Caring Bridge page.
Kow Farmer Kurt
Best of luck.

My father had that. 14 years later, he died of a stroke with no sign of cancer in his body.
Mayo Rochester. Best facility in the world.
There is a song written about us Nicollet County farmers,,,,,I GET NOCKED DOWN, BUT I GET UP AGAIN,,,,,
That's great news KF .... I'm happy for you and so are all of us on both sides of the border (the longest unprotected one in the world I should add). While we are at it, let's not forget the doctors, nurses, and all the other health care workerss and institutions that made this happen, not only in clinics and hospitals but in research facilities. I am always surprised that they are often forgotten in these discussions.

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