Glenn's Vent Time


Well-known Member
The contents are beginning to spill from my head....To put it simple, I'm tired of struggling to keep the wolf away so freeloaders can live easy. We're never eligible for any discounts,etc., because we pay our bills. But there's no way I/we can afford new vehicles, a nice new(er) motorcycle, etc. We must continue to make do with others' cast-offs. Just a recent little irritating example: Thursday and Friday I was at a training meeting at work. At lunchtime my collegues go out for lunch and I stay back and have a peanut butter sandwich. People don't do without and in the end are rewarded by the government, etc. for doing so.

I hope I don't come accross as arrogant. I am VERY willing to help those who are truly needy.

Glenn F.
I hear ya' loud and clear. We're in the same boat. I believe in paying when I can so I'll always drive a ten year old car. When I sell my cars they go for $300. I make enough so my kids won't qualify for college financial aid grants. I don't own a boat, quad runner, jet ski, or snow mobile. I have a rusted out 83 pickup with 265,000 miles on it. I do okay, work 60 hours, but yet I still get to bail out the lazy ones.
AMEN, been there, done all of that myself also, and am still doing it every day....Unfortunately for me I don't know any other way or I'd be rich off the rest of ya'll by now....
Glenn, truth be known, you are probably better off than the ones that went out to eat, chances are they used credit cards. I can understand your frustration, we are all in the same boat.. CEO's get $$$ Millions to sink a company, and us taxpayers get the $$$ Billions bill to bail them out.. So-called poor folks get free health care, I pay almost 500/month for catastrophic coverage.. Things do not seem fair..
The only way you get free health care is if you have nothing or are able to lie and cheat to say you have nothing. If you have any money or a job with recognizable income, the system will squeeze it out of you. That's why medical bills are the #1 cause of bankruptcy in this country. One of my neighbor's just went thru a cancer treatment. Self employed, not enough insurance. Took everything she had. She never let anybody know of the extent of her problems until she was in remission. We have enough $$$ to pay a trillion dollars for the financial system, 1/2 a trillion for a war, but our medical system is going 3rd world, our public infrastructure is crumbling, but what the heck, the economy is fundementally sound....
My friend, you don't have a stinking clue. You are just trying to say the sky is falling so everyone feels sorry for them selves and can blame someone else. And on another point, "our medical system is going 3rd world", you are kidding right? We have the most advanced scientific medical industry in the world. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan and am seeing the results of the innovation in our down town area, it will soon be that we have over one mile of state of the art medical complexs that is soon becoming the leading edge of any spot in the country.
It ticks me off, especially. I had a kidney transplant 18 years ago. Went through 8 months of dialysis. Through the whole deal I took off two months of work, and have worked ever since.

They offered to put me on disability but I said heck no, I can still work. Sometimes looking back, I maybe should have done it.

I see lots of folks around, a lot healthier than me, on disability, and they seem to live as good as I do. Not sure how they do it.

And the illegals? I could run a red light and get thrown in jail, but the illegals seem to have a get out of jail free card. What part of "illegal" does our system not understand?

I think some more of us need to vent on your post also.

What I wonder is, what's the "flash point" when a lot of citizens say "enough" and we have some kind of Boston Tea Party? With the bailouts it's more of the same, gradually turning up the heat on us frogs in the kettle. When will the frogs decide to jump out?
If you can afford it. The EMS guys have problems here, people don't want to be loaded up. They are afraid if they go to the hospital, they will lose everything.
no i would have to say its you that doesn't have a clue. Do you think the doctors are payinmg for those buildings out of their own pockets? they are banking on insurance money to fund these not cash walk-in patients. we have these doctor-malls in kansas also and the service is so bad that when i questioned one and told them i was turning them in to insurance for fraud i literally got banned from the entire mall. tell me this one.Why is it that in rural america all we get for doctors are foreigners that have to spend so much time some where because somebody else paid for their schooling?
My friends dad got hit with a car at work 13 years ago. To the government he's permentally disabled, even though he seems to run a chainsaw OK. His wife is huge and lazy, and a few weeks ago at church she said she was glad to be on perment govt disability. Why would anyone be glad about that??? If she had a job she wouldnt be 1/2 as big. Mabey more. Or less, whatever. And they wouldnt live where they do. Their son is another land whale who has blubber hanging out of his shirt at times. Its discusting. We pick him up real early so he can get to school for his (free) second breakfast. He has a whole slew of health problems realated to his weight. Their daughter is kind of hot and thankfully dies'nt resemble her parents much.
i totally agree. me and my wife work. and i watch people who have the same salaries as we do, have tons of toys and constantly eat out and do what ever they want when they want and i cant figure out how they do it.

on days liek that, i just tweek my mind. then i realize, it dont matter. it doesnt matter who is a free loader, cause it will get them in the end.

the end for me is retirement. when i have done what i am suppose to do for me. protect me, pay my bills and win in the end. teh win is having a stable income and a place to live when i retire. i wont be waiting on the gov't check each month, wonder where the postman is. i wont haev to move, cause a landlord says get out. people can only borrow money for so long then all lenders will stop everntually.

it does suk in the short run, but the only person it hurts is you, they dont know u are mad about it and even if they did dont care.

i will be living how i want. i will be tight now, so i know when i retire, i can live work free till the day i die. and then i get to do what ever i want when ever i want. just go to your local grocery store or hardware store, u will see some of the retired people who lived like that and it caught them, though its not entirely true, cause the current retired generation wasnt taught to save like us.

just remeber the rumors, there wont be social security in 30 years, if this is true, which i doubt, people will be working till teh day they die.


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