Oil in water??


Well-known Member
Hi folks,
I posted this on the farmall site also, but wanted to catch a few more eyes.
I've got a '64 German made farmall w/ a 3 cyl diesel motor. It runs fine, but the coolant looks black. When you put your finger in the radiator it comes back with some black stuff that looks like suite, but the coolant under the film is normal looking. The cap has a little foam on it, but I just put that down to it being used so little and not really warmed up most of the time. There is no discoloration, foam or water in the crankcase either and the radiator doesn't bubble/build up pressure like a headgasket would.
Does this problem sound familiar to anyone?

Thanks, Dave
Not familiar with that engine.Does it have wet sleeves? If so,possible liner seals bad.

Had same thing on Waukesha wet sleeve engines and new liner seals fixed it.
Hello Dave2.
If it is black and powdery it is soot!.
It comes from the combustion chamber/s and it is the product of the fuel not totally burning in the cylinder and the head gasket not sealing 100%.The problem is in the head/s gasket not the fuel system.
It sounds that the head seal is allowing the soot to enter the cooling system.It is very little otherwise, like you said, it would be pressurizing the cooling system.Soot can also be found in the engine oil and there is a standard in PPM (PARTS PER MILLION) AND EACH ENGINE MANUFACTOR WILL HAVE ITS OWN SPECIFIED MAX ALLOWED FOR THE ENGINES, AGAING IN PPM.
In your case it possibly happening only when the engine is cold and as it gets to operating temperature the head gasket/s seal 100%.
Lack of use allows the gaskets to dry out. I bet you the more you use it the less soot you will see.
Yep, it sounds familar. We own an IH 624, which has the same problem since years. We have bought new pistons and cylinder sleeves, but till now not have changed them. From my point of view, I wouldn´t not pay a lot attention to it.
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Is that your website? Oder, ist das dein homepage?

I am about 550 KM down A7 near Schweinfurt.


Hi Dave,

not really my website. It´s the side of Junior and his friends. As you can read in the "about us" section. Wiemelsdorf is a fiction, the people are a fiction too. :wink:

I´m living 20 km east of Aachen, 40 km west of Cologne.

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