O/T Why is @$%# Gas Still High?


Well-known Member
Crude closed out at $103 today, and all the gas stations raised the price! Its $3.95 a gallon here...this is insane its supposed to go the other way. According to my records in April when it was $103 we were paying $3.19 per gallon. What a ripp-off. Where is our fraud protection groups, and the goverment when price gouging occurs? They dont care they are getting taxes on $3.95 a gallon. This sucks!
Yeah, gas prices do not correllate with crude oil prices. Refining costs change like the dickens. And why does it have to be like that? Who knows anymore. All speculations and no facts.
Everyone is watching Sara shaking her money maker and the oil king"s figured most would never see the increase.
Yea, but when crude was goin up they blamed it on the speculators, now that crude is down who gets the blame this week?
$3.53 here. I rode my miseaable bike to town for a haircut, and there were close to 20 cars at the station. Looked like they'de be there for a while. If it is 5 cents less then the other station, and you bought 15 gallons, you'de save 75 cents for waiting out there all that time.
Where's our famed speculator champion, oh "it's all supply and demand"?
Usta come to this board and I was the Lone Ranger on the point of view that we're being screewed. Looks like some of you all just needed to be reamed longer.
2 big oil men in the whitehouse. they sent one of cheneys buddies in houston to jail ripped the gov. for over 10 mil. ceo of kbr
Gasoline on todays spot market $2.65/gallon Diesel today $2.90 gallon acording to Bloomberg.
I'm not a Bush supporter, so how do you like your nnalert that refuse to allow drilling in the U.S.? That is simple supply-demand. Anything to increase the supply will bring the price down, create jobs in oil fields.
Argue all you want. You'll still be wrong when the facts are observed.
Don't forget Al Gore with controlling stock in Oxydental Petroleum...
Oil man or nnalert in the White House? Experience or ignorance? Only fools will be voting for external_link.
Don't forget Al Gore with controlling stock in Oxydental Petroleum...
Oil man or nnalert in the White House? Experience or ignorance? Only fools will be voting nnalert.
Gas is $3.34 and diesel is $3.89 here in the rural midwest.Both should be close to $3 a gallon.Fuel isnt the only thing that we are getting ripped on.
Hello Turke Bros Farms.
I see today the gas prices at the commodity market @ $2.75 a gallon.
Normally you pay $.40 above that price.
But I can tell you that the price goes up like a rocket and comes down like a feather.
They make money as the gas price goes down for them!not for us.
whoever gets in the white house we will still be screwed so im going to start my own country the united states of anartica. for now it will be a little cold but with global warming it will soon be an ocean front tropical paradise. i promise a penguin in every pot and well all ride around on sleds. it will be a good time come and join me.

If i pay for 1/2 of it, do i get the proceids from the Al Gore Resort???

Wait a minuite-What happens in 30 years after global warming is run dry and we get global cooling????
When I was a kid growing up, seems there were lots of movies about shine runners runnin their cars on shine. Now that I'm older and have my own stills, I keep meaning to try it but everytime I go out and start testing my product, something happens and I can never remember what keys I put my pocket in. A little in the tank, a little in my tank, a little more in the tank, a little more in my... Heck I was makin corn liquor long before they started calling it ethynol. Any of you guys seen my keys?

Yeah,I was thinking the same thing.I would be all for throwing Bush/Cheney out today.Might not lower gas prices but they would know we were not going to put up with any more of their crap.I doubt they ever come down because the idiots are going to start a war in Iran next.Should have got the Neocons out of there a long time ago.It still is speculators.The dollar is still worth less than it really is,the speculators caused it.It is a big rip off set up.How can a bank bust,another rip off?They print more money all the time,devalue the dollar,but when the value of the dollar comes up,the price of everything is higher,but your wages stay the same or go lower.These crooks have a bag of dirty tricks and they are going to use every one of them before they get thrown out,if they even do.McBush has his own bag of tricks next,and the dumba$$es will still vote for them,get on here and brag about them,and brag about voting for them.Kind of like somebody said the office of Vice President(unless you are Cheney)is not worth a bucket of warm spit.The Governor from Alaska looks good,but she wont do anything,probably will not even know what the crooks are up to,and will probably wish she had never even seen the office of Vice President if she gets it.Normal people wouldnt like being in there with all them crooks.

To get something done about the gas prices,we have to get rid of the crooks in the government.Sure they are going to have one excuse after another,but what they are doing is lowering your standard of living.Then to cover all the crap they have done next they will try and do away with the USA and have Canada,USA,Mexico be a new country,new money,and back to rip off as usual,just now there is nobody to be accountable to.The "New World Order"they all want is not going to be good for working people unless you are used to being a slave.These people are now,and have always been,disgusting,to me.There is nothing about them that is worth all this crap.They cant manage anything,but they are running(destroying)our country.You cant even get any news much any more.Kieth Olberman is about the only one,and the Colbert fake news is more real than the news.Its like our country is being run by some mega rich Suadi Arabian king,and he just buys whomever he wants in government to meddle in our country.Like get rid of the middle class,make the money worthless,bring our standards down and enslave us.Who wants a bunch of pesky Americans,they prefer Mexicans who work hard for no pay,just to be here,and know better than to gripe.
Now Tlak,you arent the only one on the we are being screwed side,it probably seems that way sometimes.
What they were saying on the local news was that the tankers full of gas we are importing are having trouble docking to unload in the gulf ports because of the weather.

Price at Krogers in Cincy was $3.49.9 Sunday, TV was reporting gas was 3.79.9 today.
The Price of Fuel is sky high. The American Taxpayer is now gonna hafta bail out Freddie & Fanny. I don't know how long Joe Six-Pack can keep this up!!! When AMERICA goes, so goes the WORLD......
Gas in northwest Indiana went up to $4.099 today from $3.799. The reason they say is because of the hurricane in the gulf. Even tho oil and gas was down on the mercantile exchange. Thank you Speedway and Family Express!
One day you guys may just relize that the price of diesel and gas is not related to the price of oil.

Yes if oil goes up fuel must go up because they will not sell for a loss but it is still not totally related to the price of oil.

Ever notice that gas may be 0.10 more in one town than it is 40 miles away. Do you really think these 2 stations are paying a differant price for gas because they are 40 miles apart????????
I'll go to Shell every time before I go to Family Express! They don't take checks anymore, and make you pay in advance. Those "Square Doughnuts" aren't THAT good..........
well i can only imagine that part of it is those hurricanes. they said that they will have to evacuate quite a few oil rigs in the gulf of Mexico. second time in less then a week. they said that only effects it a little but i think it is more then they think it effects us. part of it is greedyness. the oil exects only make XXXX BILLION per quarter but that isn"t enough of course
DF in WI
You know , If they do drill in Alaska and off-shore in the gulf....The prices won't come down.. Because the price has set a precident..The prices will still continue to be astronomical because they have the ability to keep it there..Refinery costs , Drilling expenses , Storage facilities and finally , How about the oil speculators that control the energy prices in our lives....I just bought gas tonight.. Last week it was $ 3.56/gallon... Tonight it was $ 3.79 ....I wonder what glitch caused that ?? Well , I guess we just grin and bear it... OK , now I feel better
Eventually this is gonna come to a head! Things are gonna happen this winter and there won't be anything to smile about......
He displayed the same traits the first time around then you[collectively] put him back, you can just hope the next 4 months fly before he gives you a camel and flight ticket.
(quoted from post at 18:16:33 09/09/08) Yeah,I was thinking the same thing.I would be all for throwing Bush/Cheney out today.Might not lower gas prices but they would know we were not going to put up with any more of their crap.I doubt they ever come down because the idiots are going to start a war in Iran next.Should have got the Neocons out of there a long time ago.It still is speculators.The dollar is still worth less than it really is,the speculators caused it.It is a big rip off set up.How can a bank bust,another rip off?They print more money all the time,devalue the dollar,but when the value of the dollar comes up,the price of everything is higher,but your wages stay the same or go lower.These crooks have a bag of dirty tricks and they are going to use every one of them before they get thrown out,if they even do.McBush has his own bag of tricks next,and the dumba$$es will still vote for them,get on here and brag about them,and brag about voting for them.Kind of like somebody said the office of Vice President(unless you are Cheney)is not worth a bucket of warm spit.The Governor from Alaska looks good,but she wont do anything,probably will not even know what the crooks are up to,and will probably wish she had never even seen the office of Vice President if she gets it.Normal people wouldnt like being in there with all them crooks.

To get something done about the gas prices,we have to get rid of the crooks in the government.Sure they are going to have one excuse after another,but what they are doing is lowering your standard of living.Then to cover all the crap they have done next they will try and do away with the USA and have Canada,USA,Mexico be a new country,new money,and back to rip off as usual,just now there is nobody to be accountable to.The "New World Order"they all want is not going to be good for working people unless you are used to being a slave.These people are now,and have always been,disgusting,to me.There is nothing about them that is worth all this crap.They cant manage anything,but they are running(destroying)our country.You cant even get any news much any more.Kieth Olberman is about the only one,and the Colbert fake news is more real than the news.Its like our country is being run by some mega rich Suadi Arabian king,and he just buys whomever he wants in government to meddle in our country.Like get rid of the middle class,make the money worthless,bring our standards down and enslave us.Who wants a bunch of pesky Americans,they prefer Mexicans who work hard for no pay,just to be here,and know better than to gripe.

I see your life still sucks Trucker 40 . Please limit your rants to a few lines not a books worth.

Take Care


I'd rather have a third Bush term than pay for all the handouts and welfare programs that external_link wants to implement. Yeah, health care for everyone! Even those who can't afford it because they still want their car that they leased and can't afford. Friggin' ridiculous. There is no way in h*ll I would vote the democratic line. I live in a rural area and work hard for what I have. I learned a long time ago how to budget my money. The last thing I want to do is pay more taxes so people that don't know how to budget their money can get a free ride. jay-eye-see, can you see my point??
Gas was $2.15 two years ago. What changed? "We" elected nnalert to control congress. Think about the "changes" over the last two years. Bush's fault? I don't think so.
you're both right, if speaking oranges.
4.55 litres approx gal imperial.North
3.8 litres approx gal US. South.
Thats what I don't get about all the talk about ethanol make'n gas cheaper. Ethanol around here has been selling for $40 a gallon for years.

3.55 for regular, 4.19 for diesel just a few minutes ago. Filled up 3 vehicles, might need it if Ike ends up down here at the tip of Texas. Figured it would go up again tomorrow, so chose not to wait and have to wait in lines too. Amazing how quiet the stations are at 10 PM around here.
(quoted from post at 15:49:21 09/09/08) Usta come to this board and I was the Lone Ranger on the point of view that we're being screewed. Looks like some of you all just needed to be reamed longer.

Now, that is funny!!!!
Saw on the news tonight that in Louisville, gas went up 30 cents a gallon today...even though crude was below $104 a barrel, and wholesale gasoline [not sure what level of "wholesale" that was...at the refiner, at the jobber, or where] was $2.66...which should have made retail gasoline around $3.39 a gallon, according to some industry "expert" who was interviewed.

Of course, in Louisville, it's probably due to the Ryder Cup coming to town next week. Gas in Louisville always goes up a couple of weeks before the Kentucky Derby, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and the first weekend in August when the Street Rod Nationals come to town. So far, the KY attorney general's office hasn't found any wrongdoing in any of this...surprise, surprise, surprise.
Mike, you're aware that McCain is gonna cut taxes some more, aren't ya?

So that means that the taxpayers are only bailing them out ON PAPER...and not with real dollars. Augie says it's all fiat money...and where can you get parts for a Fiat these days? Seriously though...first, it's gonna be that it'll take $10 to buy a gallon of gas...then when the deflation sets in because nobody can pay that and make an honest living--because everyone will have been bled dry by then--it'll make the 1930's look like good times.

Wait and see...it's coming. They didn't do the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae bailout on a Sunday by accident, y'know. They just wanted to avoid a panic.
Just need to use a calcitrate bander or burdizzos on all towel heads, politicians, and pole st. traders so no multiplying and it can come back down.
There might have been a couple-three of us with this point of view, but I was told countless times, you're a dumbasss and don't understand how the market works.
It was the ones that took a while to figure out first grade math. If the Big Bad Oil Co gives you five gold coins on your investment and you have to give 3 to the gas station, 1 to the fertilizer people, and 2 to the utility co, and 1 to the food co, and 2 to the grand kids because they can't afford anything either, how many do you have left?
They say use is down millions of gallons a month, but that doesn't seem to affect the price. I haven't figured out to get to work, or buy groceries, or visit kids without it, maybe you have.
Oil's at a price were we should probably be paying $2.50 a gallon, but our Government doesn't appear to be too interested in looking into fuel prices.
They probably bailed them out because it's the only American industry, building houses for people that work in service industries.
I still use it and I still have to pay for it. I have made choices that have led to use'n less. The 30 mpg work car leaves the ton truck at home most all the time. The folks at the co-op will laugh at you but you would be suprised how many salt blocks, gallons of chemicals, and bags of grass seed you can haul home in a years time when you go past the store in the mornings in a cavalier. I no till alot more than I did a few years ago. I make a big order from Shoup every spring to get alot of the nick nak stuff I used to make a trip to town for. I don't got to as many auctions. The list goes on and on, I don't like it but the way I see it all I can do to fight it is stay home and keep as much cash in my pocket as I can.

Everybody's already did these things. People on this forum talked about parking their trucks at $2.00 a gallon. Point is a lot has been done and no effect on fuel prices and some on here have said move closer, ride a bike, it's your choice to use fuel. No it's not.
Everybody's already did these things. People on this forum talked about parking their trucks at $2.00 a gallon. Point is a lot has been done and no effect on fuel prices and some on here have said move closer, ride a bike, it's your choice to use fuel. No it's not.
You're not that far off. If you have an E-85 compatible vehicle, you can do it if you mix it right. It's been a while since I've seen it, 100% alcohol in a car, but it came up on an emerging issues broadcast some time ago. Seems like there were quite a few vehicles in the old south coming in with the check engine light on and the tech was finding 100% alcohol in the tank. As long as the fuel in the tank has at least 15% gasoline in it, doesn't matter if it's ethanol or corn squeezin's.
That's what's going to happen, so I'm preparing in advance for your belly-achin.

So I take it you are in favor of higher taxes, more government control, gun control, amnesty for illegals, killing the unborn, a weak defense, and freebies for the lazy non-workers? That's our modern nnalert party, go vote for them if that's what you want. You could join the Communist Party, same same.
Neighbor worked the oil platforms in the 1990s. The only effect the hurricanes had then is he didn't work for a week.
Had a friend who got a goverment grant back during the Jimmy Carter days to build a corn ethonal plant on his farm. We visit it one time. He was running all of his equipment and vehicles on it. Picked all of his corn with a picker on the ear and put in a corn crib. He would shell it and keep the cobs to burn for heat to operate the still. He would feed the wet mash to steers and hogs. Nothing like a bunch of drunks to gain weight. This was not a play with operation, it worked. The state regulations were unreal since it was White Lightning. Started selling excess as charcoal liter fluid. Great no left over taste on food. Was going goodthen stores required liability insurance. Cost was high it was impossible to afford. Finally sold the whole thing to someone in Canada. Leave it to a bunch of local buracrats to get in the act. ATF-IRS-Fire Marshal-Insurance companies. All wanting to jusify there exsistance. gitrib
Have you forgotten that in the 70's the buzz was that we are headed to a deep freeze? Global cooling was the crisis then. It cycles back and forth but some people need a crisis "band wagon" to jump on, so they are Gore fans.
Had a friend who got a goverment grant back during the Jimmy Carter days to build a corn ethonal plant on his farm. We visit it one time. He was running all of his equipment and vehicles on it. Picked all of his corn with a picker on the ear and put in a corn crib. He would shell it and keep the cobs to burn for heat to operate the still. He would feed the wet mash to steers and hogs. Nothing like a bunch of drunks to gain weight. This was not a play with operation, it worked. The state regulations were unreal since it was White Lightning. Started selling excess as charcoal liter fluid. Great no left over taste on food. Was going goodthen stores required liability insurance. Cost was high it was impossible to afford. Finally sold the whole thing to someone in Canada. Leave it to a bunch of local buracrats to get in the act. ATF-IRS-Fire Marshal-Insurance companies. All wanting to jusify there exsistance. gitrib
Trucker40- Now that we have your handle and IQ connected, can't you just condense all of that book you write each time you post to "ITS ALL BUSH'S FAULT"?
I have 2 birch logs to saw this am.Brought home some KD spruce to build 2 picnic tables yesterday.I have 70 bales to make today,gonna take gasoline to make the hay and more to run the truck to haul it in.After the hay is in the barn Ill build 2 tables and deliver them.I cant do any of this without gasoline.Should I give up doing this because gas cost 3.65 a gallon ?The hay will cost more and the picnic tables will cost more.I have firewood cut to 4 foot length this spring that has to be cut to stove size and more wood to cut for next years heat.Old age may stop me but the price of gas will not.Help your friends get ready for winter,forget gas prices.

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