Advantage of high gas prices.


Well-known Member
Working a rotating 12 hour shift like I do gives me alot of time off.With gas as hi as it is,on my days off I'm staying home more.Things seem to get done around the farm much faster now.
Right there with ya. No extra trips. Lots of preplanning. Heading out today, making three stops, only 4 miles total.

Of course, I only work 4 days one week and 3 the next. Sweet schedule, shortest weekend is 4 days. Gotta love that Modified Dupont schedule.

I also procrastinated on selling my little high mpg little truck and buying the full size job. I currently have two offers to trade it for a full size. I only drive nine miles to work so it would not hurt me, but longer trips would be murder.

Owner operators are sure taking a beating, though.

National news this morning said a lot of companies and cities are considering 4 day work weeks, it will have the potential to save people 20% on their weekly fuel costs, some schools are also considering a 4 day school week to save fuel in busses.
I think this post is great. A lot of people have been thinking the end of the world is coming. I have thought for a long time that expensive fuel will indeed change how we do things and live but it will not be bad just different. Long term less fuel used means less money going to the middle east and less CO2 going into the atmosphere. Both are very good things. Mabey China's use of oil will be so high that they can take over our role in fitting wars in the middle east.
Going to a 4 day work week is counter productive to the over all gross National Product. Sounds good on the surface but what you will save in the short run in fuel would be lost in work ethic and jobs down the road. That would be heading the way of the French.

Cows must be milked at least two times a day seven days a week. All eatable animals have to be taken care of seven days a week.
Medical supply deliveries would then only be delivered 4 days of the week and then you could wait 3 days for deliveries to begin.

That is unless the 4 day week is only for the chosen few.
Thinking a 4 day week is a good thing would only be for a lack of thought,
Can't see the advantage to elementary / high schools -- what most people save in money on school taxes, they spend more on childcare on Fridays.

For commuter schools like Community Colleges, makes great sense. Instead of hour long classes on M-W-F, make the 90 minute long classes like the T-Th classes already are. Keeps the students (and teachers) from having to drive in a fifth day.

I'm sure in my lifetime I'll see the U.S. Post Office go to every-other-day schedules. You'll see some people who get mail on M-W-F, the rest on T-Th-Sa schedules. From my age down, don't need mail much...Netflix is the only thing I regularly rely on it for. Monthly bills are 100% done online.
Not everybody is going to be working the same four days. And most farmers don't drive to work to milk cows, and those that do aren't going far. A four day week does not do anything to work ethic, especially when you know you always have a three day weekend coming. I work 24 on, 48 off, with an extra day off every 3 weeks. (makes a 48 hr avg. week) Been doing that 17 years and I wouldn't have it any other way.
It may be an advantage to you, but it definately is a DISADVANTAGE to those who earn their living working in the places that you are not visiting because of the high fuel prices. It is also a strong disadvantage to those auto workers that are being laid off because high fuel prices are preventing folks from buying new cars.

We can tighten up our belts and survive for awhile, but eventually those high costs will catch up.
Good thing with the current high prices is that it"s forcing people to cut useage. Instead of continuing to use at past rates and run out with little warning.
We still have "plenty" of fuel but the "bottom of the barrel" is in sight.
Time to get the new coal liquification and nuclear plants up and going.
There is no reason why most trips to work not taken on the interstate can"t be a simple lead acid electric car.
Farming, medical, transportation, legal, military and utilities will always be 24/7. No use getting bent out of shape about it. Take another profession if you don't like it.
Take a look around the world. US gas prices are still a bargain. We have just been spoiled for years being able to afford more fuel than what we need.
Ever have a look at what % of the world population are Americans and what % of world crude oil Americans use?
What's better, running out of oil without warning? Or cutting consumption now and learning to make do. Which will make oil wells last longer before running dry?
We will be less susceptible to foreign powers playing with the oil supply if use less fuel.
Push coal liquefaction here then tell the Middle East to keep their oil.
Lots of scared and angry people out there with 12-15mpg pickups & SUV's that could barely afford fuel a year ago.
Now they can't afford the higher priced fuel. They can't afford to trade as the mortgage on the fuel hog is more than the trade in value of the vehicle.
Don't come crying to me that your status symbol is costing you more that you can afford.
(quoted from post at 11:20:53 06/03/08) That's for sure,

Another 200 years and it's gonna be all gone.


Yep, I'm really concerned about my great, great grandchildren.

We've only had internal combustion and automobiles for slightly more than 100 years now, imagine where technology will be in another 50 years...
(quoted from post at 11:31:43 06/03/08)
Lots of scared and angry people out there with 12-15mpg pickups & SUV's that could barely afford fuel a year ago.
Now they can't afford the higher priced fuel. They can't afford to trade as the mortgage on the fuel hog is more than the trade in value of the vehicle.
Don't come crying to me that your status symbol is costing you more that you can afford.

YES! This is the main trouble, people who really didn't need certain things (big SUV, 3000 square foot house) and probably couldn't afford them (interest only loans got a lot of people suckered in) are the ones who spent money like there was no tomorrow. Tomorrow is here and the bill collectors want their share.
The schools, as usual, are not concerned with the economical impact for parents, all they know is the busses only run 4 days a week and if their weekly fuel bill is $2000.00, it will drop to $1600.00 per week, so it would save the school district $400.00 per week, most schools have four nine week period, so that would save the school district $14,400 in fuel alone. Parents are not too keen on it for a lot of reasons, but most did not complain about additional child care cost, they were afraid of the educational problems it would create.
(4) 10 - 12 hour days are fine and dandy... It'd allow me better allotment of my time around the farm. Aside from work and groceries once or so a week I don't care to really go anywhere... Problem with "Most" people is that they'd use that extra day off to run the roads anyway in turn using "More" fuel than if they just went to work...
So who would control the 4 days not all being the same??
You made my point when you say you have been doing for 17 years and would not have it any other way. Work ethic meaning as a worker someone needs to be willing to be of service to the customer when the customer needs it. I was not meaning the work being done while on the job.

Meaning, I am off three days call back monday.
Meaning, I need this part sent this week so I will have to call some one that will ship it.
Meaning, you build more business by doing extra, any one can do just what it takes to get the time in.

Like I said it is lack of thought that makes it sound like a good deal.
After owning my own factory for over 30 years I have an idea what it takes to stay in business. I know I have to be of service at lest 5 days a week. Many, many weeks I ship something over night on Friday. Over the year I must ship over night each day of the week sometimes . To do that I must be open all 5 days. I could say, We only work 4 days I am sorry. I am not the only manufacture in the world.
I take it you are the only worker in the world that does what you do which makes you a very special person.
I'm 26, I don't make alot of money. I have a large old home that has been in the family for over 40 years. I can afford to live here, and also drive a nice vehicle because I am willing to work my a$$ off to have things. I have over an acre of food plots that I will sell and can food from. I cut and split wood to heat the home all winter long and use maybe 20% of my propane tank a year. Alot of people go out and buy food from vending machines at work, drink 2 or 3 pops a day and wonder why they don't have anything. They buy from catalogs and just wonder why I am farther ahead. Not only do I work hard at my job, I work hard at home everyday. The money that I save from my hard work I consider additional income. When things like gas go up, you just need to work a little harder to make a living. My wife is ready to graduate from LPN school and will be making more money. She did it to better herself and the family. Once again hard work, but it will pay off. A little common sense when it comes to finances and loans would stop alot of people from putting themselves into bad situations.
Some manufacturing plants work a rotating 4 day week, A,B,C shifts. If it is a processing plant that needs to be running 24/7 this allows the schedule to be met without OT. 12 hour days are a pain, but it's better than the alternative. Some municipal employees around here are supposed to start a 4 day schedule soon.
I work 3 x13 hours and alternate monthly coverage on Sundays. 2 operators cover night shift monday night through sunday morning. A business operating 7 days a week could do 4 x 10+ hour days Monday through Thursday and have 3 x12/13 hours shifts for the long weekend. Some manufacturing and retail shops doing something like this already. The 6 day open shops are sometimes using the 2 shifts of 3 x 12+ to cover early monday through saturady evenings. Potential savings in overtime compare to the 5 day standard and pay the overtime for Saturdays- especially if longer days mean overtime pay before Saturday shift. Company went to the long days/short week for my department after I blew payroll program twice with more ovetime than it was programmed to process. Special weekend shifts for rest of plant was started a month later. Another advantage of high gas prices now is when it drops 10 cents the politicians can sneak in a 5 cent tax increase and most people won't notice- (this is nnalert party's plan? ). The other advantage to high gas prices is it makes the Amish seems wiser than English. (Humor Alert) RN
I live in a small ranch style house on 1.74 acres that is paid for. My truck is a no-frills standard cab 1 ton dually that is paid for and is necessary for my business. I cannot afford to buy a second, fuel efficient vehicle just for running around, so when I need to run an errand, I drive the dually. These fuel prices are definately putting the hurts to me and my business. Anyone who thinks fuel prices are NOT too high has their head up in the clouds.
Heard this week average Americans use 3x as much gas as average Europeans. They have a higher price but at least they have better public transportation for alternatives. Sounds like it would be kind of fun to jump on a "trolley" and ride to the big city. No chance of it around here.
I checked into Amtrak service to get up to ND this summer... there is a train station just 20 miles away in Needles, CA and up in ND it would be about 120 miles or so for my parents to come get us in Williston.

If you look on the website, there are train lines running the whole way - but they just can't put anything together to get me from Needles to Williston. Why have the tracks and the trains if you cannot get from point A to point B?

Public transportation would be great for me, if it were ever offered!
If the price of fuel stays up. Somebody at Amtrak is going to figure out. Or get told to develop a usuable connecting schedual cross country. And Hub to Hub.
You have it completely backwards, I am a firefighter, service is availible 24/7/365 with instant response. The 4/10 work week is a good option for workers in medium to large companies who have to commute. I haven't ever seen a company that's only open Mon-Thurs., 8-6. If you own your own business, you'd better start thinking outside the box. If an employee can get a job somewhere else with the flexibility he/she needs that you can't give because you can't figure out how to balance out a work schedule, you're gonna have to pay more to keep 'em.
Better learn how to do the math. Who would control the four days? Well Mr. Boss, YOU figure it out!
I am flying from Oakland CA to Dickinson ND next week. Round trip fair was pocket change less than $700. I do this 4 or 5 times a year. The train is not cheap either and it is slow, plus, like you Williston is a long way from where I want to go. At least there have been some good rains south west of Hettinger and the reports are of good crops.
(quoted from post at 15:22:07 06/03/08) I am flying from Oakland CA to Dickinson ND next week. Round trip fair was pocket change less than $700. I do this 4 or 5 times a year. The train is not cheap either and it is slow, plus, like you Williston is a long way from where I want to go. At least there have been some good rains south west of Hettinger and the reports are of good crops.

Oh yeah, I can fly cheap from Las Vegas to Bismarck (150 miles from the farm). Usually around $100 to $150 each way. I just figured it would be a change to ride the train and see some country... maybe those guys will let a person bring some luggage without charging so much extra!

This may be the last year we drive home... I'll be keeping close tabs on my fuel, meal, and motel costs going there and back to compare with flying. This year we want to drive so we can pull a trailer back with some of our belongings, now that we have a house there is room for most of it!
Looked into Amtrak to go down to D.C. for a trade show. About 7 hour drive v. 1 hour drive to the station + 7 hour train trip.

By the time I got done with the pencil, it was cheaper to call Enterprise and rent a car (better mileage, and mileage not going on my truck).

Only advantage on the train would be if I could use my laptop. I have a wireless internet connection that would work most of the trip. They only said that 110VAC "may" be available on the way down, and wasn't offered on the non-Acela I was looking for on the way back.

I don't mind driving, and it would be less time door-to-door and back again then working with the train's schedule.

Get the trains running on an hourly schedule, have power in them so we can run our modern conveniences, and be cost competetive with automobiles...they might actually not need federal subsidies.
I am totally aware of rotating 12 hour shifts. That is not the way the thread started.
My farm is about 30 miles south of yours, I used to fly in to Bismarck or even Rapid City, and it is less than Dickinson. However that extra 200 miles isn't free either, plus it is much easier for my family to pick me up. Going into Dickinson is great, I leave Oakland at 6 AM and I step on the ground in Dickinson at 1:30 pm. I had to chuckel about your "paying so much for luggage" crack. Now days I ship my stuff UPS to my parents a few days before I go. Couple of farm sales happening in the old neighborhood including some old Farmalls and a bunch of trucks. Want me to bid for anything for you ?
Strange how so many are so much more managing savy than people that have made a payroll every week for over 30 years.
Then put on a sweather, turn down the heat and fix the cracks and gaps that are letting the heat out.
And go out and make more income. There is no reason to be poor in America.
I took this job, right next to my old job, little over three years ago. I work 12s, 3 one week 4 the next. Always knew there was a savings, just now put a pencil too it, with $4 gas, it cost me $873.6 to dive this a year, going to my old job where I worked five days a week it would cost me $1,248. The extra time on the farm is priceless, the $374.4 a year is just icing on the cake.
I am a water plant operator, we have to have some one on shift at all times. We do it with 4 people. I wish we did a 4 on 4 off type deal put ours works out pretty good. We work 6:30-7, two on days and two on nights. The nights I work the other guy has off. We are on a two week rotation. I work starting now Tuesday, Wendsday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday, and then Tuesday again two weeks from now. Works great as long as every one gets along cover'n vacations and stuff.
Guy up the road from me was say'n he could not pay for LP this winter. Didn't know what he was going to do. I showed him a used wood burner in the paper, told him if he wanted to heat his house I had a mile of creek banks that needed cleaning, I would give him gas and let him use my saws, and my little truck bed trailer so he would only have to make half as many trips. What do you bet he don't take me up on it.

I have a mountan of storm damaged trees piled up over the last year with wind and ice storms. told every one I knew it they wanted fire wood they could have all of it. I have cut some up and sold it but just don't have time.

Our county was the first county wide school system in the state to go to a four day week several years ago. They have saved alot of money. The hourly folks did not like it at first as they saw it as a 20% pay cut, but they are getting the same insurance and retirement and all, just have one more day to spend with thier family's
Alot of the hourly people have gone to work at all the day care joints that have sprang up because of the kids not going to school on Mondays makes them need extra help.

Oh, and in the time they have been doing this, 4 longer days, test scores have gone WAY up.

Yes that may be true but U.S. is also 3X bigger than Europe so we all have 3X farther to drive than Europeans.
(quoted from post at 15:59:14 06/03/08) My farm is about 30 miles south of yours, I used to fly in to Bismarck or even Rapid City, and it is less than Dickinson. However that extra 200 miles isn't free either, plus it is much easier for my family to pick me up. Going into Dickinson is great, I leave Oakland at 6 AM and I step on the ground in Dickinson at 1:30 pm. I had to chuckel about your "paying so much for luggage" crack. Now days I ship my stuff UPS to my parents a few days before I go. Couple of farm sales happening in the old neighborhood including some old Farmalls and a bunch of trucks. Want me to bid for anything for you ?

Must be around Reeder, then? What sale are you going to?

I don't need any more tractors, though! I have decided I have enough projects to keep me busy for many years: two '42 H's, an A, a W-9, my '51 IH pickup, several stationary engines, a '51 Ford truck, etc. Actually thinking about selling a couple pieces this summer to raise money for fuel...

I'm going to check into flying into Dickinson during my fall break this year, might be able to go from Bullhead City to Denver to Dickinson and save the drive to Las Vegas and Bismarck. :wink:
5 day work week? What if someone needs something on the weekend. You have been doing a payroll for 30 years and can't figure out set up a schedule with your employees to work 4 days. My 3 year old could set up a 5 day work week. You do know not every employee has to work the same exact hours. Seems like that is just the easiest way for you. How do the stores do it when they are open 7 days. How about these people working 5 days a week 9 to 5 and I need a part for my baler at 5:30. If he had people working 4 10's or 4 12's he would be open to service me as a customer not just when it was convenient for him to do his schedule. WORK ETHIC. "Work ethic meaning as a worker someone needs to be willing to be of service to the customer when the customer needs it". Who has a stronger work ethic a guy working 10 hours a day different days each week so the services of that company are available 7 days a week 10 hours a day or the guy working 8 hours a day 5 days a week so that company is only able to service there customers 5 days a week 8 hours a day. If everybody worked 5 days at the same time like in your world how would anybody be able to go anywhere to buy something without taking time off of work. If everybody worked 4 days they could buy your product on the 5th day because your not open when a 5 day worker would be off. You want to talk about work ethic try workin 7 10's for a year because the job needed to be done for the customer.
You are lost in a world of fantasy.
I am 70 years old and have worked no less that two jobs at the same time all my working life. Still working by the way. You will not find one of my customers that will tell you that I am not committed to do what it is necessary to keep them rolling.

In your behalf, I have noticed over the years that the real smart people do not under take a job that they are committed to furnishing others with a pay check week after week as well as health insurance and then be called the dumb one. Not being able to figure out how to solve simple problems.

I see you do have it figured out.
We're not the ones complaining it can't be done. Obviously some companies do it and are still in business. Nobody here said you can milk cows only 4 days a week. Ever hear of flex time? Just because you stick to the same routine for 30 years doesn't make it the only way to do business.

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