O T Accupunture


Well-known Member
After 31 years of a bad back, two operations, braces, therapy, injections and least a bushel of pills, I am going tomorrow to have a bunch of needles poked in my body, If it helps, I will let you guys know all about it.
There is more than one type of accupunture, the German form causes some discomfort. Accupunture will most likely help you but it may take a little time and a(few) treatments. The key word in the previous sentence is few, the person giving you the treatments should not bankrupt you. I also favor the Chinese form, it is virtually painless. My brother is a Vet and uses accupunture often on horses and dogs, he has many satisfied clients. Remember, Chinese form over German, I think you'll be happier, I was.
I had accupuncture for several years on a "as needed" basis. Whenever I had a back flare up usually I couldn't even get out of bed. I took up the treatment on a bet from a friend who said it would work.

I told the accupuncturist that it was hard to believe that all the hype on this would be successful. He put 4 needles in me..1 in front of my right knee, one behind it, one in my little toe and one in my index finger. Totally painless. He tapped them in and adjusted a spring like head on the needle..when he hit the point that he needed to hit I got a tingling like a funny bone hit. 30 minutes laying still would relieve the symptons for 6-8 weeks unless I got up on a ladder or short stepped off a curb.

It worked very well for me.
I have two buddies that swear by it.....oh, and afterwards you can drink a tall glass of water and become a sprinkler
I wish you much success and good luck. The fingers are crossed. With every ache as I do something anymore, I figure am going to pay dearly for that one day...everytime I groan "ohhhhh" and then do the moonwalk backwards afterwards. "Ohhhhhh, gonna pay for that one too".

Good luck,

I have been going to a pain management specalist, an MD for years for treatment of post shingles nerve damage. He helped me a good deal, but says he can do me no further good. I take Lyrica to stop some of the pain. I asked him about accupuncture a few months back and he encouraged me to try. He would not recommend any one person, but did encourage the "asian" form. He said it would not cause any damage, and could help. I think I may give it a try.

I had a form of Asian acupuncture for treatment of a deep plantar's wart on my foot. All conventional treatments failed (liquid nitrogen, etc), so my doctor sent me to this older Chinese dermatologist who simply tapped the wart with a fine needle. Five treatments later, and no wart (and it never came back). I had him treat several other warts over the years with similar results. I couldn't believe how well it worked. It turns out that all the conventional docs sent their patients to him when they had hard to kill warts. I had a few good chats with him about the treatment. He said it was a form of Asian acupuncture that he learned when he returned to China for a year visit. It is meant to stimulate the immune system to attack the wart. He was the only one using it in our area. The sad thing is that medicare would not pay for the treatment (I am in Canada) since it had not been "proven" to work by conventional means , so he would do the treatments free for any patient that needed it. He would not take money, and he said he felt an obligation to provide treatment (and did so happily). Not many doctors like that around anymore. Unfortunately, he retired last year near age of 80, and there is no one around who does the treatment anymore.
Save your money, it's just a placebo effect. Ask your doc for the good stuff. Not that I advocate hard drug use, it's just theirs not a lot more they can do to help you at the moment... If you ask me, modern medicine is still in the bronze age.
Be sure to let us know how it go`s . I have had 5 operations and all the other prosedurs and a total hip replacment . I`m in pain 24/7 but ya gota grit your teeth and keep goin , I cant let it get the best of me . It would be great to find something that helps , hope it works for ya , good luck
Well,I tried accupuncture for back pain and all it did was make my skin sore. Seriously,it wont hurt to try it.

Hey, don't overlook the placebo effect---if the need is to reduce or eliminate pain, who cares if they're sugar pills or needles, if they work (assuming costs aren't any more than conventional medical treatment or medications).
Acupuncture is a little like glucosamine for arthritis: it doesn't work for everyone, but if it does it's usually preferable to half zonking yourself out on something powerful that usually has a list of side effects that curls your hair...
Don't knock it until you try it! I have been disabled for 14 years and it is helping (keeping) me from getting worse. No side effects.
I had the first Accupunture treatment today, She stuck 16 needles in my back, turned on the voltage and came back in 20 minutes, my back felt much better for a few hours, go back the next two weeks and then we will decide if any further treatments are advisable. Thanks for all of the comments.

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