OT: In God We Trust

Gary from Muleshoe

Well-known Member
I have received an email encouraging people to write the words "In God We Trust" on the back of envelopes each time we mail anything. I would like to encourage all you to do the same.

In God I do indeed trust, man will fail you every time.

Use to be prayers for somebody on here, turning little fanatic with this everyday thing, I think
And so many do not understand that. To have the needed relationship with God you also must have that kind of relationship with the people around you. That goes for here as well. A lack of tolerance is not a part of a good relationship.
> To have the needed relationship with God you
> also must have that kind of relationship with the
> people around you. That goes for here as well. A
> lack of tolerance is not a part of a good
> relationship.

How DARE YOU attack our tolerance level! This will not stand ddl!
separation of church or state? last I look its still in the constitution.

you believe in god fine but dont combine goverment and religion, and the post office is a goverment office
I've no problem with Gary writing whatever he wants on his envelopes, as long as he's not tryng to tell the rest of us what to do and the Post Office doesn't object; as far as separation of church and state in constitution; must be a new/improved version. The phrase appears in some of Jefferson's writings, but it's not in my copy of the constitution.
Cut ddl some slack, everyone has a right to their own beliefs. This is a big part of why Christians are so unpopular, with their "belive in what we belive in, or your wrong!!" attitude.
You better go back and reread what it says. It says separation from church and state. But it does not say separation from state and church. Or in other words it say the state should not control the church but that does not say that the church should stay out of state and church should be in the gov. But the gov. should not be in church
Of course it is- its in the first Amendment, commonly called the Establishment clause- "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
Actually, what it says (1st Amendment) is:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Howdy Gary,
I'll pass thru Muleshoe about 0400 hrs Friday. If your not busy, call me (325-280-4088). I'll be in Clovis for the weekend, maybe we can get together for a laugh. You'll never guess who got here as our new 1st Sgt. The one and only "T.I. Sy"


"In God We Trust"
So many have listened to spin rather than studying history of our constitution. The reason for that amendment was to keep our government from establishing a church that we must adhere to.
But as always when facts get in the road of an opinion who needs facts.
This country has existed since 1776. No country has existed and prospered longer then the Roman empire and it lasted about 200 years. This country is 230 years old. Why did the Roman Empire fall????
The Roman Republic lasted 500 years, followed by the Roman Empire for another 500 years.

200 years would be the length of Pax Romana, which is a period of no wars around the Mediterrean Sea due to the complete military dominance of the Roman Empire.

One of the other posters mentioned civilizations that also had long lifetimes.

The father of the U.S. environmentalist was George Perkins Marsh, who wrote "Man and Nature" during the Civil War...was published 144 years ago.

One of his key points was the decline of other major civilizations was linked to the collapse of their agricultural system, primarily do to erosion.

The United States continues to sit on not only outstanding stockpiles of non-renewable resources like coal, oil, and iron...but we have done the finest job in history on managing our renewable resources.

Yes, we can do an even better job, too. Far from declining agriculture that has led to collapse of other civilizations our agricultural trends have been to use less land to grow more food.

People worry about us owing money to China...we have far too many natural resources to worry about that.
No, that's it Old.

Back when the Constitution and Bill of Rights was written most of the states feared the bible thumpers up in New England (except Rhode Island) and didn't want to see our system replicated.

There was no seperation between the Congregational Church and the State of Connecticut until our new state consitution in 1818.

Prior to that membership in, and payment of ecclestical taxes to support, was mandatory unless you could show you belonged to another Christian church; failure to pay taxes or conform with the regulations of the Congregational Church would see a constable hauling you before a justice of the peace or higher court. Yes, you're reading that right -- if the Church passed a ecclestical law, the State enforced it for them.

And you couldn't just establish a Christian Church; it still had to be approved by the Congregational Ministers from the county in which it was to be located, so if they did not approve of that particular flavor of Baptists, or they thought they already had enough Anglican churches, they could refuse to allow the church to be formed.

Rhode Island was founded by people already kicked out of the Congregational Church, so they did not have the state and church be one as it was in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire; from New York south other citizens of the U.S. were quite leery of this New England way.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" goes both ways -- Congress can neither regulate nor enforce religous views. The founding fathers, by and large, did fear the Church becoming involved with the State; they saw the intertwining in the New England states that made them uncomfortable, and they had just rebelled from a nation where the King was the head of Church & State.
I went to a Catholic grade school (actually Catholic K thru university, come to think of it)... anyway, we were instructed to draw a little cross at the center of our page heading dedicating our work to God and asking for his help. On tests, I can remember those little crosses becoming great big ornate works of art, as if the bigger cross would provide more of God's assistance at those tough questions.

How bout this- highlight it on all your paper currency?
Do you think your Dog will get you into heaven?

I would much rather trust in a God I can't see, feel, touch, or smell than to put my trust in something I know can't heal my sickness, or take me to a place of joy for all eternity.
Check your Bible in the new testament, and you will find after Jesus died for our sins, you will see where thru him God forgives all of our sins for the asking thru Jesus. That is tolerance above all tolerance.
Like John 13:34 Jesus said,(A new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another.)
One of many statments made by Jesus on the subject of loving one another. That can not be done without tolerance. It does not say to just love those that you agree with.

Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God.
I did not say you should'nt love those that disagree with you. There is a difference between loving someone and reject their views. If that is intolerant then I guess I am.
Rejecting someones views is not intolerance in its self. In tolerance would be the way you go about rejecting those views. If you do not believe the way I do it is no skin off my nose and I would never call you names or think less of you as a person because of it. Intolerance would be to be nasty and reject me as a useful person and be disrespectful toward me. Just talking about me I would never let your being disrespectful to me cause me to be disrespectful back. Not meaning that I think you have been disrespectful, just making a point.
I find joy in reading others opinions. At my age I am still learning. I can still have my mind changed if it does not go against the word.

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