OT kinda USDA direct payments?


Well-known Member
Got a question, when do USDA direct payments on corn and beans go out? This is my first go round with row crops and was just wander'n.

Thank you much.

None of us really know either - this year is different, the program was so late.

You coulda got what, 22% of the payment the month you signed up? The rest is supposed to come out in October - but with things so late & messed up this year, don't spend it before you get it. Not uncommon to get a payment like this a month or 2 late, with some small interest added.

I was thinking it should be sent out in September or October. My grandmother has always gotten it but this is my first time so I was not sure. Corns gonna be sold latter than planed and I have some tobacco ground that realy needs a good layer of lime on it before I work it down. Operate'n funds are about dry and wife don't like use'n household funds for such. Thank you for your time.

It should be in October, but - like I say, if they get tied up in things, it might come a month or 2 late with a little interest. So perhaps you can get a loan from the better half with payment back to the household fund when the check comes. :)

Each office needs to do their own paperwork, and some are alot quicker at it than others.....

I hear ya on the each office deal. Hear alot the folks round here fuss'n bout our office. Folks who have farms in two counties always get stuff done at the office next county over alot faster than here.

If you go to the website where you can look up what every one gets from USDA, the guy who gets the biggest check in the state has bout 200 acres up the road from my house and does not even report it here in my county. Don't know if the office has anything to do with it or not. Maybe when he's get'n half mil already he don't have time to come here to fill out the paper work?

They have always been good to me so I am not going to say anything bad bout'm now. I will say that while I realy liked the older staff, the new faces along with gett'n rid of the tobacco program has made our local office seem more legit.

Thanks again.


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