Way OT [ Shingles ]


Well-known Member
A buddy of mine called me last night and he has got a case of shingles . They are for the most part below the belt and driving him nuts . He went to the doctor and got the pills and cream to smear on but I was wandering if there was any home remedys that may help out the modern meds.
Actually the cream is a miracle wonder----dries up the pox blisters incredibly fast. Other than that just good old painkillers and time
Have him take 1 Viagra before going to bed at night. It won't help with the itching but it will keep the sheets off his legs. ;>)
He should have got the nnalert for shingles I did and now have very little chance of getting it. Its caused from having chicken pox when you were young if you are a lot younger than I am and had the nnalert for Chicken pox then don't worry about shingles.
Just takes time. Anyone over sixty should have the shingles nnalert shot. The ones that I have known to have the shingles has been in the 70 and 80 age bracket. The shot is pricey, but prevents a lot of nasty pain.
I guess you guys didn't heed my advice back in March when I recommended the shingles shot. I am 76 and had a case of those dudes starting the first Monday in March and lasting until last week. It is the most painful thing I have ever had in my life (16 Surgeries, 7 in the past few years) so pleasse get the shot /. It costs 160 buck put the pain is well worth it Nuff said Henry
HENRY !!! I want that shot . I`m 50 yrs. old , do they wait a while or can I get one now . I dont remember if I had the pox or not but I think I did . I dont want the shingles !!
I got shingles last year in March and took the 7 day supply of pills from the med doctor( That is all he said I should have of that strong stuff) and then turned to nature path products and went to the health store and got L Lysene (sp) and did wonders for me. This came as a suggestion from a friend that had good success with nature products and I hate taking commercial pills and becoming an addict to them. Also helps to try and relieve some of the stress in you life as that is why most people get shingles in the first place. Just my thoughts Migraine
As said there is a shot that can now prevent them, but since he already has an outbreak, dont suggest, but insist he go see a "Pain management specialist" In most people the shingles go away after an outbreak, but occasionally, as with me, it causes nerve damage. If treated soon enough a Pain specialist can really help, but they need to catch it in the first month. I waited too long. For the last 5 years I have had an itching and burning on my face, right under my eye and all along the side of my nose and into my cheek. Awful !!!! The drug Lyrica helps with the pain, but it will never go away.

There is lots of good info on the web, just search for shingles.

Get him to the Pain specialist this week!!!!!

He may really thank you later, Wish someone had told me.


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