asheville nc gas shortage


Well-known Member
To those who live in the area to whay extent is the gas shortage. We were coming down on the 4th of October. Should I even bother?
Be very careful because of now there is a gas shortage and prices are out of the sky. Call AAA Carolinas of go online for up to date info/ Henry
I saw the Asheville news tonight, and the situation is not good, most stations are out. Asheville gets fuel trucked in from Spartanburg, SC. The suppliers are only allocating 50% of the normal amount to each station.
If these idiots would quit hoarding, and the news would keep their mounths shut, things would be alright. Seemd fine until a couple of news stations starting trying to find something to to make a fuss about.
Little short piece on the network news tonight, otherwise very little coverage in establishment media here (Portland, OR).
Don"t know whether they"re deliberately ignoring it or think publicity would encourage people to hoard.
lot of places in Nashville area out or limited. Never know when or where you're gonna find gas. I think it's a contrived shortage. Buying as little gas as I can get away with.
There is the big TC pipeline that runs through here, from TX to NY, I think.. It supplies all of the east coast with gasoline, diesel, etc. It was shut down for a while, due to the hurricane. That delay, plus the panic, has made us run out of gas.. Traffic has been sparse here for about a week.. Folks are staying home until gas is flowing again.
I live in Western N. C. All you see is service stations with bags tied around every pump they have and occassionally you will see one with gas with a line of about 50 to 60 cars streaming out tying up traffic and frustrated people sitting inside. I use to buy farm gas for my 300 gallon farm tank for my old gas chore tractors and it was handy to have around for chain saws and lawn mowers. When gas hit $3.00 I stopped having it filled up and just take my 5 gallong cans to the gas stations to fill them for farm use. But I will be damned if I go running around for an hour looking for a station with gas and sitting there for and hour just to run my old gas tractors and lawn mowers. The yard can just grow up and the tractors will stay parked.
Thanks a million to all-I will keep informed over the next week. Might just have to change my fall vacation plans
All the gas and diesel for this area gets there in a pipe line that runs from Houston to the Northeast US. It also has several spurs off of it to such places as Fla.
This pipeline is owned and operated by Colonial Pipeline.

The the storm shut down 15 refineries in the Houston area so a limited supply is going into the pipeline. Add on top of this a few pumping stations along the pipeline were damaged and now you have reduced pumping pressure.
So the supply is low at best. Then we add the fact that people are hording gas by filling not only there pickup up but several gas cans in the bed.

While your gas price nation wide is going down 18 states still have higher priced gas that Calif all because of shortages and price markup because of no compitition.

Your gas (mid west area) is supplied by refineries in La so you are not affected with this shortage. La refineries are up and running at 100%.

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