
Well-known Member
Is a digital camera worth fixing?

I have a 8 year(?) old Cannon A300, went to take pictures yesterday and the darn thing has a black screen and takes black pictures. It sounds like it is taking the pictures but all is black.

Anyone got a clue as to what is wrong with it?

It has been beat around a lot in the truck, pockets, and tractors.

Probably can get an equivalent camera for about what the repair cost would be. Many today are better than they were just a few years back. Before you throw it out, however, make sure batteries are good, battery contacts in camera are clean and bright, etc. Sometimes something simple can be the fix.
make sure the shutter is opening if that is all I would say get it fixed as long as it took good pics. otherwise just buy a new one they are always makeing them take better quality pics.
I have a Nikon digital that the flash quit on it. I called the Nikon repair and they wanted $95 dollars just to look at it. I said "No thanks" as that cost and the repair cost would be more than the camera is worth. Your situation would no doubt be the same.
sometimes buying a new up to date camera with more features is better than fixing up the old one, ps. buy a slender one because you already said you carry it in your tractor truck and pocket, bulky needs a strap around your neck to carry, my 2 cents :~)

The "memory" wafer battery has gone dead. You'll have to get your manual out to find out where it is hidden. Usually in behind the main battery pack.

Replace that little battery, then go into the menu and reinitialize the camera back to "factory settings" to get it to light up again.

Without the power of that little tiny battery, it doesn't know it is a camera and what it's function is. It has lost it's "BIOS". :>)

Should be.

At any rate, the key is in "reinitialzating" the gizmo back to the factory settings.

The option is on one of the menus somewhere. Can't remember if it is on the display menu or the operation menu.

IaGary, if its not the battery that Allan metion. My wifes camera is Cannon don't know which model offhand.When it quit working like yours, She called Cannon, & Cannon had her to send the camera in for repair free of charge, & it didn't take long to get it back & it works fine. Dave F.

Almost every component of a new camera will be drastically improved over a digital that old.

Battery life, image quality, CCD, speed, etc...

I have a high-end digital that is only 2 years old and the ones out now are significantly improved compared to one of that age.

I'll re-use bolts, nuts, baling wire, etc, out at the farm with the best of them, but IMHO, repair money towards a piece of digital gear that old is just throwing money away.

I always take out the repair service on them it payed off on my last DVD camera. It went out about a month short of the repair service and I got a brand new up to date model with a 4 year I don't care what happened to it repair service for just about the cost of the old camera. It has more in it and can do more and cost less than the earlier model. things just keep getting better in this new electronic field.
Gary, I believe Allan is correct look for that battery if you cant find it take the camera to a real camera shop and they can help you. I have found them very knowlegeable to make repairs usually for free. Regards John
I have become so cheap in the past few of years
(the rest of the family goes threw money so quick someone has to be frugal) I sometimes use E-bay as a standard #220298327766 there's one on there working
$20 plus $6 shipping so I guess if it didn't have any sentimental value I wouldn't put say more than $25-$30 into it. my .02

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