Close call with tractor and whitetail

Yesterday I was on my way to one of my fields with the old WD45 with the bale spear on the front. As I passed the neighbors house a large whitetail shot out of the ditch and literally nicked the bale spear, scared the heck out of me! Couldnt help but wonder what would have happened if it would have been a split second later. "But realy mister game warden". Any way we both got away with no harm done. Anybody else have any close calls with those darned brush goats? We have so many deer around here I'm suprised it doesnt happen more often.
It must have been 4 or 5 years ago. I was riding the 4 wheeler right down the middle of a flat square 160 acre farm without a tree or ditch in it and the nearest tree was 1/2 mile away. The west half was head high corn and I was riding in the beans right next to the corn looking at the corn and beans both. Then out of nowhere a big doe shot right out in front of me running full speed out of the corn going east as hard as she could. Missed me and the 4 wheeler by about 10 feet. If she would have hit me it would have cleaned me right off and we would have tangled mess on the ground. I dont know if she even saw me but it sure got my attention.

My 75 year old neighbor and his older brother were out checking some cows a couple of years ago and Loyd got out to check some cedar trees on his side and the brother got out on the other side leaving his pickup door open. A white tail bolted from the trees into the pickup cab. It cut holes in the seat, left blood and hair all over and bent the door around to the fender when it got turned around and went out. When he drove into my yard I said what were you doing, drinking again. He said you ain't going to believe this.
Thinking about it, I've been real fortunate in that department, the only time I actually hit one, got er slowed enough, ended up bumping it and she ran off, no worse than before it happened.

I've seen a few doing cartwheels on the highway after being hit multiple times, for some reason one of those multi hits still sticks in my mind, kind of a graphic memory I'd like to forget. Seen one with 4 broken legs, still trying to make a go of it, had nothing to use to end the suffering, + all the countless others I've seen, they sure are one tough and motivated animal.

I recall one, probably 20 years ago, 2 lane road, was driving a tri-axle dump, loaded and climbing an incline, small buck darted out, I narrowly missed it, and never missed a beat or had any time to react to it, as soon as it crossed into the next lane, it put it's head down and head butted the driver side door, knocked the mirror off, nice dent in the door, and fell off to the side of the road, over the white line, after the hit, still can't recall how it got across that lane after a hit like that, but it did. I stopped, person in the car I knew from high school, kind of odd, took the shovel from the dump body and proceeded to take a look, thought it might have been knocked out, but it was dead, had no way to carry it, off the side of the dump body would have drawn too much attention, meat was unscathed, on the return trip after dumping off, it was already gone.
Few years ago I was driving my plow truck , no blade on it . Went by a pretty bad area for deer. Saw a big doe by side of road,tried to slow down , BAM hit it hard . Drove up and down the road looking for her , no sign . Got out to look at truck ,,,there she was ,impaled on the plow lift . Where was my camera ?????? lol
I saw a skier nearly hit one that ran across a downhill ski trail. My neighbor has about eight antlers that have come up in tractor tires over the years. He has a large rear tractor tire now flat with an antler buried in it. My dad cut all four legs off a fawn with a mowing machine once. I try to keep a sharp look out for them in first cutting but I doubt I would see it on time.
Between three deer hits and a parking lot fender bender, this Olds 88 I'm driving has had both front fenders replace twice, the left headlight unit replaced twice, the grill and right headlight replaced once, and the hood straightened.
A couple summers ago in the west end of Jefferson City my wife and I were riding our tandem bicycle. A doe came running out of the woods and across the street only a couple feet in front of us. She had been running long enough to have foam at the mouth.
Half way up the arriving flights ramp at the Philadelphia airport traffic was backed up behind a car with blood all over a cracked windshield and a dying crippled doe laying beside on the road. Bet she missed her flight. How she got so far into the concrete world is beyond me.
I have heard that a fawn will stop up a haybine. I do not know for sure, I will say they make a lot of noise going through a disk mower.

a few years back I was on my first time around mowing a field when I saw something kind of sticking up not looking like grass. I kept looking at it as I approached but there was no movement. finally I got to where the header was maybe 15 feet from it and I still couldn't tell what it was so I stopped got out and went around front. When I came around the front of the tractor a good sized fawn jumped up and ran into the woods. I bet it would have made a mess of my mower.
Quite a few years back I drove a truck for a living. I was on U.S. 36 on the west edge of Macon Mo. when I saw a deer run across the west bound lanes, get half way through the median, leap, and did a belly flop on the center line of the east bound lanes. I always thought deer were pretty sure footed. When this one landed, each leg went a different way, did kind of a roll and was far enough out of the way that I missed him.
I did get one with a 98 Ranger pickup. Might have well just ran into a brick wall. The repair bill was just about $100 short of totaling it. About the only thing that didn't get crushed was 1 head light and the radiator. That buck ended up laying down on the shoulder of the road and sat there looking at us. Had to shoot him to end suffering. He was so big that it took 4 of us to load him in the back of the truck. We got just over 200lbs of meat even after the bruised parts were cut away.
BIL was doing a Sunday afternoon crop tour drive with his arm out the window farmer style, when a doe jumped out of the ditch, broke his arm and dislocated his shoulder, small dent in the door
Fawns go right through a sickle bar mo-co too. Bit of a clunk going through the rollers, doesn't always kill them though, have to go back and run over them with the tractor tire.
A couple of weeks ago I bored a row of 10" holes in the ground for fenceposts, rain came before I could get all the posts dropped in. Went back last weekend and there was a dead fawn laying in the bottom of one of the holes. I imagine it's back legs landed in the hole while running, then the whole critter slipped in. Not sure how long it was in the hole, I made a hook out of rebar and slipped it around the neck, pulled it out. Carcass wasn't stiff, so probably not dead long. Kinda freaked me out, thinking that it could have been a small kid fell in one of them holes.
Those brush -Goat fawns will go thru a NH489 also , Done it twice , Both Times this is how it happened ,, After dark Just finishing the field When i got down to postage stamp size ,,Literaly knocked the rear off of a streamlined buck that crossed the path of the hummin Cummins Dodge at 75mph
You aint going to beleave this ! LOL A few years back a doctor was taking off from a small local airport with his single engine plane. Just as he was about to leave the ground a white tail came running across the runway and needless to say he couldn't avoid it. It left three big messes, the white tail a mess, the plane a mess, and I figure his shorts where a mess.
Not a tractor but have crushed the front on a couple of pickups, worst one was a buck at about 55 mph. never saw it until we hit.
The worst deer hit I have ever seen was on two lane highway 55 west of Ft.Royal. Ford Thunderbird in front of me hit one doing about 60 and sent the deer flying end over end like a field goal kick in football. that thing nearly cleared the power lines.
Three years ago while cutting 10 acres for a church I run over a fawn with belly mower. Never made a sound till I heard the belt squeal. Almost dark. Really took the fun out of that job. I went a lot slower after that event.
Three years ago while cutting 10 acres for a church I run over a fawn with belly mower. Never made a sound till I heard the belt squeal. Almost dark. Really took the fun out of that job. I went a lot slower after that event.
Before I retired from my first job ( state trooper) I investigated an accident where a man had been riding his motorcycle down a very rural state road between two corn fields. A deer ran out of the corn at midday hitting the motorcycle, killing the man and the deer. That was about 10 years ago and it happened to another guy this week in a nearby county. I have killed a few with the old M and model 31 mowing machine. I hate that feeling. It kinda takes the fun out of hay cutting.
far of neighbor drove old lincoln at night down gravelroad,clipping along pretty good ,scooped a big bull moose,his wife unscatted,put him in hospital with head and torso crushed. was 2 yrs ago,he's not recovered yet. rearend of moose was on backseat behind him.

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