Lost one of my best friends: Cowgirl


Well-known Member
Guys I have lost one of the best friends I will ever have. Yesterday while working on a tractor
we heard brakes squeal and my border collie named Cowgirl got hit by a neighbors car. I had opportunity to say goodbye to her and get her buried close to my bedroom window.
I know none of you know me personally but if you did you would know how much she meant to me. She was with me almost every day when I was outside. She rode in the truck all the time, in the tractors some and was the bright part of my day. I can't begin to tell ya the personality that she had, you couldn't get mad at her no matter what she did although she rarely did anything bad.
I feel like I have lost a child, would yall please remember me at this time. She was real special to my 3rd cousin who is my hired help as well. She was really special and life will not be the same without her.
My deepest sympathy. I have lost dogs and I know the heart ache. No dog can be replaced, but in time healing will take place. Get another dog soon. And remember all the good times with Cowgirl.

Larry in Michigan
Gary, my thoughts & Prayers are with you my friend . Pets can be very special & sometimes more affectionate than our kids . Their love is never ceasing & they don't gripe at you . I've lost some great close pets myself . I personally hit one of my precious Beagles with my truck & to make it worse I had to shoot him to get him out of his agony . I've shed many tears during my losses , so please let the tears flow . It helps with the healing . Relax & try to have a nice Fathers day Buddy . God bless Gary . Ken
Gary, I think we"ve all been there and am so sorry you"re going through this. The following is called "The Rainbow Bridge" and I hope it will help you through this grief.


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
Gary, I am sorry to hear about your border collie. We have a border collie also, and can't emagine something happening to her. I had to put down my favorite cat a few weeks ago, it was hard to do. We sure get attached to our fury friends . Just remember the good times. Stan
Gary I know Cowgirl is running across a Bridge called Rainbow Bridge right now.
Gary my prayers are with you so go on and have a good fathers day
I'm sorry to hear about your little pal Gary.
I've lost a couple of them over the years and know how hard it is.
Best thing though is to start looking for another one. There's nothing like a pup to keep you in the here and now. He'll make you forget Cowgirl or at least help you get over her sooner.
My best wishes to you.
Yes, it's difficult to lose a dog. Humans seem to have thought so highly of their dogs they named a star (Sirius) and a constellation (Canis Major) after them. When I see Orion, it reminds me of the dogs I've been privileged to know. (You know, the dog is out in front of Orion, in the sky). Mark SW Wis.
i lost my best buddy a few yrs. back a chiuaua named duke swore i'd never get another one to attached wife cried for 2 days but a bout a month ago grandson came by about 10 one night with a little boston bull dachsund mix left him. he wormed his way into our hearts same way we got duke. i know you miss your collie. I'm in texas too
Sorry to hear about that. I lost my boxer, Jake 5 years ago, I miss him more than most of my family members who have passed on. OK, all of them.
Hello guys, thank you all so much for the wonderfull thoughts. I thought you might like to see a picture of her. I can't begin to tell you how much Cowgirl meant to me, I have not felt love like she gave. She will be sorely missed and I hope and pray I never forget her.
One more time

I can honestly tell ya this. I feel like God touched me with Cowgirl. I can't reply to any of these without tears flowing. I thought I was doing better but getting back from raking hay without her bouncing out to meet me is really tough. I hate to say it in a way but I thought more of that dog than I do my family. I still have my Dad, he is in a nursing home as I just can't do what all he needs and I have a cousin that works for me and thats the only family I really have and I think the world of them. I do have other cousins but really none close.
Cowgirl touched everyone she came into contact with. She loved everyone which is one reason its so hard loosing her. The dog was just pure LOVE! Everyone pretty much had a fit over her and I really loved that about having her. She was and is one of a kind, talk about a personality, she had one!
Probably one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me was having her in my life.
Thanks to all again for the kind words and prayers, I can sure use them.
Hi Gary , I understand what losing a great dog is like . Border Collies are one of the smartest breeds there is . But they do like to chase . It's one breed I've never had though . I saw the picture . She's awesome ! Did she climb trees and chase shadows ? A friend of ours had one that did .

My wife and I rescue animals of all breeds . We had 21 dogs here at at the peak and are now down to 12 . They come to us as abused , neglected , unhealthy or just unwanted . They all have very unique personalities ( some smile , some wiggle so hard you'd think they'll break their back , some are bona fide clowns and others are to proud to show anything clownish ) and they all get a big bear hug from me daily . Most die of old age here on our place .

Until last Wednesday evening . All the dogs play together and with the cats we also have , pretty much with no problems . Have been for years or as long as they've been with us . They have their little squabbles like any group does though . My dogs range from a Rottweiler to a toy Poodle in size .

I was out of town working last Wednesday and my wife was sleeping ( she works third shift ) . About 6 pm she called to tell me that the dogs woke her up downstairs barking and when she went to yell at them one of the Shelties was dead . My 12 year old male was killed by some of the other dogs . We don't know which ones did it . We know it wasn't the big dogs though . The male Welsch Corgi was covered in blood so it was assumed he started or finished it . He's a young male . The pack instinct takes over in a situation like that so most of them probably were in on it somehow . The Sheltie ( Mick ) was always under my feet when I was fixing breakfast or supper . I miss him more than I thought I would , but I miss most of the dogs that have passed . We spend a lot of time with the mistreated/abused dogs to socialize and train them . We had him for about 10 years after his rescue from a household that went on vacation for two weeks and left him with no food or water chained to the side of the garage in a town near us . The neighbors of these people called us after a week of themselves feeding this little guy and asked us if we could take him . We did and contacted the owners after they got back to tell them we had him . They didn't even know he was gone !

Sorry to burden you with this story . It kind of ruined my week last week . I can say if you do get another dog do not expect the same personality from it . Dogs like yours are few and far between . The shelter is the absolute best place to get a dog . The dog won't forget where it came from and will be a better dog than one raised from a puppy . Over the course of my lifetime I've shared my life with at least 50 dogs , most of whom are ashes on our shelves or buried in the woods behind the house . Right now we are left with 5 horses , 2 mini-mules , 1 blind possum , 18 cats and now 12 dogs . All but two of the dogs live indoors with us . The rest of the animals live outside or in the basement . The basement door is almost always open to allow the cats in and out .

Sorry about the rambling . I have a hard time just saying sorry for your loss . It's hard but I DO understand how it feels . Take care ...Randy
I wanted to add one more thing about my dogs . They are all fixed - spayed or neutered soon after we get them . The Corgi was no exception . ...Randy
tho I understand how you feel ,how can you let the dog run loose? it is just asking for troubles.my dogs are all in fenced yard,same with my goats and horses and llamas.neighbors have lost many a dog to letting them run.
if you care for your pets most harm will never have a chance to happen.
its like the people on the news with the flooding wondering how their pets are getting along with their flooded house and they left them there.
My son picked out a Border Collie from the local shelter a couple years ago, he's been an awesome dog. Looks alot like your Cowgirl not as much white, Buck is his name and he smiles. You know how a dog will snarl and show it's teeth, Buck does it when he's happy to see someone and he will do it on command. Not aggressive at all except when he needs to be. Most definately the second best dog I've been around. German Shepard I once had saved my life.

Sorry to hear of the accident I'm sure she was a great dog, you can never replace something you love that you have lost.
Gary, Sorry to hear of your loss. A beloved companion that makes just about every step you make and never complains, is always ready to "Load Up!" and go no matter the time of day or how tired you both are will be woefully missed, and not easily replaced. No other dog will fill her paw print. Ever! Been there, done that!
My olest friend I had to put down on 4/15/96 at the ol age of 13 yr old. It was finely time to let him go. He 'Doc' an Aussy Blue Heeler is still the benchmark all other dogs are measured against here at my home. Only time will heal the hurt, and allow you to breach the subject of letting another get that far under you skin. Again I am so sorry for you loss and hurt, aannd the empty place in you your Pickup!
John A.
I too have read these posts with tears in my eyes. I lost my favorite friend about 9 years ago when he ran under the wheels of my truck. He was my flying buddy and was always ready to go flying and meet lots of new friends.
I was determined to never go through this again and never have another dog. 2 1/2 years ago on a snowy morning, I looked out the window to see a dog out by my shop. Not unusual in my neighborhood. When I went out later, he was still there hiding under a trailer and very timid. He was the most beautiful Australian Shepherd and looked so much like the dog I had lost. I talked to him till he finally came out far enough that I could pet him. That was all it took and he has been my constant companion ever since. I believe God brought him to me... Gene
Thanks for all the great words Randy. Cowgirl was and still is a wonderfull dog. I got her from a friend who had her come up as a stray to his house, she had about 3 inches of a nylon lease hooked onto her collar. I assume she chewed her way out and escaped from someone who possibly didn't show her any attention.
She got attention here that is for sure, i've been thinking about her while baling hay today and smiling quite a bit.
I would come out of a morning and she would sail up to me and jump on me and she would howl quite a bit all the time, cutest thing I ever saw.
I know she will never probably be replaced with one just like her but I hope I can find one as close as I can, if I do her name will be Cowpatty, there probably won't ever be a dog out there to live up to the Cowgirl name like mine was. Its tough coming home with the equipment and not having her meet me in the yard with her howling. I'm fixin to be 44 in a couple of weeks and I can honestly say besides my mom and my dad Cowgirl was the best friend I ever had. I lost my mom in 95 to Cancer and my dad is still with us but is in a nursing home. I really don't want to tell him about what happened to Cowgirl as I have had her up there to visit him with me twice.
I miss my friend so much today and I know it will get better with time. I just did not have the heart to pen her up and take away the freedom she had after having been free on the farm here. I know if I had of fenced in the yard she would still be here so I also feel quite a bit of guilt as well and thats making it that much worse.
I loved that little stinker with all my heart and I pray that I can find one as close to being like her as I can.
Thanks for all the kind words.
TSC has a commercial that pretty much sums it up about dogs I think it is very fitting it's only about thirty seconds long but man does it fit? I really feel for your loss. CT
Gary , Don't think that because you didn't pen her up it's your fault in any way . I've had dogs that were and are the greatest escape artist's in the world . I have six foot outdoor kennels we keep them in when we're away and they have tops on them . One of them still finds a way out at times . They stay near the house though and since we don't have any neighbors and live on " the road less traveled " we haven't lost any dogs to vehicles , cats yes dogs no . Let the pain of her loss subside a bit before starting your search for a new companion . More importantly , let the dog pick you . Obviously you're a good hearted person or the dog would have left at the first opportunity . She did once after all . They know character and are very good judges of it . Sit on the floor in a room full of strange dogs and your new dog will come and sit with you in time , guaranteed . In a dogs eyes looks don't matter so why should they for you ? But no matter how you look at them Border Collies are beautiful , exuberant and smart . When I lived in Colorado up in the mountains my wife and I shared our trailer with a pure bred timber wolf . His name was Chuck and he was black , about eight feet long from nose to tail , could drink out of the kitchen sink without taking his front feet off the floor and always insisted on greeting me with a wolfs greeting . They open their mouth's and cover your face with it . The first time a large wolf did that to me I got pretty nervous . By the time we Got chuck I was ready to deal with a headstrong animal like him . He was NOT a pet , he was a very wild animal . He did not do ANTHING he didn't want to do , ever . He taught , I learned . I taught , he ignored , I learned some more . Anyway , that was 22 years ago when I was 29 . Dogs are different from wolves in attitude but not as different as one might think . I hope the memory of Cowgirl stays with you forever but try not to judge other dogs by her . You'll only disappoint yourself BTDT . She was one of a kind and the next one you get will be one of a kind also , just be open to the kind of personality it has and bring out the best in it like you did with Cowgirl . It'll happen . ...Randy
Have read all the posts and agree on the fence thing but lets face it , a Border Collie in a fence all day may as well not be here at all. I'm sure she thanks you for her many years of freedom even though you both paid the price. Still being here and fenced up would probably NOT be her choice. I feel your pain. As a dog lover , I have been through it a lot in 57 yrs. Usually takes me 3-4 yrs to get another. You will know when it's time. We have every dog we've owned since marriage in '71 (10 dogs) in the back yard each with their own homemade engraved head stone. Times are different now , lots more dangers for dogs and kids. Being overprotective is pretty much the rule now-a-days. Real pretty dog. Sounds like she lived free and happy life as a farm dog. She will send you another when it's time. I am convinced they do that. Not enough time here to explain , but they do.Grieve , but try to remember her fun life and not how she left. Have one of your best photos blown up and framed. It helps. Just think of the circumstances in which she came to you in the first place. Someone had a hand in it!
Sounds like some of mine, Bo my old border collie/shephard mix. Smart as a whip, loved kids. Maggie my old female lab that was thoroughly beaten and even shot before I got her. Never left my side. Then Lou my lab, that I called "stink pot". That was my boy. Followed me in the fields, dropped varmints at the door, went everywhere with me in my trucks. Lost him this last January. They are family. Nothing or no one more loyal. All 3 buried up on a hill under an oak looking down on the place.

I've got a new lab now that I call punkster, and not that I wanted him, but because I inherited him. Nearly picked him off this past winter with a 30-06 cause I seen him laying out in a snowy field and figured he was a coyote until I scoped him. He was half frozen and starved and has fattened up since. Vet figures he's about a year old now. He's young, hyper, and learning. He certainly is a punkster trying to figure out what all of that worldly stuff is. No longer runs out of the barn slipping and sliding when I fire up a tractor. Still afraid to ride in my trucks, but he'll catch on in time.

My condolences Gary. I'm sure you'll miss her. They sure are family, and none can be replaced. There can and might be others, but none can be replaced. Sorry to hear that. Keep her alive in your heart. Remember the time that the two of you...

13 years ago my wife came driving home in the rain and I watched from my shop as she lifted something out of the backseat of her car. It was a little yellow furry ball about 10 inches long, soaked by a thunder storm with fifty ticks on his face and ears. She found him in the road ditch where someone had set him out. He grew up to about 70 lbs. Part golden retriever and part chow. Now 13 years later he is still with me. We have hiked every morning for the last 10 years since I retired from a real job. He has arthritis now and some days I can tell it is hard for him to pull up those steep hills but he makes it. He is always happy and He never complains, even when he feels bad. Occassionaly my 10 year old daughter will do our morning hike with us and one morning we were talking about old Toby. She said, Daddy, what are you going to do when Toby is finally gone? I said I would have to learn to live without him just like when a person in the family dies. But one thing for sure, when it finally happens you will see your daddy cry like a baby. We both got teary eyed just thinking about him being gone.
I feel for ya. Been 3 years since Bogart got hit on the road, but I still miss him terribly.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Don't dwell for one second on the fenced in dog theory, it has no place here. Your dog would have been gone a long time ago, you don't FENCE IN COWGIRL, or any dog like her, the guy's a total IDIOT! May Cowgirl rest in peace, my sympathy's.
Hey guys, its been not far from two days now since my Cowgirl left us. The pain is easing but the missing her is sure not. Its not the same getting up knowing she will not be running to the back door to meet me in the morning.
That dog showed more love to me than anyone or anything with the exeption of my parents.
I fully intend on getting another as close to her looks and all as I can. I found a web site last night on border collies and read the information on them, fit Cowgirl to a tee.
I sure do miss that little toot. A friend of mine has one of her puppies, hopefully if and when she has puppies I might get one of them too. Part of Cowgirl could come home again.
Thanks to all once again and God bless all of yall. I hope and pray that I can live a good life and make it to heaven and I hope that Cowgirl can be there with me.
This one is cute, how could you get mad at that face, even when she chewed up my blue tooth. I knew I loved this little stinker and I never thought a dog would be as important to me as she was. God bless you Cowgirl.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Pets do become part of the family. We'll say a prayer for you all.

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