vehicle inspections your state?


Well-known Member
How bad are they? Seems like they have gotten real tough. Not just tires light etc anymore. I know some states don't have them.
None in Idaho, Washington had state run inspections, here in Texas, just about any garage can do inspections for the state. The state just wants their cut.
They cancelled the inspection program in SC, quite a few years ago. Ir was a joke, 3 dollars was not enough to pay for putting a car on a rack, and checking all of the required items. Many stations would sell stickers "To Go", lf they knew the customer.. Finally, the state realized that the progean did not work.
Here in New York - cars up to 1995 inspection are not too bad. Horn, lights, brakes, windshield glass and $12 diesel/$22 gas- covers it - once a year. But, if 1996 and newer with the OBDII system - state computer hooks to the car and looks for any error code history. It can be a mess. I may be moving to northern Michigan soon - no inpsection there at all.

I used to live in northern Vermont - "Northeast Kingdom." Cars and trucks got inspected twice a year - mainly for rusty frames.

My son lives near Boulder, Colorado - and he's got my old 87 Chevy diesel Suburban. He has to get a diesel smoke opacity test on a dyno every year and they check for diesel smoke.
No inspections in this part of AZ... I know in Phoenix they have emissions testing, though.

I feel that vehicle inspections can be a good thing - too many vehicles running around here with poor tires, poor brakes, missing headlights, turn signals not working/broken/burned out, etc. Broken windshields, too!

I think every couple of years for around $25 would be reasonable to increase safety on the roads... some people just simply don't know how to maintain a vehicle.
They used to have inspections here in Michigan. It went away after a couple of years. And it only was in effect in counties that had air pollution problems. As the old clunkers rusted out, the new cars were much cleaner running, making the inspections unnecessary. I think around here most cars get junked out because the body or other parts go, not the engines.
Here in Nova Scotia the inspection includes lights, windsheild, wipers, heater/defroster, horn, exhaust, body free of holes, frame si servicable, tires, wheels, front ends (ball joints, etc) and brakes. Drum brakes now require a visual inspection. That's a recent thing and met with some degree of resistance, but I don't think it's entirely a bad thing.
If there was no inspection then there would be every order of junk on the road here. It used to be that way. That's why there's an inspection program...
It's just done in any approved service station and costs I think 30 bucks for light vehicles now and somewhere around 100 for commercial vehicles...

Depends on who you take the vehicle to. If you take a rotted out F-150 to a place that inspects mostly newer cars, you'll get a long list of never-ending stuff.

Now, there are inspectors who let tiny things go, these guys let me go with bad wiper blades and a few blown bulbs and rust holes. These particular guys only care about visibility, glass cracks, brakes, and handling.

It is not cheating. It is called saving the money that you have and preventing a shop from ripping you off for stuff you don't even need to pass inspection.
they did away with non comercial vehicle inspections here in nm in the early '70's and it looks like it too, all manor of clapped out unsafe junk riding around here and usually the vehicle matches its driver,
they did away with non comercial vehicle inspections here in nm in the early '70's and it looks like it too, all manor of clapped out unsafe junk riding around here and usually the vehicle matches its driver,
In some areas of Washington there is mandatory emission inspection, but to my knowledge there is no safety inspection, other than large, commercial trucks.

The emission inspection is mostly in the urban areas. I live out of Spokane, but still in Spokane County, and so far, we don't have to mess with the emission inspection. When my Mom still drove, we had to have her car inspected every other year, but she lived in an apartment in Spokane Valley.

I don't know if the emission inspections has helped air quality that much. They only inspect fairly late model vehicles, and most of those are computer controlled to hardly have any real emissions at all, or else you get a warning light.

Oh well, I guess they have to keep the Federal EPA off their backs.
Iowa had inspections for awhile in the seventies only for cars that were being sold. There were no annual or random inspections that I can remember.

My rusty old S-10 would never pass a body inspection, but it's real sound everywhere else. If Iowa did have an inspection law, would it have to be junked because of the rust holes? Jim
Dad calls just about anything (including a 31-foot bucket truck) 'farm machinery' and doesn't even bother with insurance on it. Plates yes, insurance no. Says a farmer is exempt from anything but theft, rape, murder, and treason within 50 miles of home.

Now i have a neighbor that complained his 1000bu grain truck cost him $3000 to get inspected and tagged. Right after that there was a huge rash of 'em on auctions, and they wouldn't even bring $800.

Same neighbor is a junker and won't pull the trailer with one pickup because apparently a 1-ton truck pulling a trailer is classified as a "tractor-trailer" just like an 18-wheeler, but if he pulls the same trailer with his 3/4ton diesel the cops leave him alone.
jocco, Just wait till they make your car are truck meat Air Quality Standards. Those anoying idot lights that are "ON" on your dash! They are throwing codes, when your vehicle is hooked up to the computer, These are sensors and things that have gone wrong, They WILL BE FIXED before you get an inspection sticker.
OBTW Here in Williamson County Texas....Fastest growing county in the Nation! it is So Those computers that the inspection tech uses Is hooked up to the big computer at TxDot! So if you rig Failed emissions your vehicle is "Red Flagged" in the system so if you go somewhere else to get an inspection and it isn't fixed they will know,
Here is another point, your vehicle has to be inspected in the county in which it is tagged! Go ahead and get it inspected in another county that at this time doesn't have the emissions test, get stopped and the law finds out....Big fine!
Ya'll boys haven'0t got a clue to what crap is yet.
An Inspection is waaaay more than brakes, lights, wipers, horn turn and stop lights.
Saw a 97 red Mustang just get left at a mechanic shop, it was in pretty decent shape body, interior it was worth about $3000. it needed, $3000 of senors work to meet emissions. The car was basically abandoned. My old 97 F-150 4x4 with a 4.6 V8, needed and got almost $1000 is Sensor work last yr to pass. But I hadn't had to do anything to it ever so I guess it was about time.
Open you eyes, and get ready for the ride of you life, Also it takes 25 yrs to Grandfather a vehicle to where it doesn't have to pass emissions. Ya'll have Fun!
John A.
Here in N. C. I have been told by garages that do inspections that they will send around undercover state people to make sure garages are doing a strict inspection. If they do not do a total thorough inspection, they will take their permit to be an inspection station. One station owner said a state official would set across the street and watch to make sure no "outside" inspections were done. Many garages have lost their permits to inspect.
none in tenn. We had them in W. Va. They were a joke. Parts stores backed the program, and dealers. They all stood to gain by shoving good old cars off the road.
Annual in Maine, and they got a LOT tougher 2 years ago. No emissions checks yet, but a very thorough under-chassis inspection due to that liquid crap they use on the roads in the winter. 3-4 year old cars failing due to rusted brake lines and in some cases even rusted structural components.

My 03 Toyota passed with flying colors. Mechanic said Big 3 are finally going to coated fuel and brake lines to combat the problem. Imports have been doing it for years.

And we wonder why they're going down the tubes?
This was in Spokane also, I went with my future wife to one of those inspection sites for the emission tests. We had to wait in line for nearly an hour. I think if I remember right it was over in the valley. I used to live in the St. Maries area for a good number of years.
Use to be it was not what you knew but Who you knew; but the state is cracking down on that.

Now if your windshield is not cracked and all the lights work you pass.
I asked the kid giving out the sticker to adjust my headlighs one year. He did not know how to do it.
The whole process is pointless if you ask me.

Cost is $10.00 a year.
Don't have them in Indiana anymore, and haven't for years. Some more populated areas may have emmisions testing, I'm not sure. But don't have them by me yet. I'm surprised though, revenue is revenue anyway the state bean counters can get it.

Years back when was an Illinois resident, certainly had emmisions testing and I had a tail light out that didn't know about, and I was glad that they pointed it out. It needed to be fixed. But I wasn't glad that they wouldn't emmisions test my vehicle until I got it fixed because they said that it was an unsafe vehicle. True, that bulb needed to be fixed, would've been fixed, and was fixed, but making it unsafe to be emmisions tested while I was there? Then the wheels started turning in my head...I go buy bulb and pay taxes on the bulb which are state revenue, multiply that or other things across the board to hundreds of thousands of vehicles and $$$ generated is $$$ generated.

Well, you meant to do the right thing, tried to do the right thing, did do the right thing, its just that the official listeners were officially not listening. Them official types sure can be some real practical jokers that leave folks standing there and scratching their heads and wondering, eh? Grin

Have a good day.

(quoted from post at 21:37:41 05/30/08) Saw a 97 red Mustang just get left at a mechanic shop, it was in pretty decent shape body, interior it was worth about $3000. it needed, $3000 of senors work to meet emissions. The car was basically abandoned. John A.

I don't believe there are $3000 worth of sensors on a 97 Mustang... Perhaps you could type up a list and the cost of each? Sounds like a shop ripoff to get a free car to me.
here in Virginia it is every year, lights, brakes, etc. emissions only in the big city areas. They are a good thing, I have had them find safety issues I missed. The whole program is run by the State police and very few of the stations dare to bend the rules. Nothing like having a trooper going through your books to keep you honest.
Steven, The car has since been shipped to salvage, and is no longer a whole car by now! This happened back last fall.
I said "sensor work" that is sensors and labor together. All I know is what the Tech told me about this car. The list was quite numerious on problems this car had to correct before it could even pass inspection. The owner did abandon the car, the Tech who is the owner of the shop sent the car to the salvage after the owner said he was done with it. The facts remain the facts.
John A.
Farmers aren't exempt from negligence, you have a brain fart, or just don't see someone in your blind spot, miss a stop sign, etc. and you could be ruined. Accidents happen, even to the best of people. I would carry at least liability.
(quoted from post at 07:25:56 05/31/08) Steven, The car has since been shipped to salvage, and is no longer a whole car by now! This happened back last fall.
John A.

Thanks for the response... just sounds fishy to me as I've worked on some Ford cars from that time frame and replaced MAF, four separate oxygen sensors, etc. and didn't have near $1000 in parts. Of course labor these days usually costs more than the parts... I suppose it is believable if the shop rate was a little high and it needed quite a bit of diagnostic work and repair.

I got shafted by a repair shop once in my life, and it will never happen again. I buy the tools I need to repair my vehicles (usually cheaper than the labor charge would have been) and do it myself... "If you want something done right, do it yourself."
All these rules didn"t just happen by themselves. You all and your neighbors elected the fools that are making these rule. Don"t gripe about whats been done, work to change it and the people who did it.
Here in MD a car or p/u trucks have to be safety inspected every time the vehicle is sold. Doesn't make any difference if you drive a new truck or car home and a month later you decide to sell, the vehicle needs to safety inspected and the cost is around $100.00. It a money making scheme. The emissions testing is done every 2 years and they have a traction dynamometer you put the drive wheels on. If it fails you need to have it fixed more money for them. Hal
PS: You can sell a vehicle "as is" and let the buyer have it inspected, but your selling price will be quite low. I think PA & DE have a yearly safety inspection. We only have it if the
title changes ownership. I ran DE tags when I was in the Army and had to get it inspected. It was just a tire kicking inspection back then in the 1950's.
Here in N.J. it's every two years.Mostly they check for codes.Have a 98'Ford Contour w/270,000 miles on it,that just passed.

Ohio, just random inspections just where ever the patrol decides to set up and do them. Years ago they had set up in a roadside park, looked like they were taking a break, went past the first drive, waved me in, pulled in and told them that was not a legal way to do it. The car I was driving had smooth tires that I knew would not pass and the way the inspection was ran that particular car I could have taken it thru with no master cylinder or brake lines or brake shoes in the front and they would have never have knowen. That is how worthless the inspections are. Few year ago was driving a junker, realy rusted out but ran good enough to do a daily paper route with, had new tires; 2 weeks old; and had to have good lights to work at night, thought they would find all kine of light out and told them just new tires, they had to measure the tread thinking I was lying found out the tires were new and the parking brake worked never checked the hydrolic brakes, passed it not expecting to. On that car the brake lights worked of hydrolic pressure but the first one I mentioned they worked of mechanical linkage for brake peddal, didn't need any fluid in to work. They are a joke, If they had a decient inspection to relicence I would not mind. My part of state no emission testing.
Missed putting this in. That first car mentioned sheet metal loose as well after I said not leagal as where they were set up they put on a sticker and let me go.

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