Finished cutting oats today, Also Contest


Oh how I long for some of that midwest rain. DRY DRY DRY and scary. Neighbors sound very concerned about this year. Me, I need a way to use 20 acres of land without irrigation or tillage. Hate fallowing land but the way this looks It might be the wisest thing to do. One thing for sure, dreading having to work on the tractor tomorrow. Used two tractors to put up oats, a 61 Ford 601 Workmaster and 92 Massey 399, guess which one broke down again. Yall guess, and I will declare winners later. Would like to give the winner the tractor, but can't unless they are willing to pay. Anyway, thanks for the vent.

the Massey I use seems to be great so my money would go on the Ford breaking down but the simple fact is they don't make them like they used to so the newer one might be the one
Hey JoshuaGA
Talked to my wife today in Perry. She keeps telling me to check the radar. Anything heading our way. I keep telling her nothing. Very dry and hot . Being we are both from the North country is this weather , the temps of 90's,
average for this time of year? Ya think its going to be a repeat of last year?
I've got a 801 ford . My grandfather bought it new. The kids say it was the only piece of equipment that he bought new! I've used it as my main tractor for 5 years now very dependable. My money is on the Massey.
With this dry weather we could probably raise that alfalfa down there. But i suppose we'd have to irrigate , and that aint free. LOL!!! I'm up here in north
Illinois yet and it's been cold up here yet. low 40's over night. Corn is slow to pop yet. Beans have just been planted or almost done for the neighbors. Warm weather is on the way they say , starting tommorrow that usually means some rain.

It's the Massey. This farm has mainly only ever used Masseys with the exception of one each of Ford, Farmall, and John Deere. I just don't use it anymore and can't justify keeping it when I can rebuild our 1100 and get better mileage out of it and not dread having to use it for having to fix something. Oh how I wish now dad had never traded our 298 on this thing. Only reason he bought this one was for a cab and this one has taught me to hate a cab with a vengence. I don't know. Had it down four days trying to get the thing running after it got air in the line, spent $80 just to find out it had a stopped up line, have a leaking fuel filter to fix now, plus when I was pulling in the next to last wagon the radiator decided it was going to start trying to go. Man, I don't believe it is worth fixing anymore. I have really come to appreciate the older equipment. I hardly ever have trouble out of my 2 nearly 50 year old tractors, and most of that truble is electrical, and yet the newest one is continually breaking. The parts men must love me. Something about today, everything at least worked, went fairly smooth, and yet I feel beat. Just hope I am in better spirits later.

Yep, That Ford and the John Deere are what I turn to more and more. Believe me and dad made that Ford work yesterday trying to pull start the Massey, looked like a diesel. Reckon I need to adjust the carb?
As for irrigation, it is getting expensive in a hurry. Our diesel motor burns 5 gallons an hour, and it smarts with $4 fuel, and it is one of the leanest burning engines around. We're switching out to an electric which should run a little less than half the hourly cost at $8 an hour. I hope a good tropical storm comes our way. We've seen less than an inch in a month. Least I already got all the hay for my personal needs already baled and up, now just need to sell some hay to pay for my expenses this year, preferably enough to go ahead and update some equipment.

HEy JoshuaGA. Have a question. We have county water to our place. Never heard of county water. Why do they have that system? is it state wide.
Thinking of putting in our own well. Do you know roughly how deep water is and what does a well cost in the Perry area? I'm assuming that there isn't much rock to drill through? Am i wrong.?

Farmer Yes lean the ford out a little!!
Tift county has county water, our county doesn't. Just as well. I don't know how deey you will need to go around Perry, but most wells around here average 400-600 ft. although some irrigation wells can get around 1000 ft. And yes I do plan on leaning out that tractor once I figure out how. I just aint worried about it right now as it runs well now and I don't average 3/4 gallon/hr. running it in hay work. Very efficient for being misadjusted.


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