OT - With fuel on our minds-


Well-known Member
This thought occurred to me. Suppose your neighbor is in trouble, you take your equipment there to help. You need resources he already has to help him. But he charges you for them, even a premium price. Make sense?

We're over in the mideast to help those people. We liberated Kuwait from Saddam. We're working in Iraq's interest. what do they do? They charge our military at least twice the going rate their citizens pay for fuel. Iraq is sitting on one of the world's largest proven oil reserves. If they pumped it, they could be the richest per capita country in the world. They have the resources, do they care what's happening here? With friends like these, who needs enemies? Tell me where I'm wrong.
There has already been an on going debate. They're building up capital by selling oil, but are so screwed up in their congress they can't appropriate anything. We should just bill and take.
We shouldn't be there in the first place. You're doing what our gov is(worrying more about what the iraqis are doing wrong than what we are doing wrong)I think they are charging us more for fuel and commodities because they don't want us there. Make sense? If the resources that our gov has put into iraq and the whole seek and destroy,genocide,occupation thing would have been invested into our own country we might actually have the great nation they claim we do. Time to start cleaning up our own soil. I don't mean going after everyone for suspected terrorism either, we need to invest in americas future otherwise we haven't one.
Hi MM, I think our goverment should take their heads out of their butts and charge the Irakies sp? what we have spent and do spend over there tell we're even...........Jim in N M
We should Take a *hitload of the crude as payment for military force, and KILL ALL of the terrorists.
The U.S. tries to and has policed the WORLD for many years, at taxpayers expense. This is not going to change. This country went to Iraq largly in the interest of oil. What have we done to China, North Korea etc.---they don't have oil. We will be in Iran before the end of year--they got oil.
Yeah, lets kill the terrorists. Gun Guru, could you call Washington and tell them who and where they are please?
I dont think anybodys plan for us being over there is so it is good for the taxpayers.Its not good for the citizens of Iraq or us,and who its for is warmongers and oil companies.They also are making taxpayers pay for it,but dont really care what you think about how your taxes are spent.They are stealing money from you,your kids,and your grandkids,and its going to companies like Halliburton and other defense contractors.Its not just about oil,except thats a part of it,at least as far as control over oil is concerned,but its more about taking your money from you,your kids,and grandkids,to give to people that already are rich,just because they are hogs,and already got away with it.
You can start at Guant. bay Cuba, when you catch a terrorist you kill them, dont lock them up and let them escape later. In fact the Pentagon should give out free beer, smokes and ca$h to a US military guy for every terrorist he ices.
See how it works.
I dunno, what did we do with China and North Korea?

Hmmm, fight a war that cost 35,516 American lives before the U.S. and China both decided they wouldn't take it nuclear and decided to settle on a long term truce instead?
Trucker40 and others. Do you believe the extra dollar per gallon you are recently paying for gasoline or diesel. This extra $$$ is going to the compamy as a dollar extra profit per gallon?
If they're recording record profits, I would think they're getting the lion's share.
Instead of assuming the oil companies are making and extra dollar a gallon. Get the facts.
The oil companies are not getting paid extra as the price of crude goes up. The oil companies are paying those $120+ for the crude oil, not getting paid $120+ per barrel.
It's the OIL PRODUCER and your stock broker who is profiting.
Don't like profit? Then don't allow pension funds, retirement funds, education funds or municipalities to invest tax money.
Don't like profiteering? Better stop them rich farmers from selling $5.00+ corn and $10.00+ wheat.
Have a look at the chart and see where the gasoline dollar goes.

Do you really believe we went to war for oil??? If so why are we not getting any from Iraq??? Saying that I would like to interest you in a bridge I have for sale. You probably think that Iran is building nuclear facilities for peaceful purposes. Having lost a grandson in Iraq, I certainly hope that his life wasn't wasted on people that dont understand what freedom means. I really think you should read history for a while and then come back with statements. Are you also one of those people that bellieve our own Government perpetrated 9-11? get real Nuff said Henry
You're the DA that said they were getting a $1 a gallon,I just said they're recording record profits. Try somebody else for your bait questions. They're not selling more gas, the quantity sold hasn't married up to the quantity of profit, so where's their money coming from, DA?

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