OT...young hunters!!!!!!!


I dont have any problem with young hunters.But man to be out bear hunting at 14 unsupervised,,Nah I just dont think thats right.
Whats your opinion on this?
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It's not the age....I was a Hunter Education instructor for 15 years and some of the worst students were thew adults who had let their licenses expire for too long and now had to take course....they already knew it all. They were some of the most careless...pointing a gun in another students direction, or a finger on the trigger....
A few (maybe 8 ?) we lost a game warden here in connecticut by an adult shooting just beyond legal hours during deer season and failing to identify his target.
This warden had a bright red jacket and was walking along the edge of a cut corn field...he was a long time co-worker and a friend.
Stupid stuff happens out there...
Ya GOTTA identify your target!
For Petes'sake, even the vice president of the United States shot some guy!
My 2 cents,
It's not the calendar age, it's the maturity.

Sad story, true. We have the same story run here 2-3 time a year, normally done by a 40 year old (give or take 10 years). In every case, improper target identification or poor backdrop selection.

It wasn't the age, it was an overeagerness to get the shot eclipsing a calm rational evaluation of the target and scenario. In other words, lack of maturity.
That story starts out with misinformation. According to local reports, one of her friends (or family) told her to reconsider going hiking that day, because it was start of bear hunting season. In that case, it could hardly be said she was unaware of it. To their credit, the victim's family seems to bear the hunter little ill will.

But it was indeed a tragedy. I would imagine the young hunter is pretty tore up. In a mixed blessing, he will probably be charged with manslaughter, so the trial will go to a court of law instead of being tried only in the press. I expect him to be convicted of something like 2nd degree manslaugther (if there is such a thing in this state) and given a suspended sentence.

A little background, the weather was overcast with some fog that morning, range was 120yd, weapon was a .270 cal rifle. Victim had been wearing a bright blue jacket, but was putting it into her pack when she was shot. I haven't seen any details of what color she was wearing under the jacket.
Adults run red lights and kill people frequently.Going to take their cars away or ban all adults from driving? Stupid mistakes happen unfortunately because of the human element
The Aug. 2 accident was a rarity in Washington — Almli is the first nonhunter killed by a hunter in the state in more than 25 years — but that doesn't make wildlife officials and the hiking community any less anxious to find ways to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Sounds terrible but how many other sports/activities can claim no fatalities in 25 years?
When I was about the same age I drew up on a deer walking ahead of me twice. It was in a field when I was almost back to the car just before full darkness. Each time there was just enough doubt to make me try to get closer and get a better look I did and it turned out to be a farmer driving his cattle in to milk. The cattle had gotten out of sight. Common sense is defined as the sum of your life experience so far in life. As you age, if you are paying attention, you gain common sense. But many of the little events along the way turn out different at different times for different people. Some result in death and/or injury for people.Costly experience. Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. Sometimes it is better to learn from others experience and impose some laws and restrictions to help our children grow to adult age.
Doesn't matter what she was wearing, the hunter violated several basic safety and sportman's rules by firing.

Not only did he not identify his target - he certainly had no idea if he was making a killing shot. He should have been doubly cautious knowing that he was hunting along a hiking trail.

Reminds me of an old "Saturday Evening Post" article (early 1960s) talking about the dangers of urban hunters flooding the "woods" on opening day of deer season. It showed a picture old farmer painting "NOT A DEER" in large letters on both sides of his milk cows.
Cheney was drunk like way too many other knuckleheads during hunting season.What a shame those Darwin award candidates don't just take themselves out and leave the rest of us alone!
Verniee , You are awful sensitive about this . Have you peppered any of your hunting companions lately? You seem pretty quick to defend a guy who shot his own hunting companion. How do you justify shooting your own friend in the face? More disturbing to me if the guy was stone cold sober. If he was drunk at least his judgment was impaired. This by a fellow who is a heartbeat from being the leader of the western world. Your position is untenable. Let's be reasonable. He made a grave mistake and I believe admitted this himself.
When someone calls the Vice President drunk, which is completely false, I will call him on it.
His post was a political slam that is often times repeated by the ignorant masses. They keep repeating a lie hoping some other morons will believe them.

If he can supply facts, which he canot, I will listen.

I'm waiting.
It depends on the kid.There are adult hunters, sober by the way, that shouldn't even be near a gun under any circumstances. Just as some 16 year olds are safe drivers, others aren't. He'll pay for this for the rest of his life.

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