That wasnt 3 months?!?!


Well-known Member
It has been a great summer, and i even got a couple tractors out of it. Short but very good.
School here starts tomorrow, so i wont be on here as much, but i will be on here.

I just got home from a 4 mile and 4 back bike trip for some much needed washers for the front end of the C. They dont fit. I'll grind them down and drill them out, and althought the front end may fall off, i aint doing that agian.

Hopefully by the end of the day i will have a running tractor, or atleast know how badly i failed.

Lets see if this thing runs. Atleast i can say i did something this summer if it does :)

So i hope i live through the day tomorrow and trying to start that thing tonight. Ive learned so much on here this summer, and would like to thank everyone for putting up with me for a whole year, i really appriciate it
'twas the least we could do. You did a good job and have keept a good, positive attitude through the bummer moments too. And have a good time in school. Just keep up even stay ahead and it makes life so much easier.
You made even the doubters proud. You grew between 14 and 15 in more than one positive way.
Keep that up and you will be a legislator. Good luck in school and get all A's.
Tractor Update:

I poured some gas in and watched 4 of my very few dollars flow through it. Then i made a gasket. Im flushing out the tank with gas, to remove whatever is turning it brown.
Lance, when you first showed up, you actually scared a few folks, made a few snicker, and a few more of us started to recall our youth.

In one summer, you soothed the nerves of those who were once terrified of some of your hyjinx. You made a few quit laughing and take notice. And most of all, you made a bunch of us proud of you, happier about ourselves, and gave us a little more faith in the youth of this country.

Keep up the good work. ENJOY school. It'll end soon enough. And most of all, don't forget all us old timers once you've made a success of your life.

Because you're going to do just that.
The C. Im trying to figure out how bill somehow got that alternater on there... This could take a while.

I got the tank flushed out until the gas coming out was clear, about the time i realised it was brown because it were 2 cycle. Welp, if thats the worst thing that happens today i'll be doing good ;-)
Im proud of that, and Will do. And thank you. Alot. And you still need a handle here.
Thanks Les. It was hard, and dont say that until i know if this C runs...

Will do. Thanks
Thanks Jim. BTW heres what you said last year. Yeah, i kept that:

08-22-2007 15:58:42

Remember that there is as much concrete education in what your teachers are providing you as there is here. Bring your own container, and keep the lid set off to one side. Homework is the poof that you know what you have been taught. Without it the teachers get a correct impression of your ability to function. Good luck, and visit us between the buisy days. Your friend, Jim
The dang thing was allready on the tractor when i got it. I just cant figure out how...
Reminds me of the time I changed oil in the truck and left the plug out.....back when I thought about digging up the gravel, putting it in a bucket with water and skimming the oil off.....
Awesome!! Someone whos as cheap as i am!!

I collected that gas for the next time we start a fire....
Summer is sure slipping away fast.Saw some leaves starting to change color and the sunlight is fading earlier.Have a good time at school tomorrow and pay attention.After all a good education will put you higher on the totem pole and will allow you to buy more toys! LOL
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It's ugly, but the three points of contact make it very solid.
Been following you from the get go. There were times I wished I lived closer so I could come help you. You are a fine young man and I know you will succeed in all you do. It would have been real easy for you to give up but you didn't. I like that in a man.

Good luck to you and we all wish you the best.

One note---Take it easy on your teachers. My wife has taught school for 28 years and when she has a bad day, we all have a bad night!
I've been following your escapades since you arrived and like all the other oldtimers, we have relived our own youth through your learning experiences. School, just like old tractors, is only a backdrop in which we all learn a little more about our selves, our talents, our strengths and weaknesses. Once we wise up and mature we soon realize that learning is a lifelong occupation and complacency becomes a bore.

Looking forward to your future posts

Oh well, it was fun. And there isnt a todem poll high enough for all my toys :)

Thanks, and will do vito. Havent seen you around much lately, was wondering what happened to you.
Thanks a million John. Will do. And i've come WAY too far to give up. No matter how appealing it looks. I could sure use a hand if i knew more people in the area. Oh well.
Thanks doug. I dont know if re-living your youth is as fun as it sounds :)

Ive learned so much from you guys, not just about tractors but about life. Thanks everyone.

There will be a ton of future posts. I wont dissipoint you :)
Lanse, remember, school first, tractors
second, unless you meet a nice farm girl. ;-)
don't use gas to start fire. always used diesel gas mix at about 1 gal gas to 4 gal diesel until last summer on large brush pile. conditions were right for gas fumes to come off and pool in area where i was lighting fire with a fuel soaked newspaper. end result exploded 1st and 2nd degree burns about 3 very painfull weeks some scars today yet on my ears nose and elbow thank god i wear glasses or i'm sure eye damage would have happened. i had probably done this 50 times in the past with no problems. learned a lesson i;ll never forget,it only takes once if conditions are right. good luck at school and with tractor. leroy
Lanse - you have been such a breath of fresh air. So many young people today think they are "entitled" to have the world. You go out and get it and work for it and that takes character.

I found school boring and I know you don't like it, but stick with it.

Remember making a life is more important that making a living.

Like the others here, I enjoy your posts.
As I said before " You have the world by the tail" The ball is in your court grab it and don't stop running. We are all rooting for you .

I just wish I would have the chance to meet you personally. Not many young people of your caliber around here.

Wishing you all the luck in the future.

I want to caution you on another previous post. Someone said something about a nice farm girl.

They are more expensive than tractors.---LOL But the only real problem is you will probably chase them till one catches you.[Happened to me]

If you need help with homework, Ask here I'm sure someone will help on that issue also.

I have only known you for the last year, watched you grow into a man. I have at times wondered why most of your generation are not like you.

I want to clarify that, It's not that there are not more like you , some may be in the background not saying anything, You just stand out like one of our own. And not afraid to ask an old person of their wisdom.

Some of us thats all we have left. some haven't got the psychical strength to do the work any more
and proud to see someone that can, and will proceed with a dream without giving up.

Jim Hayes
Apollo Pa.

I don't have a lot of experience, but have enjoyed following your trial and errors education. Reminds me of my own growing up. I bought a '51 Mercury with a blown engine from my cousin. I found another Merc sitting beside a garage. I bought that one, pulled both motors and reinstalled the new one only to find it seized up. A buddy made short work of one of them with a torch. The other I had to pay a guy at the dump $2.00 to take.

Work hard at school. Follow that dream. An education is something no one can take away from you.

Larry in Michigan
lanse, we"re proud of you. Keep up the good work, study hard and you"ll reap the rewards. Will continue to follow your adventure.

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