Well-known Member
Yesterday I had someone call saying they was from ebay . I had sold a few chainsaw parts back in the winter and they wanted to ask 4 questions . The questions were along the line of what parts I thought would sell best during holiday season and nothing personal in any way . Just wandering if this is a normal practice for them . It did come up as ebay on caller ID but that dont mean anything .
Redial the number and see who answers.

I've recieved a couple phone calls from EBAY. Also have recieved a few things via snail mail. It's not out of the realm of possibility that they could call. So long as they weren't asking for any personal info, I wouldn't suspect anything out of the ordinary.

Some people are so suspicious of EBAY. There are a few unscrupulous types that do business there, but in general, no more (or no less) than in ANY form of buy/sell market. How many shady auctioneers have you heard of? How many crooked used car salesmen? How about scams from newspaper adds? Thieves are everywhere.
I have had e-bay call several times. Most every time I also will get a follow up e-mail. They do call and e-bay is not just machines. Real people do work there.
I will weigh in on the straight up side of this one. I get survey calls from them maybe 4 times a year. And yes you should get a follow up e-mail. I'm a off and on bronze power seller.

Google EBAY investor relations, then click on "How many employees does EBAY have"?

Answer, (according to EBAY) 13,200. I'm sure SOMEONE there has a telephone.
They don't do anything for free. If they want to survey me, they can pay me. Otherwise I have nothing to say. My time is not free.
They must have changed things then in the past few years.

Last time I tried, couldn't even come up with a phone number. :>)

There's several phone numbers listed on the "law enforcement" page. Those will get you to one of those blasted automated receptionist's. (ie 1-408-967-9919) A year or so back, I had a problem with a series of bogus emails from someone claiming to be ebay, wanting to verify passwords, ect. I contacted them via email. I got a phone call from a real living, breathing human (named Ahkmed no less) I kept his phone # and extention # "just in case".

They really do have people there. Now do they actually WORK there? That's anyones guess.

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