OT: The Al quida #2 guy is dead

Gun guru

Well-known Member
I heard on the news this AM. That Al Ayman Zawari. (I know that the spelling wrong) was killed by a US predator missle strike.
This guy is the #2 al quida leader.
Now we just need to get Bin-Laden.
I finally got some good news on the radio.
That Predator system must just give them the willies. The Paki's better figure out pretty soon that sheltering those guys is an act of war with the US.
It would be nice to really know what is going on with the intelligence in area suspected to be harboring him, and with an understanding that the Pakistani's sovereignity is an issue, so is this guy's crimes. I'd like to be able to understand why this obstacle has been allowed to become a monumental barrier. Besides that, the remote area he has taken cover in is also another huge logistical problem, but if you can't get in there in the first place, and after all this time, it just makes the job 100X more difficlt. The time was late '01 to get him, it's now '08. Same philosophy as if you are taken prisoner, you must immediately plan and try to escape, the longer you wait the harder it gets. Regardless, all of them need to be brought to justice, and my thanks given to every person in uniform on that job and all other jobs around the world. One can only imagine how badly some of them would like to get in after these people by now. We must bring this guy down no matter what and I am still confident it can be done, going to be very difficult, but can be done, we must support our troops here.
cnn, nothing on bbc.
The news is supposedly based on a letter intersepted that was seeking medical help for him to treat infected wounds from an attack in late july. Said infected wounds are causing him great pain. That's good news. US govt. says it has no confimation either way.
That's what I thought. Did either of those "sources" happen to mention what happened on the floor of the House yesterday? I'm betting they didn't.
So they got him again. Isn't this about the third or fourth time he's supposedly been killed? It's all rumours and guessing until someone can actually produce a body.
I don't know I didn't search for news from the house. CBS is claiming this as an exclusive claiming to have the intercepted letter that seeks medical help. Do a search for CBS breaking news.
How would they know it was him if he got hit by a missle? He would be in a million pieces. No way to identify all that mess.
When we forced the Russ out of Afg'stan, the Paki's feared a pro-west Gov't taking over; they already were convinced we were supporting India in their (India-Pak) wars, and the last thing they wanted were unfriendly Govt's on both sides...
Pakistan created/supported the Taliban, to have a friendly Gov't on one side, so they could concentrate their defenses on their India border..We couldn't care less about the Taliban until oil discoveries broke and/or they started accepting terrorists, depending on who you ask...
Now we're pressuring Paki's to turn on the people they support (present tense) for our purposes, under the very real threat of being considered an enemy if they don't toe our line...
Yet, for all our promises about protecting them from India, they remember how we abandoned Afg'stan when it was no longer important to us, and they see us doing the same to them, and their being overrun and butchered by India (as in the splitting of India)...
It used to be called geopolitics...
Great If Alquaida (sp) is out of business we can bring our troops home. They can be used to guard the nnalert in the house sitting in the dark. Claiming after seven years of sucking up to big oil that they now are trying to save the taxpayers money by giving the country to Exxon. Poor little oil company just set two records for most profit in a quarter in a row.
That's what I think. Every few weeks another news release of a "victory" over al quida. Kind of like Vietnam, we were winning on paper, but losing in the field.
I hope they let the buzzards take care of him, but on the other hand, buzzards will not eat just any carrion..

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