auto tire safety ?

bill mart

Well-known Member
ABC showed this video of auto tires only be safe for 6 years? never heard of this before.
generally speaking, a tire that's been warehoused for 6 years would be far less of a safety issue than a tire that's been mounted and on the ground for 6 years (such as a motorhome tire, which fail often due to age rather than mileage). Frankly, though, it is HIGHLY unlikely that you are going to find "old" tires in a retailer- my stores turn our tire inventory 8 times a year, and we stock 2700 tires /store.
Consumers also should be aware that tires are not continuously produced, but produced in production runs of sizes/models- so a tire that's 8 months old could be the "freshest" available for a given size/model.
You can get the production date of your tires from the DOT code- last 4 digits are weekweekyearyear (ex 1008= 10th week of 2008).
I saw the report. It was not that you need to replace your tires after six years.

It was saying that the industry rutinely sells tires that are 6,7 12 or more years old as new. And that these tires can suffer degridation on the shelf.

So as a consumer watch what is being sold to you as "NEW" when it is really NOS.
The longer that I watch news shows, the less credible they are... These shows often rely on scaring people, by embellishing the facts. All the news shows want is high viewership, which translates into higher ad $$$$$.
I have to agree with you there. I didn't see the program about tires nor is this comment about that piece. The News Media has become another "reality show" scripted with the sole purpose of generating $$$. I don't trust the news media anymore as they have their own agendas.

Anyone who has been "quoted" by the news media knows what I mean. Weather men are more accurate than reporters and that is sad.
tire folks are in business to sell stuff, not sit on inventory. Who's gonna make iny money on a product that sits on your shelf for 2 years?
most retailers have a process for OM (old merchandise, mark down after 8 months), VOM (very old merchandise, much bigger markdown after a year, bigger every month thereafter) and XOM (xtremely old merchandise, which gets tossed after 2 years at full loss)
I go to the grocery store and all the new milk and dairy products have been shoved in front of the old. (Front stock cases). So why would I believe that any tire place rotates the old out before the new, when the grocery stores, where it really matters, do a half-assed job?
Be interesting to know the science & engineering behind the determination of "6 years"

Anyone want to bet some accountant figured out that after 6 years the inventory is too low to worry about it, they can just trash any remaining tires?

i.e. all you pay the engineers to do is determine if the tire is safe at six years. If it's older and the manufacturer still has them in the warehouse, write it as a loss on your taxes and shred 'em. Could be good for 20 years, but the companies wouldn't have any incentive to pay for the research to determine that.
I don't give reporters much credit anymore. Just tonight on the local cbs station they had talked all day about how they had a breaking story about a large pile of dead chickens illegaly dumped on a county road. They had a live reporter on the scene,,,,

They were doing a live feed when the sherif pulled up, they stuck a mic in his face. He said it's just chicken litter that had dead birds composted in it. The guy who own's this field dumped it here on the side of this old coal haul road. He is going to spread it on this field of wheat as soon as it's harvested.

Reporters can make a story out of anything. Channel 25 out of Evansville has had something against Tyson for 10 years. Wonder if some one at ABC has something aginst the tire industry or if it was just a slow news day.

because a tire store's stock plan is usually zero- they don't replenish until it's gone....
tire guys' inventory per peice is a little more expensive than the grocery store, so he's not gonna want to carry any overstock.
I would be willing to bet that out of the 28 stores I manage you would be hard pressed to find more than 1 tire in any of them that are over 18 months old...and those would probably be displays

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